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Peppermint - Counter-Strike: Source

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Changing my vote.




Even though he claims to have changed, he really hasn't. He displayed his old colorful behavior today while we played a game. He got upset and began insulting people for absolutely no reason at all (then began spamming channels). Clearly if he's continuing to act that way he should NOT be unbanned.

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Im sorry but you guys don't realize is that this is just a ct ban so honestly either way you have to put up with me...But im really sorry for everything that happened and I know you guys have your own opinions about all the shit ive done. I just wish that you guys can look past what ive done. I can promise you that I really am trying to be a better person and I know it may not be noticeable yet but people have told me. But honestly...even I shouldn't have to go through this much just to get un ct banned. You guys will still seem me in there as a t so mind as well let me have fun as a ct. And honestly if I do get banned again(if I get unbanned) I would be upset with myself and probably stop playing xG all together. I just wanted to see if anyone wanted me back(as a friend and ct)


Your Truly,

Dirty Dan/Peppermint

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Also why are you using me as an example in your OP? Just because I did something wrong doesn't mean it's right. You're using a horrible comparison and maybe you actually look into the things I did to get myself banned, and why I was unbanned.

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Why did you re-open a thread that forest already closed?

Said it was allowed to be re-opened if there was a reason.

I said that it could be re-opened if a valid reason was presented, not for more vouches. @@DarkWolf6052 you were there during the time this whole ordeal happened. You know just as well as I do that the majority of the Staff Members (as well as yourself and a couple of the Co's) were discussing whether or not Peppermint was to be Server banned at that very time because he had failed to uphold his end of the bargain which was not to slip up at all as a CT [this included general rule breaking]. Needless to say, we showed leniency once again and only kept him permanently CT banned instead of Server banned.


When I said a valid reason, I meant a reason as to why this punishment of only being CT banned [when he could have been Server banned] is not justifiable and he should be given yet another chance. So far, all I'm hearing is that he's active. Well that's great and all, but what I want to know is that are you [anyone in general] just +1'ing because you are friends?


If he is to be considered for an unban, I want to see the most legitimate and reasonable vouches. If I see people just saying "he's cool" or "he's changed" or "he's active" I will completely disregard them and may end up closing this once more. Reasons must be provided, detailed ones at that. Persuade myself as to why he should be unbanned when he was given further leniency by not being Server banned, and instead being CT banned.


Refer to my post Here in regards to the prior ban history of the player in question.

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I can give you the most valid reason of all. BECAUSE IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!!! Like seriously..you guys act like I wanted to fuck up my last chance. Why would I want to do that? The whole thing was just a misunderstanding. It was just a simple on go order but I didn't hear him say go so i killed 2 of them and then found out I derped. I just feel like I should been given another chance and actually be banned for a valid reason. Like purposely freekilling, not accidentlly killing acouple t's. It was honestly a huge mistake. Its not like I do what a lot of people do and go in the server with the intention of mass freekilling and leaving.

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Honestly, i think if he keeps making ban protests it should just be changed to a server ban like it was supposed to @@Forest


I dont have a personal problem with you but you had way too many chances, accident or not, when you knew you had the chance of being banned if you fucked up you should have been more careful

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Accidental or not, your verdict was that you were to be Server banned, not CT banned. You were given leniency by only being CT banned.


The whole idea of this was that you were allowed to be on CT, but were given the slightest amount of leniency if it had anything to do with rules being broken. Meaning, if you decided that you wanted to be CT, you were potentially risking being Server banned for breaking any sort of rules as a CT. Instead of being Server banned, again, you were CT banned.


Before posting anything after this Peppermint, I want you to ask yourself this: "Are Accidents planned?"

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When playing on our servers, you always tend to show your horrendous behavior, and you're only on T, which is unimaginable how someone on T can be that much of a nuisance.


You have said that you had changed, but I see no improvement. Shadow has pretty much set the standards for "changing." Once you meet those standards, I'll reconsider my decision.

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Honestly I don't even know. But I'm learning to hate just playing as a T all the time and no one plays on the other servers as much so just do this clan a favor and server ban me

@@Forest lol

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I'll be leaving this thread open for another day for those who want to give their input regarding Peppermint's unban seeing as there are members who wish to give their input still.


However, I would not get my hopes up as there would have to be an awful lot to persuade me into unbanning Peppermint when his ban was justified both as being given further leniency, as well as being given the opportunity to still actively play on our Servers. The trees have spoken.

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I think he just made it pretty clear he wants to be banned if this thread doesn't go his way. He requested a server ban, im sure we can find it in our hearts to give it to him.

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