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Counter-Strike: Source

In-Game Name:

Duckii Jr

Steam ID:




Previously in xG:


Active on Teamspeak:




Further Information:

7:33 PM - ShadowSpy: I have everything else

7:36 PM - DuckMau5: That if people have played with me or seen me around the past month or so then they know I am active and I have caused no harm to anyone. Also that I'm a much stronger person now then I was in the past and way way happier, so I won't be causing problems. I'm living in the present, not the past. I hope they can give me a chance to see that I'm back to who I used to be when I first came to xG. That happy guy that everyone loved to have around and play with. :)

7:37 PM - DuckMau5: The real me is back at last


Meanwhile, I +1, he's active, he's been mature, he hasnt broken any rules.



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You're all entitled to hold your own opinions and whatnot but I suggest you really think about your decision. Some of you may be completely against a +1 for various reasons but consider that fact that duckiijr has stuck around for a long time even after being denied for ban protests etc for a long time. That is way more than most people who just put up a protest, get denied, and are never seen again. Imo that shows maturity, patience and hope.





Edit: I really dont understand why auto correct forces things upon me, it makes me uncomfortable. Admins halp.

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You're all entitled to hold your own opinions and whatnot but I suggest you really think about your decision. Some of you may be completely against a +1 for various reasons but consider that fact that ducking has stuck around for a long time even after being denied for ban protests etc for a long time. That is way more than most people who just put up a protest, get denied, and are never seen again. Imo that shows maturity, patience and hope.




Any way you can edit the title to say his name? There used to be an option but it's not there now

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+1 I've never had a problem with him ever. He's active (7/10) and much more mature than half of you bastards (8/10)


I definitely have enjoyed playing with him and I believe he'd be a good addition to xG


p.s. @@WhyJewMad dat avatar doe

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You know when i first started in xG, Duckii Jr was one of the members i met, He was active, friendly and kind. Well as for now that has still continued, He is active on the servers, and hasn't caused any problems. As Hiding said the fact that he has still stuck around and plays on the xG servers even after countless denied ban protests shows that he is mature/patient



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He's matured a lot since he left. I think he should be allowed back in, he's mature, active, and fun to play with!



P.S: Following up, if he makes it into xG, I think he should also be un-banned from forums so he can actually do something here!

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-1 dont want to rain on the feels parade, but let's look at a little history lesson here.


Reasons why he had his membership revoked were because of his consistent suicide threats, and it also led to a permanent forum ban.


After each time he made the threats (note he was not banned for all of them, but only for the last one he made.) he would return a while later and say something along the lines of exactly what is in that OP from shadowspy, "i live in the present, none of that shit no more..." You get the idea.


Now, history lesson over, let's move on with a little lesson not on his ban reason etc. but on duckii jr himself.


This will also address his reason for "sticking around" as you put it.


Duckii Jr. obsesses over different things in his brain, let's start with his name, Duckii Jr. this is infact referring to Duckii, the former Co-Leader, that he had an infatuation about, he would write poems about her, and send her very awkward and creepy messages, so much so, that even about a year and a half since she left xG (prior to the GMOD DarkRP with charrax/sham when she came back as co-leader by silence's request) she literally said in a message to him after he sent her another poem or some shit, "Stop messaging me, leave me alone you are creeping me out." and blocked him. He has said himself he feels as though "Bryce [might have been rosser, not sure] and others were influencing her, and she is not her self." numerous times after she blocked him.


He has yet to change his name from something to do with ducks (you know, back to something like siberian [his name before duckii jr]) because he believes that she is being pushed away from him, by others.



I would also like to let you know, that he did not "stick around" after about 2 months, he gave up on his escapade to be un-banned from forums, and went on elsewhere. he played other games, other servers, and nobody heard from him for a while. he would come back, make a new forum account trying to post where he clearly was told he was not allowed, and would get banned, then leave again. coming back even more, rinse repeat.


After a couple attempts, one of the other communities he went to was one called Quantum Impulse Gaming, [QIG] and he quickly befriended a lot of the staff there as he usually does with people, basically kissing ass to an extreme degree, and that is putting it lightly. he quickly made an admin application for their CS:S servers at the time, and was accepted. (note: they prune their forums quite frequently for a gaming community, so you cant even see his application anymore [you might if you did some really big digging through archives etc. but I am too lazy ATM to do it, maybe a little later.]) and then went inactive however, never left. he has even continued posting on their forums, talking about their perp servers etc, on january 13th of this year with a recent update they made to them. even so much to the point that you could look at his recent steam names, and see that he wore xG tags he was not supposed to be wearing when he came from their servers to our jb again one day. ( 6bdde76da2d077fa9724418094391870.png )


More can be added, but I am frankly very tired, have been trying to do a lot of homework today. I'll probably add the "more" in as some of you (you know exactly who) will pick apart this post, and make questions/statements about what I have said.


Also, here is a link to his forum profile on QIG View Profile: Duckii Jr. - QIG Forums for those that were wondering.

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I would also like to note: it appears he is up to his same old same old again, where he sends the post to all his friends on steam (probably) asking for a +1 or to put what they "think"


Lets face it, stickz rarely posts on the forums, and especially not something for css, he was linked it. [bleed: TS]


[source: Bleed reminded me stickz made a post on the thread]

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+1 hes sounds a lot better then when he was banned. Which i believe to be April First of 2013. He was banned perm. So About his ban. It was over a suicide threat way back in February, which was a private conversation between he and I, it had nothing to do with any of you just he and I. I may have said something a while after idk as it was 8 months or so ago.

And is it wrong to send a link to your friends to ask them to look at it and give their input? (Rhetorical)

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