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Rip the legend

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^ I asked for bleed's ip so I can trace what state he is from, about the only thing I know how to do (can be done by going to a website that allows tracing ip locations) That's about the only thing I know how to do. and Cristo posted the ts ip as a joke, I went to bed soon after. oh well, little kidos are dumb and try to play the mud sling game. Thanks for the great time , sadly XG is dying so I am going to leave anyways.

xG may be dying, but at least we cured one piece of cancer.

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Vector, Everytime you speak, I feel like everyone els and including me lose a year of our life reading the ignorance of what comes to your thoughts. When you grow up and stop trying to talk shit, then talk, if not then go sit in the corner and be a good little child. Personally I would like to see this proof of me making the "Ddos threat" cause I already see that you can't provide it cause I never made such a threat.

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@Shadow1226 First off nice furry avatar, Second I'm going to make you feel like a complete and utter dumb ass, About 8 or so last night, we all got on csgo (chappies ts not xG) so it was the usual people shik. klure, kermit and my self, and we asked warrior if he wanted to play he comes and you join off of him, what a mistake that was, We give you the ts info the first thing you come in and say is CRISTO GAVE ME BLEEDS IP WOEOWEOWEOWEOWEOWEOWEOWEOWEOWE I GON DDOS THIS GUY WEOWEOWEOWEOWEOWEOWEOWEOWE, every single person in that ts can confirm it as well as Aegean which is a reliable source, After you talked about all that we continue on with our game and the amount of dick sucking and casual shit talking you did to try and mirror / mimic us to fit into our group was unreal. I think i speak for every one that has ever been apart of this community NOBODY FUCKING LIKES YOU. Just move on and find a different group there will never be a place for you NEVER. In either group xG's Our chappies.

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Vector, Everytime you speak, I feel like everyone els and including me lose a year of our life reading the ignorance of what comes to your thoughts. When you grow up and stop trying to talk steaming pantload, then talk, if not then go sit in the corner and be a good little child. Personally I would like to see this proof of me making the "Ddos threat" cause I already see that you can't provide it cause I never made such a threat.

>good little child

>i'm older than him

holy fucking shit, please kill yourself. as rabid said, no one likes you, no one ever liked you, every time i played with you back in CSS i cringed at the sound of your voice. the fact of the matter is that despite the numerous chances you got. Also, where the fuck did i say you made a DDOS threat? i wasn't there so i can't comment. i'm just glad you're gone. Also, i literally haven't seen you respond to any of my shit so where is this "i feel like everyone else including me lose a year of our life reading the ignorance of what comes to your thoughts" Literally every you say makes absolute no sense. You are at the bottom of the barrel. You are down there with the scum like tarin, foxxeh, darkwolf, towlie, dirty dan, and so on.


So again, please kill yourself. thank you.


- sincerely, everyone in xG with a brain.

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