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Csgo rage thread

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As an avid and terrible CSGO player, I get mad about a lot of things in game. I made a previous TF2 Rage thread and it seemed popular for a month or 2, so i made this one to see what makes people mad in CSGO.

My example:

The autosnipers

also known as, point in click adventure


The Xm shotgun thingy whatever its called i dont give a shit

Here! Lets give you a nearly rapid fire shotgun! That totally isn't overpowered!

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I got one!

So lets say me and my team are Ts on dust dos. We are going long a, at the double doors. The cts are reking us, so I try escaping. My teammate sits at the door and blocks me from escaping. I die.

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Getting put on a team with 4 others(4 because I normally solo queue) who dont speak english.


Playing with someone who will ONLY do Dust 2 or Nuke(atleast mix it up.)

Playing with Jubens(every time I play with him I do worse, even if he doesnt do bad. It's the "Curse of Jubens")

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playing with tav that teamkilling fucktard

spraying an entire m4a1-s mag into someone and doing 20 in 1 hit

team flashes

when im trying to awp D2 mid and one of my teammates smokes doors, either team

not getting the kill with a shotgun point blank

shitty valve servers

getting fucked during crate openings

why do i still play this game

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Oh yeah my next thing is the hitbox. its fudgein messed up

when tf2/gmod kids come play, and think it is a point and click game, then cry about hitboxes and reg when they don't get a kill because they can't aim.


(side note: fuck the reg sometimes on 64 tick... i aim doe)

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Oh yeah my next thing is the hitbox. its fudgein messed up

Okay, I meant with some guns. I know its not like tf2, lol. But sometimes point blank shots from 2 feet away miss, and I'm confused when this happens. I already said I'm bad anyways.

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