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Scuba Cat

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Member Name: Duplolas


In-Game Name: Scuba Cat


Steam ID: Dont Think It Matters In This Case


Rules Broken: Just noticed complete rage in shoutbox. Thought maybe something should be done.


Further Information: [04:07 PM] Loki : I wanna see that spray now.

[04:06 PM] Loki : make the post faggot, make it

[04:02 PM] ShdowSpy : Like i said, just make the post

[04:00 PM] ScubaCat : alright keep sucking on the cock little baby. ive literally had that spray up for so long and so many admins have seen it and not cared. you just get the biggest little admin boner from banning for the stupidest shit. have fun sucking on the cock fag

[04:00 PM] ShdowSpy : Should have learned your lesson

[03:59 PM] ShdowSpy : Well you can keep disrespecting, when you go onto the admin abuse section, it should be above all the other posts and sticky posts,go ahead and make it, even forest didn't approve of it, you've been banned plenty of times for inappropriate sprays

[03:59 PM] DeathGod : lol

[03:54 PM] ScubaCat : "10. All sprays and avatars must be PG- 13 and cannot have nudity in them." no nudity, and most certainly pg 13. so how about you pull the stick out your ass and quit abusing ay?

[03:53 PM] ScubaCat : shows some real admin skills there

[03:52 PM] ScubaCat : how is that spray innapropriate you ignorant fuck? do you see any nudity in there? i dont see nipples, i dont see anything. and good job with the warnings there mate, i like how i just join and im playing and nothing is going on and just randomly im banned

[03:51 PM] ShdowSpy : You have an inappropriate spray every time you join, so you're lucky it was a 5 minute ban

[03:46 PM] ScubaCat : will someone tell me how to fucking post a thread? i need to put up yet another fucking abuse report on shadowspy


Just think a day ban from the forums should be good. I mean ya. Its shoutbox, but I got on the forums and its the first thing I saw. Just kinda thought "so this is the first thing a person would see when applying for xG".


Gotcho Back Shadowspy

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Granted, I know neither of the parties involved. However, it is the first thing I saw as well and it would deter me from joining xG if I had not already. Also, ScubaCat should also have made a ban protest or report admin abuse, instead of blasting it for everyone to see. Scuba also didn't really seem to respect Shadowspy at all and was abusive in his speech.





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-1 That's fucking retarded, a ban request because he raged? big deal.

If the Admin abuse or that entire sub forum wasn't "broken" or for some reason non-members can't even post or make threads on the abuse sub-forum I'm sure he wouldn't have raged and would've simply made a thread for shadowspy.


Also, what he did it's pretty much the same shit that goes down and all the threads that end up on flame threads and retarded discussions, and we all know you've been part of those Duplolas 'cus you've done a shitload of retarded threads that end up on raging and shitposting.


Bottom line, I find it retarded that this dude that just left the clan come here and makes a Ban Request on some nonsense on the shoutbox that doesn't even involve him.

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Bottom line, I find it retarded that this dude that just left the clan come here and makes a Ban Request on some nonsense on the shoutbox that doesn't even involve him.

Who are you?

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Bottom line, I find it retarded that this dude that just left the clan come here and makes a Ban Request on some nonsense on the shoutbox that doesn't even involve him.


Well shit man. I didnt know because I left the clan that my opinions didnt matter. But wait. Your not in the clan either. So your opinion doesnt matter. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKING SHIT. MIND FUCKING BLOWN UP IN THIS THREAD. HOLY JESUS MOTHER OF SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT.

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Alright, bottom line here is that Scuba Cat has had "inappropriate" sprays in the past. ShadowSpy, an admin, found his spray to be inappropriate/offensive. If a Mod/Admin wants you to change your spray, you must change your spray. There are no exceptions if you are asked by a staff member.


However; be that as it may, Scuba Cat should have been warned before leading to a 5 minute ban. The second time Scuba rejoined, he disrespected ShadowSpy and his spray Still had not been changed, leading to another 5 minute ban.


Coming onto our forums and blatantly disrespecting in an aggressive behaviour in shoutbox is uncalled for. If you two have a problem with each other, solve it in a private chat. We don't want another "Duplolas vs Aubri" situation going on forums (No offense Duplo).


I want to hear what @@ScubaCat has to say on the matter, and I want him to know that this behaviour will no longer be tolerated.


Also, @@shadowspy I understand he has a past of inappropriate sprays, but this does not mean you may by-pass the proper procedure for dealing with this sort of thing. It will Always be in the following order:


Warning to change spray, giving atleast one round for it to be changed > Gag (Only if arguing) > Kick > Ban for 5


If they have the same spray and continue to rejoin without changing it, lengthen the ban by 5 minutes each time until the spray is changed.



- Dat guy, Forest

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is this really raising this big of a fucking stink? you guys are a bunch of fucking queers im not dealing with this shit. ban me idgaf.


+1 for banning from forums for a day.


i cant help it shadowspy enjoys the cock and loves getting off on banning me for stupid shit.

heres the photo you fucking plebeians.



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is this really raising this big of a fucking stink? you guys are a bunch of fucking queers im not dealing with this shit. ban me idgaf.


for banning from forums for a day.


i cant help it shadowspy enjoys the cock and loves getting off on banning me for stupid shit.

heres the photo you fucking plebeians.







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Was this the guy with the swastika spray when i was playing? or am i wrong.. Cause if so, he was warned several times and kicked several times before ban about his spray. He just kept arguing it was a sign for freedom? but anyways he's banned for blatant disrespect.


If a Mod/Admin wants you to change your spray, you must change your spray. There are no exceptions if you are asked by a staff member.

The only time an admin should ask you to change your spray is when they or others believe it's an inappropiate spray.


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All in all,


ScubaCat, calm down on the hate. Seriously. It's over a spray. You're blowing the top off way out of proportion, and it's unnecessary.


ShadowSpy, please follow the procedure when dealing with problems such as this.


EDIT: Duckii beat me to closing it by a minute ;/

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