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Remove The Bunnies


16 members have voted


    • Remove it
    • Limited classes

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Well, as you all may know, some of the skins are disrupting the game and are effecting the game.

For example, the Bunny.

The bunny dances around, thus moving its head, while zooming in with a sniper rifle. This gives the person, who is using the bunny skin, an unfair advantage.

To conclude, I think that Bunny should either be:


>Limited to classes (Sniper)

+1 if you wish for the bunny to be one of the above

-1 if you wish for the bunny to stay

Finally, don't disagree without commenting and saying why you think that the bunny skin should be allowed.

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SInce the bunny is just a skin it doesnt mean the hit boxes are different.

if the bunny is moving its head back and forth the hit box will be in the middle. Just shot in the middle area and u will get the headshoots

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How about this, I have a proposition. We restrict skins to only the trade servers. All of the other real servers should not get them. That would make it fair, and if someone wants one, they could just join the trade servers.


So not sure if this +1 or -1 ... but yeah.

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SInce the bunny is just a skin it doesnt mean the hit boxes are different.

if the bunny is moving its head back and forth the hit box will be in the middle. Just shot in the middle area and u will get the headshoots

Oh so using the Floor Duke Nukem

is "fine" since it's the same hitbox?

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remove it from jb, I was killed by a blue demoman while i was warden :disbelief:, and after a while i realized it was a blue demopan skined red spy. :derp::derp::derp::derp::derp::derp::derp::derp::derp::derp:

not sure if non-members can vote but i would +1 this.


EDIT: I'm also not against the skins to be only enabled for its specified own class.

But I am against the demopan be blue on both teams, i mean thats stupid as shit.

Edited by Rhododendron (see edit history)

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