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So is CS:S div dead or what

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maybe we need some fucking store? look at HG they are doing fine with one map because they at least have a fucking store to use points on. #CS:S is dieing

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maybe we need some fucking store? look at HG they are doing fine with one map because they at least have a fucking store to use points on. #CS:S is dieing

Though I do agree with you, HG is several times the size of xG. Srsly tho m8, we need some kind of store and quick, or the CS:S div will die, and very soon. This weekend is easily one of the least populated I've seen the Jailbreak server ever, which is the only server that is really keeping CS:S alive at all.

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Though I do agree with you, HG is several times the size of xG. Srsly tho m8, we need some kind of store and quick, or the CS:S div will die, and very soon. This weekend is easily one of the least populated I've seen the Jailbreak server ever, which is the only server that is really keeping CS:S alive at all.

It's not just a "store" that keeps them populated. There are many other factors as staff quality and the gang/perk system they have.

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we need DM's and a Div leader that does things to improve the server and not just maintain it.

it's hard to improve the server as a DLeader unless you have 1337 skillz with programming stuffz like plugins.

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the lets "borrow" the idea and make our own little thing from it?

We aren't SnG, WD, or any other Clan/Community who "borrows" ideas from other prospering groups, at least that's the impression I'm under. Original material is the best way to get active Members/Players who are dedicated to our Servers. However, in order to do that we need the community as a whole to provide ideas or suggestions as well as put some of these suggestions to action. Unfortunately, we lack people to take initiative to try new things. Sure, it's easy to mention something or throw out an idea, but if no one will even give it a try or will consider it, how will it even be played out? Things that may include adding new content to the Servers, and these don't have to be fancy plugins or codes and shit like that. You'd be surprised at how many people will stay for a fun activity, but imagination is lacking badly and all I see are boring and repetitive routines being played over and over again.


I won't say I haven't tried (ideas for new days, games, different outlook on wardening, events for the community to enjoy) but there's only so much I can do. This all mostly pertains to the (CS:S) Jailbreak aspect of our Servers, which I'm sad to say is growing weaker. Unless there is a change (not likely to happen, honestly), the server will eventually die out. Far too many of you are relying heavily on plugins (hub, for example), and because of that you are forcing yourselves to have fun, which won't change anything and will only give the Server a stale sense of something that isn't there. Instead of focusing on "material" things for the Server, try looking at it in a different aspect. I implore you. //end rant


- Dat guy, Forest

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We aren't SnG, WD, or any other Clan/Community who "borrows" ideas from other prospering groups, at least that's the impression I'm under. Original material is the best way to get active Members/Players who are dedicated to our Servers. However, in order to do that we need the community as a whole to provide ideas or suggestions as well as put some of these suggestions to action. Unfortunately, we lack people to take initiative to try new things. Sure, it's easy to mention something or throw out an idea, but if no one will even give it a try or will consider it, how will it even be played out? Things that may include adding new content to the Servers, and these don't have to be fancy plugins or codes and shit like that. You'd be surprised at how many people will stay for a fun activity, but imagination is lacking badly and all I see are boring and repetitive routines being played over and over again.


I won't say I haven't tried (ideas for new days, games, different outlook on wardening, events for the community to enjoy) but there's only so much I can do. This all mostly pertains to the (CS:S) Jailbreak aspect of our Servers, which I'm sad to say is growing weaker. Unless there is a change (not likely to happen, honestly), the server will eventually die out. Far too many of you are relying heavily on plugins (hub, for example), and because of that you are forcing yourselves to have fun, which won't change anything and will only give the Server a stale sense of something that isn't there. Instead of focusing on "material" things for the Server, try looking at it in a different aspect. I implore you. //end rant


- Dat guy, Forest

Exactly. Some of you guys want me to code something to save a dying game. That is complete nonsense. If Valve wanted the game to thrive they would update new stuff, and it seems that they rather have CS:GO in the frontline then a 10 year old game. Can you really blame them?

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Exactly. Some of you guys want me to code something to save a dying game. That is complete nonsense. If Valve wanted the game to thrive they would update new stuff, and it seems that they rather have CS:GO in the frontline then a 10 year old game. Can you really blame them?


Actually we want it for all games, including CS:GO and TF2, but ok.

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Exactly. Some of you guys want me to code something to save a dying game. That is complete nonsense. If Valve wanted the game to thrive they would update new stuff, and it seems that they rather have CS:GO in the frontline then a 10 year old game. Can you really blame them?


The problem is valve has a new game released, the community here wants css to keep thriving. Gyazo - b92e1550f6288a39c013a81ed6f1b61f.png There's about a 10K~ differential in players between GO and Source, however im getting the feeling here that a majority of our community still resides in css which would make it more beneficial to continually update css while phasing in csgo. I don't know our CSGO stats because theyre not on GameTracker but the css servers (jailbreak) averages 11 players a day over the last month (which isnt bad due to schooling and clan inactivity) Gyazo - 82184173a439c4b6d95e8b5adb32a64a.png


The point here being, you may keep wanting to claim css is "dead" but there is still still a fairly active population of the clan who plays it daily

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Actually we want it for all games, including CS:GO and TF2, but ok.

I meant CS:S independent features that would be incorporated into Hub.

Gyazo - 82184173a439c4b6d95e8b5adb32a64a.png[/url]


The point here being, you may keep wanting to claim CS:S is "dead" but there is still still a fairly active population of the clan who plays it daily

Comparable to the rest of the divisions and the amount of money put into CS:S, it's dead. We put in less money for TF2 and get more players per dollar spent, while in CS:S, we get far less players for the amount of money put into it. I can downsize it to TF2's financial pool (less servers, lower the non-competitive servers FPS), but even then, it would be significantly less than TF2's ratio.

Plus I'm not even sure diving into CS:GO is a good idea at this time. CS:GO is much more competitive and the clan simply does not orient itself around that sorta scene. Mini-games and such are more preferred, so I'm not sure diving resources into a division that would requires exorbitant amounts of time and money to fit that preference. This is why I feel TF2 is going so well, since querky gamemodes are the preference and outshine the competitive scene. That's why it's a far better fit for the community and why it's doing extremely well.

It's simply not feasible at this time to support something where the general population of the game prefers the competitive scene, whereas this community seems to prefer the wacky, non-standard gamemodes that only third-party mods offer. I simply cannot no-life and code everything like that when I have the website to maintain (consider it the highest populated server we have, 50 db queries a second!), a large amount of the divisions, as well as the back-end and security to the website/servers.

Also, for the record, most of the popular CS:S servers people cite are usually rotation and whatnot, that have been around for 5+ years. Most of the players on them have been there for a long time, and have zero interest in moving to a new server. That's how most of CS:S players are. Seriously, when was the last time you joined a random server on CS:S.

Unless the community changes to a more competitive spirit, I doubt there is anything that can be done with the CS:S division. Hub won't save it, and TF2 is proof of that.

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I would also argue that there is a large shift between the two games (TF2 and CS:S) due to TF2 being free to play. It may not be the biggest reason we have a largely populated server, but I'm sure it does help some that you can just download it and start playing right away with money as no issue. But yeah, I have to agree that our community leans more on the group activities side than it does on the competitive side. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but it definitely means a harder time keeping everyone happy since these group activities aren't necessarily the "norm" for CS:S (IE, Jailbreak) and require special attention.

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