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The Future Of Cs:s

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It might be the fact that staff are no longer picked on the basis of how they act in the server, knowledge of the rules, or how helpful they are, but of how active they are. I won't name names, I just would not have promoted many people over the past few months.

jubens hellafun forestfire genesis(pretty much) aaron teemo penguin lee bleed ahri

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Also, I think some people are misunderstanding what I'm saying about hub and such. Sure, it might help bring back a few players who've been asking for it, but the main thing is getting new players to stay and not leave. I've seen bunches of people join the server, try !store and !shop and everything and then get confused and leave. I can't imagine it would take terribly long to get at least a basic hub up and working on at least one CSS server that's actually populated. I mean, its on sliderace and it seems to work fine to me, though I wouldn't know how close it really is.

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For one, the MOTD needs to not be one of @Forest 's posts () It would have to be simple enough for people to actually read, yet still have fair rules.

Anything that is not in the MOTD is considered illegal unless an Admin says otherwise.


1. Do not advertise on our servers.

2. No cheating on our servers (this includes wall-hacking, aimbot, etc).

3. Do not impersonate other members or admins.

4. All sprays and avatars must be PG- 13 and cannot have nudity in them.

5. No using voice changers in-game.

6. You must have enough legible characters in your name so our staff is able to target you (minimum of 3 typeable consecutive characters)

7. Do not bring up or make remarks to political stances, religions, leaders, nations or touchy subjects.

8. No racism or sexism in an insulting manner is allowed.

9. Lastly, and most importantly, admins have final say about decisions in-game, do not pester or bother them.

For Further Information Regarding Special Days, Map Games and more Indepth Rules, follow the link provided: Updated MOTD | Xeno Gamers



Counter-Terrorist Rules and Regulations:


- Do not Freekill

- Do not break vents unless Last CT is in effect

- Do not Camp Armory

- Do not Camp Vents

- Do not Bait the Terrorists

- Do not Gunplant the Terrorists

- Any Rebels at any point are considered Kill-On-Sight unless Pardoned by the Warden




Terrorist Rules and Regulations:


- Do not Camp Armory

- Do not Camp Vents

- Do not Camp during 'Last CT'



Warden - First Counter-Terrorist to call Warden verbally over their mic is the Warden. Terrorists may not be Warden at Any point.

Objectives as Warden:


- Give orders to eliminate all but one of the Terrorists through MoTD Games or Map Games

- Attempt to keep your CT casualties to a minimum

- Follow Rules and Regulations




Objectives as Guards (Any Counter-Terrorist who is not Warden):


- Follow each and every command given by the Warden

- Maintain order and stifle Terrorist Rebellions

- Eliminate any Terrorists who are not following the Warden's orders.

- Follow Rules and Regulations




Objectives as Last CT (Applies to Counter-Terrorists):


- Eliminate all Terrorists until one is remaining (With the exception of certain Special Days, IE. Warday, CT Ninja Day)




Objectives as Prisoners:


- Follow the Warden's orders at any point, or be deemed a Rebel

- Outlive your fellow Prisoners so you may achieve your 'Last Request'




Alternative Objectives as Prisoners:


- Arm yourself whenever possible and eliminate CTs

- Lead a Rebellion by working together with other Rebels


© Property of Xeno Gamers, Original Author(s): "Rhododendron", "Forest".

Fug you, its shorter and to the point, much unlike the actual MoTD Rules :coffee:

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thanks for the tag. @Hidingmaster and the mention as the OG DL of CSGO and also the oldest member in this conversation besides shadowspy.


option 1 seems like the best bet. as far as staff is considered, I can safely agree with bleed that trusting admins+ and doing a straight transfer there would be fine, however mods are a bit iffy, we would probably as the OG CSGO staff of bleed penguin and I weed out some of the mods that probably wouldnt work and really get it to work. also in the case of developing for csgo, bleed is a good guy and after he learned how to work with the servers (a very painstaking process of letting him know he fucked up and has to fix it then realizing it was still broken later that night and ninja fixing major issues until he learned) he got able to handle and he can focus mostly on the developing (i am offering to pay him in pizza right here) and I can get back to actually caring about a server since it wouldnt be just me populating it.

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Option #1 is the best and most realistic choice in my opinion. As Bleed/Hiding already stated Hub is not gonna bring everyone back, many people have already lost interest in CS:S and have switched to other games. And Lithium I have also noticed people joining the server typing !store and other commands related, but personally speaking those times where it happened are actually rare. We should not waste time/resources on a division that is basically dead. A division that is now only populated by members and will rarely receive new players that stick around. I honestly think that it is time to put Old Yeller out of his misery. :( . Adding a Hub might attract new players but lets be realistic, it will not last long. Why?


More and more people are playing CS:GO. According to the steam charts, CS:GO is the 2nd most played game (With TF2 being 3rd ;D). Meanwhile Counter-Strike: Source receives approximately 9 times less players then CS:GO. (CS:GO received a peak players of 163K and CS:S had a peak of 17K) Now unless I'm mentally retarded this can potentially give us higher chances of getting new players and populating servers. This is a link to the charts from Steam themselves Steam: Game and Player Statistics . Not to mention the fact that I've been around some other Jailbreak servers who do have a store system and they are basically empty except for a few. CS:S servers for the most part are dead. Its alive and kicking but barely. And Hub? Like honestly we've been promised it for 1 year now,.


But lets say we do turn over a new leaf for the CS:S server it'll only stay populated for a year or two at most (If xG lasts that long). And that'd be even if we do get the Jailbreak server populated again. This would require a major overhaul of the entire division which personally I see isn't worth the gamble in the long term. Meanwhile according to ThePenguin who has constantly rubbed it in that there is Hub on CS:GO. There is already a lot of work being done on it. And it just needs a push to get it going again.


To me this seems like a No-Brainer, Lets start fresh...


Opinions? @DrLee @Hidingmaster @Lithium @Legend

*Too bad that my computer can't run CS:GO that well*

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Alright, as someone that goes on CS:GO JB once a month or so (when someone on TS decides to try popping it), here are some more issues:

  • CSGO JB is rarely populated, I'd say it's less populated than CSS JB or MG.
  • The server variety on is lacking.

Here are my suggestions for what should happen if you CS:S div guys were to migrate to CS:GO:

  1. Create a Minigame and Surf server, while preserving the Jailbreak server, this would help increase population across all servers, as Surf is still pretty popular in Source games.
  2. Create a DM server. These servers (especially low-ping ones located in the US) are pretty popular, as they allow people to grind stat-traks (if you're that kind of person) or to practice with different weapons. However, other servers do it in a pretty bad way, from what I've seen, the server runs a plugin that spawns you with free guns, but the menu is clunky and sometimes doesn't have guns like the FAMAS and Galil available. I personally suggest that if @Bleed can code a plugin that would let the player spawn with $16000 every death, it could work. Maps could be DM versions of more popular and well-made maps, like Dust 2, Inferno, Mirage, and Nuke (never said balanced, lol).
  3. Create a serious casual server with normal game modes, like defuse and hostage. These servers are popular, although I'm not 100% sure if they appear in MM if you select casual. Regardless, these servers are fun ways to practice without harming your rating if you suck.
  4. Connecting the current hub with forums and installing it on all servers, maybe even adding more features. Of course, night vision should be disabled for the DM/casual servers.
  5. Getting CS:S staff who aren't already acquainted up to date with the number of exploits people can use in DM and casual, like breaking smokes (they said they fixed it, but didn't. Biggest glitch with FOV is still present and you can just wreck people with it). Obviously, this should take lower priority, but is still a concern.

Granted, I'm a TF2 scrub, so you guys probably won't listen to me, but that's all I have to say. Sorry about the wall of text.


Edit: Forgot to tag. @Bleed and @Chrono (#theOGDL) since DL of CS:GO, @Rhododendron for connecting CS:GO hub, @DrLee @Cristo @Hidingmaster since DMs of CS:S, @Tsuchikure since cool cat, @Hexx since unturned, @Haxx since we have similar views, and @ThePenguin (no explanation for why you).


Edit2: Alternatively, we could run stock DM, but that would run the issue of spawn camping, since spawn points are set, and the 6 seconds of immunity cancel once you fire. The popular SM plugin that I was talking about solves this due to @Bleed being able to set spawn points on a per map basis, and I'm reasonably sure you can set it to spawn you randomly in one of them. Not sure if this specific plugin suffers from the issues I was citing earlier.


Edit3: Apparently, it might suffer from the issues, only @Bleed and maybe @Chrono can confirm.

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On iPad and this is really laggy, I'll fix typos tomorrow

  • CSGO JB is rarely populated, I'd say it's less populated than CSS JB or MG.
  • The server variety on is lacking.

1 ill kind of give you the one, as someone fucked up the map group effectively breaking it every mapchnge.

2 it has more custom content than CSS

  1. Create a Minigame and Surf server, while preserving the Jailbreak server, this would help increase population across all servers, as Surf is still pretty popular in Source games.
  2. Create a DM server. These servers (especially low-ping ones located in the US) are pretty popular, as they allow people to grind stat-traks (if you're that kind of person) or to practice with different weapons. However, other servers do it in a pretty bad way, from what I've seen, the server runs a plugin that spawns you with free guns, but the menu is clunky and sometimes doesn't have guns like the FAMAS and Galil available. I personally suggest that if @Bleed can code a plugin that would let the player spawn with $16000 every death, it could work. Maps could be DM versions of more popular and well-made maps, like Dust 2, Inferno, Mirage, and Nuke (never said balanced, lol).
  3. Create a serious casual server with normal game modes, like defuse and hostage. These servers are popular, although I'm not 100% sure if they appear in MM if you select casual. Regardless, these servers are fun ways to practice without harming your rating if you suck.
  4. Connecting the current hub with forums and installing it on all servers, maybe even adding more features. Of course, night vision should be disabled for the DM/casual servers.
  5. Getting CS:S staff who aren't already acquainted up to date with the number of exploits people can use in DM and casual, like breaking smokes (they said they fixed it, but didn't. Biggest glitch with FOV is still present and you can just wreck people with it). Obviously, this should take lower priority, but is still a concern.

1 we should work on servers we already have before expanding to new servers

2 not only should yo refer to 1, but to compete with other servers we would need a 128 tick server which costs even more money. I'm not surg what servers you play on but the menu works fine for me.

3 you contradicted yourself with serious casual.

4 I need access to a database, right now the hub is setup ghettoly by usin clientprefs to store credits, equipt items, and purchased items. The modules would need to be completely remade.

5 I don't know what glitch you're talkign about.

Granted, I'm a TF2 scrub, so you guys probably won't listen to me, but that's all I have to say. Sorry about the wall of text.



Holy shit this is so annoying to type with.

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On iPad and this is really laggy, I'll fix typos tomorrow


1 ill kind of give you the one, as someone fudgeed up the map group effectively breaking it every mapchnge.

2 it has more custom content than CSS

1 we should work on servers we already have before expanding to new servers

This I can understand, but !3spooky5me is probably the best thing ever.

2 not only should yo refer to 1, but to compete with other servers we would need a 128 tick server which costs even more money. I'm not surg what servers you play on but the menu works fine for me.

I'm talking about the SM plugin's buy menu, which is run on almost every community DM server I've seen.

3 you contradicted yourself with serious casual.

I meant non-competitive modes with maps like dust 2. It's referred to as casual in CS:GO since it doesn't touch your rank or anything, and by serious I mean non-jailbreak-ish. Probably could've used better words.

4 I need access to a database, right now the hub is setup ghettoly by usin clientprefs to store credits, equipt items, and purchased items. The modules would need to be completely remade. +1

5 I don't know what glitch you're talkign about.

here is a link to a post about them. valve remedied the issues, but didn't 100% fix how open it was to exploits.



Holy steaming pantload this is so annoying to type with.

I can sympathize.

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I know this is going to sound like I'm just beating the same drum as pretty much everyone who's posted before me, but I think the smarter option would be to shut down the CS:S division. While I do think that option #2 may hold some prospects for the CS:S division, I do not believe that they would be enough to justify the continuation of the division in the long run. The time and effort that would be put into essentially creating a new jailbreak server would be quite large, and this would be one of the largest projects that I've seen go down at xG. Would the ends justify the means however? In my opinion, they wouldn't. While we may see a temporary boost in the amount of players, eventually we'll be put in the same situation that we are in right now. This probably isn't even due to the quality of our servers or the dedication of our members, it's simply that CS:S as a whole is slowly sinking, and the only groups that are keeping their heads afloat are the largest communities in CS:S as a whole. On the other hand, I think that CS:GO has a lot of potential, certainly a lot more than CS:S has right now. I think shutting down CS:S, and transferring over to CS:GO would be the smartest decision to go with right now. I can partially understand the argument that "CS:GO isn't populated/we should focus on current divs rather than switch over to new ones" however in this situation I don't really see those arguments as valid. CS:S has only three servers that could be considered "populated", and the other three which are essentially dead. However, jailbreak is really the only server that consistently has players on it. Most importantly, we now have to address another glaring problem: School. Right now, it's the summer (dur), meaning that most of xG has much more free time on their hands, mostly due to the fact that most of us are out of school. Once the summer ends, it means that the servers are going to most likely become even less populated than they currently are. If we can barely justify keeping the division up during the time when the servers are traditionally the most populated, how can we possibly justify keeping the division up when school starts, and server activity goes down the drain?

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I think that with the right people, and the right support, css can go back to its former glory.


'get hub into jailbreak'

'prisoner skins'


It's hard to populate a server when it doesnt even have some basic things.

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I think some people might be overestimating the time it takes to start CSS JB from scratch. Writing new rules wouldn't take long at all, plenty of plugins already exist that could all be used (Models, muter plugin, arrest plugin, etc.) Backing up all the old plugins and uploading new plugins would take 10 minutes maximum, and virtually no effort. The rules, maybe 30 minutes. Maps, once we decide on maps we want, might take a little longer to upload, but no effort is required to do that. It's not like this couldn't basically be done in one day (except for hub, of course).

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I think some people might be overestimating the time it takes to start CSS JB from scratch. Writing new rules wouldn't take long at all, plenty of plugins already exist that could all be used (Models, muter plugin, arrest plugin, etc.) Backing up all the old plugins and uploading new plugins would take 10 minutes maximum, and virtually no effort. The rules, maybe 30 minutes. Maps, once we decide on maps we want, might take a little longer to upload, but no effort is required to do that. It's not like this couldn't basically be done in one day (except for hub, of course).

Everything you just linked is basic as fuck and comes nowhere near what you need to have a legitimate css jb to compete with the other servers like hg etc out there. the amount of custom content and actual working content is ridiculous on css, a lot of the shit that is public is broken.

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I think some people might be overestimating the time it takes to start CSS JB from scratch. Writing new rules wouldn't take long at all, plenty of plugins already exist that could all be used (Models, muter plugin, arrest plugin, etc.) Backing up all the old plugins and uploading new plugins would take 10 minutes maximum, and virtually no effort. The rules, maybe 30 minutes. Maps, once we decide on maps we want, might take a little longer to upload, but no effort is required to do that. It's not like this couldn't basically be done in one day (except for hub, of course).


Rules alone would take a few days to get polished. Its not just one person that would need to work on things, its several.


As chrono said, those plugins are basic and most likely not functioning. If we are going with option 2 its not going to be shittily thrown together. I would expect jb to be down for at least a week so we can make it worth the time and have a polished result.

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Can you just shut the cs:s servers down already?

(And save the money, none of the other shitty divisions are worth putting money into, they're all just terrible.)

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