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Should Vector Be Unbanned?

Should Vector be unbanned from all xG servers and services?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Vector be unbanned from all xG servers and services?

    • Yes
    • No

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Before anyone gets all up-in-arms about me doing this, I have the approval from our fearless leader.



As many of you have already heard, there are rumors floating around about Vector possibly being unbanned from all xG servers and services. I am here to put those rumors to rest. Those rumors are all true. We are currently working to find a suitable solution to this scenario.


SOME of the CLs believe that Vector was unjustly banned because he has only received a single forum warning for his actions. They feel that his Permanent Ban was too harsh of a move. They think that it is unfair that he was banned and does not receive a chance to submit a Ban Protest.


So, when the word got out that he was being unbanned, MANY MEMBERS have openly stated that they would leave the clan if he is indeed unbanned and makes a return. The number of members and staff is impressively high.


So, Silence requested a poll be made so the community could voice their opinion. Should we unban Vector, or keep him away? Is his presence good or bad for the whole of xG?


Please voice your opinion by voting. Also, leave any comments (In a respectful way) below. I'll have it know that I will not tolerate this thread turning into a shitstorm. Any disrespectful comments will be removed and your forum account will receive a ban for an undisclosed amount of time Thank you.

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he should stay permed. he isn't going to change, he's said as much. the tf2 division will be hurt by his unbanning. PEOPLE. WILL. LEAVE. OVER. THIS. vector isn't worth this, nor is any individual player. the greater good of the clan is more important than any individual in it.

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I am one of those who will leave if vector is unbanned for multiple reasons. I used to respect vector as a "random" on TGH but now he is just someone i would rather never see again. He is disrespectful, has told people to kill themselves, and overall a horrible representative of the Xeno Gamers clan. Yes, his ban does seem a bit harsh but in all honestly the ban was for the better for the servers and the community. His unban will just prove 1 of 2 things.


1. The CL's want to keep an oldfag just because he has been here awhile.


2. The CL's think the ban was harsh not not fair.

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-1 for unban.

CL's hopefully will read the rant I posted and hopefully re-read what my higher-up's have posted: Showing that this is a very serious decision. This can go 2 ways: Vector stays banned and server population/community on the servers get better. -OR- Vector gets un-banned and LOTS of people leave. Along with all the higher-ups, staff and members. The division will fall. I hope @CL's will make the right decision.

Also unban Iggy if you unban Vector that's just fucking unfair.

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I am not going to lie about this, yes there can and are people that could replace the staff leaving and maybe the server population will be OK. But for the most part unbanning him rids of a lot of good people and friends

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I personally am caught in between a rock and a hard place in this dilemma.


On one hand, I once considered Vector a friend. Like others, I have seen his declining attitude and demeanor, but he has never really done anything to me PERSONALLY that would make me want to never speak to him again. I do see how his mannerisms are hurtful and toxic, so I understand the outcry to keep him banned. I feel that it's for the better of the clan that he stays banned, but at the same time, I don't want to be the guy to make that decision. Luckily for me, I don't seem to be alone in feeling this way.


Also, I'm stuck in the position that if Vector DOES get unbanned, practically ALL of the people I call friends in this clan will leave. Where would that leave me? Being one of the only higher-up staff that remains after a mass walk-out? Can't say that sounds too appeasing to me, to be completely honest.


If I had to make the choice, I'd say to keep him Permanently banned from all servers and services, then in a couple of months, unban him from forums to give him a chance to make a new Member Request. IF he can prove he has changed, that is.

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Eh. Sure, take Vector back. Go for it, CLs. Let me count.


You will POSSIBLY lose:

3 DLs

2 DMs

3 admins

2 moderators

a good chunk of members

population on servers


You will FOR SURE lose:

2 DLs

2 DMs

2 admin

2 moderators

a decent chunk of members

population on servers



Your decision. Just saying.

Vector was one of the worst members of this community, and I don't understand why this unban came up in the first place. Everyone who was banned in the toxicity thread made me love the clan more.


Also, unbanning Vector forces you to unban Iggy. I KNOW you do not want to do that. Iggy wasn't even as bad as Vector, honestly. Yet, he's not the one in question. I basically have no say in the matter. I just hope the best for the clan.

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When I joined xG almost a year ago I met some people on the Pokemon server that were nice, later on vector started to harrass some of the regulars to the point were they never came back to the server. I leave my -1 for his unbanning, oh and the mass exodus of the tf2 staff if he's unbanned. And the constant disrespect to staff.


Oh and why ban him just to only unban him for unfair punishment.

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If you're honestly going to leave over 1 player being unbanned, that just shows where your loyalties are. You clearly don't care about the community as much as you preach if you would leave over a player very harshly (and unjustly, given the lack of evidence) banned no longer being banned then do us all a favor and leave now anyway. thanks. :)


In the end, the decision is with the CLs, regardless of what the poll says. But I want to make sure they read the above, because that's the cold hard truth of the matter. [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]

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First off I wanted to give a heads up that I am writing this post on my phone so there will probably be some mistakes bear with me please


So on the topic of vector. I personally stand by the ban 100%. Vector and I have a bad history he chased me off the XG: Gaming history server. At the time it was my main server. I had a long history on it and actually met my Fiance on it "not a normal online relationship she is in the middle of immigrating to the US and the K1 visa process has started a house has been purchased and everything is inline for us to be married so it is a real relationship for the record) now back on track. At the time my fiance and I played on XG every day and enjoyed it during the early days of our relationship. Well one day vector just started going off at me for liking mlp and was a total ass hole. At first I figured it was a one time thing but jt ended up being every day he would mess with me go out of his way to kill me and just make being on the server a pain. After about 2 weeks of this I left XG and never touched it again. It was not till later Chicken panda and I became good friends that I began to try XG again. It was not till I heard about his demotion that I started to go on again. Since his removal XG has improved leaps and bounds and is a fun server again. I try to go on when I can and when I do it is always great anx an enjoyable time with our people going out of their way to give me a hard time. The sky is the limit for XG and with vector being permanently banded the server will become better than ever. People like vector hold servers like XG back. That is my personal opinion you can take it or leave it but I wanted to make sure I could help influence XG to become a better and greater server chain and ensure dead weight like vector can not hold back the growth of the server.

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Vector is really toxic to the community and Our loyalty is to the community and most CL's don't give a rat's ass about the tf2 division and don't understand what the xG community wants and Assume we're all about drama.

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Vector is really toxic to the community and Our loyalty is to the community and most CL's don't give a rat's butt about the tf2 division and don't understand what the xG community wants.

I would not say that. Yes, they don't know the division like a lot of the members but they have been trying to get to know the division and the community and hell they have been playing on the servers a lot and seem to have fun doing it.

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