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He freenaded 4 T's on a 1v100 day and nothing was done about it. The mods said it wasn't a big deal because "It didn't kill anyone". Which is bullshit, that's like saying you can freeshoot anyone down to 10 HP but it's fine because it didn't kill them.


[MEDIA=imgur]NMMrl8R[/MEDIA] -Me reporting it to the admins on the next map (nothing was done the previous map.round)


[MEDIA=imgur]0cvV304[/MEDIA] - One of our xG mods stating it was "Only a freenade"


[MEDIA=imgur]sSN25eU[/MEDIA] -Once again...


[MEDIA=imgur]9fy06uJ[/MEDIA] -Console screenshot of the freenade


[MEDIA=imgur]7uHoajz[/MEDIA] -Console screenshot of conversation


It really bothers me that some of our mods think something like this is a matter that doesn't need to be dealt with, I believe that with 2 mods on and a DM that this shouldn't have been an issue that needed to be brought to forums, but it is.



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Someone please move this to Ban Request....


I would say that an ACCIDENTAL freenade that hits about 5 people should be a slay and him being moved or moving himself to T as a sufficient punishment...


However... if he INTENTIONALLY cooked the grenade so he could run into the Ts and dmg them all with it... he should get at least a day CT ban...


furthermore... I am uncertain whether or not he is allowed to warden... he sounds just like puppy if not worse... can we decide that now as well? Instead of some people saying he can and some saying he can't.

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@@Matsi His voice isnt worse or even as bad as puppy luv, and he acts mature, unlike most people his age who screech in their mic.

@@Chrono Peppermint did alot of other stuff that influenced the perm for that, not just the mass freenade

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Honestly its not that big of a deal normally.


Although the console shows he was knifed right before he freenaded those T's, so I'd assume you were actually playing 1v100. Going into there with a cooked grenade isnt right, he new exactly what would happen.


Because of the failed premeditated murder, i suggest a 1 week ct ban.


@@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo


-Moved to ban request

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