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Scrim server rules/explantions

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@@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo @noobswhodontknowhowtoscrim

I have notice that new people are coming to the scrim server and don't what the fuck they are doing so if you are one of those people then read this thread.

this is a very basic guide for people who basically haven't scrimmed before and want to scrim but are afraid they won't know what the fuck they are doing.

- first come, first served.

- scrim matches are played as a 5v5

- first team to 16 round wins, win the match

- when the round wins total to 15 the first half has ended and you will need to manually to switch teams to carry on the rest of the match

- also someone will need to keep track of the score.

- if you are late lets say be the 11th person to join the server you can sit in spec and act as a sub just in case someone's internet cuts out or if they don't feel like playing anymore.

- no ghosting throught steam or through Teamspeak.

process of choosing teams and the map

  • members of each team will be knifing their teammates until there is only one person left on each team
  • on the knife round you may not knife the other team or shoot anyone
  • if you died in the knife round you will need to switch to spec
  • once it has come down to the last 1 for each team one must die to restart the round so each person has 100hp
  • it will be a 1v1 knife round for either first pick of player or for the map and side that they will play on.
  • the loser will either get second pick or first pick depending on what the winner wants

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The question is how does one need to manually need?


- when the round wins total to 15 the first half has ended and you will need to manually need to switch teams to carry on the rest of the match

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Ill show you guys how to really scrim


- first come, last served.

- scrim matches are played as a 32v32

- first team to 1 round wins, win the match

- when the round wins total to ½ the first half has ended and you will need to manually to switch teams to carry on the rest of the match

- also no one will need to keep track of the score.

- if you are late lets say be the 65th person to join the server you can sit in spec and act as a ghoster just in case someone needs to know where the other team is.

- ghosting is allowed and encouraged.

process of choosing teams and the map

  • members of each team will be shooting their enemies until there is only 2 people left on each team
  • on the shoot round you may not knife anyone
  • if you died in the shoot round you will need to reconnect and use auto-assign.
  • once it has come down to the last 2 for each team one must die to restart the round so each person has 100hp
  • it will be a 2v2 mp5 round for either first pick of ghoster or for the map and side that they will play on.
  • the loser will either get permanently sourcebanned or will always have 1 hp during the match

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I think you forgot the most important rule of all:

If a good scrim player 'A' is captain, and the other captain 'B' is new, captain 'A' will stack the teams with only really good scrim players on his side, thus insuring that it will be a one-sided game, and not at all fun.

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