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Pet Peeves

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Some things that piss my off until no end.


  • People who leave the [xG] clan, but stay around and talk shit, complain, and other stuff
  • People in [xG] who are under 12
  • People in [xG]

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Loving these pet peeves, especially the xG ones. Btw @@Vegalyp, fun fact, silence is a jew lel.


1. Fact that xG's jailbreak (cs:s) went from #1 to like #69 because of no upgrades on plugins or anything.

2. xG's dedication going down because many people are bored (Also lowering donation amount)


Wutt did I just name pet peeves about xG.. Not like me.

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1. People who can call others "retarded" just because they disagree and get proven wrong, and can easily be diagnosed as a retard themselves by a real professional.


2. People who end their sentences with GG, No Re, or both.


3. People who become less and less active the higher they get promoted in divisions that actually matter.

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