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Should Vector Be Unbanned?

Should Vector be unbanned from all xG servers and services?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Vector be unbanned from all xG servers and services?

    • Yes
    • No

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I honestly don't care, Vector can be honestly a very cool guy but at the same time he can be unnecessarily penisy.


Tbh i'd rather have him on the forums than on the servers infact I don't even mind if he's on the forums, if he starts more crap just ban him again.


And js if you never played Team Fortress 2 with Vector while he was an Admin and had seen how he treated people on the servers, you really can't say :poop: about him coming back to tf2.

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Not ALL CLs are wanting him unbanned. Just saying, don't buttume just because we all have the position that we believe the same.


You're right. Sorry about that. I'll address that and correct it.

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I would like it if everyone would calm down, get along, work things out, talk it over and apologize, give Vector another chance, Then Vector learns from his mistakes and becomes a baby face good guy, but apparently that's not how the world works.

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While I do understand why he was banned, I don't find that a [permanent] ban on the spot was necessarily justified without prior notice. Vector's behaviour and attitude is certainly volatile and unacceptable, and I can see why so many are against his unban, but to jump the gun to a permanent ban seems excessive.


With that said, I propose a compromise that I feel is fair to both parties; those for the unban and those against. I suggest that Vector be unbanned only from Forums for the time being while remaining permanently banned from Servers.


During this period, Vector will have the opportunity to show the community that he can produce a community-friendly attitude that doesn't involve overly-hostile or discriminating remarks. With that said, Higher-Ups will need to monitor his behaviour and attitude. This is a crucial step. This will ensure that if he is not able to keep a calm air around him on Forums after being given a chance, then the only choice will be to permanently ban him. After a noticeable improvement in behaviour, an appeal for an unban from Servers can be made where the community will determine whether he is ready to represent XenoGamers on it's Servers.


This will obviously require the co-operation of the community as well, including those who have had.. Turbulent times with Vector. Simply put, do not [intentionally] harass, instigate, or provoke him into slipping up. It isn't easy to make a change in attitude, so don't [try to] give the guy a hard time. At the very least, try to put aside your differences and give the guy a chance.


To clarify, this is all just an opinion. Take it with a grain of salt :coffee:

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While I do understand why he was banned, I don't find that a [permanent] ban on the spot was necessarily justified without prior notice. Vector's behaviour and attitude is certainly volatile and unacceptable, and I can see why so many are against his unban, but to jump the gun to a permanent ban seems excessive.


With that said, I propose a compromise that I feel is fair to both parties; those for the unban and those against. I suggest that Vector be unbanned only from Forums for the time being while remaining permanently banned from Servers.


During this period, Vector will have the opportunity to show the community that he can produce a community-friendly attitude that doesn't involve overly-hostile or discriminating remarks. With that said, Higher-Ups will need to monitor his behaviour and attitude. This is a crucial step. This will ensure that if he is not able to keep a calm air around him on Forums after being given a chance, then the only choice will be to permanently ban him. After a noticeable improvement in behaviour, an appeal for an unban from Servers can be made where the community will determine whether he is ready to represent XenoGamers on it's Servers.


This will obviously require the co-operation of the community as well, including those who have had.. Turbulent times with Vector. Simply put, do not [intentionally] harass, instigate, or provoke him into slipping up. It isn't easy to make a change in attitude, so don't [try to] give the guy a hard time. At the very least, try to put aside your differences and give the guy a chance.


To clarify, this is all just an opinion. Take it with a grain of salt :coffee:


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I'll throw my opinion in without sound like an ass, kay



Vector has scared off a lot of regulars from tgh, poketrade and his attitude doesnt help either so I'm voting no for his unban

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While I do understand why he was banned, I don't find that a [permanent] ban on the spot was necessarily justified without prior notice. Vector's behaviour and attitude is certainly volatile and unacceptable, and I can see why so many are against his unban, but to jump the gun to a permanent ban seems excessive.


With that said, I propose a compromise that I feel is fair to both parties; those for the unban and those against. I suggest that Vector be unbanned only from Forums for the time being while remaining permanently banned from Servers.


During this period, Vector will have the opportunity to show the community that he can produce a community-friendly attitude that doesn't involve overly-hostile or discriminating remarks. With that said, Higher-Ups will need to monitor his behaviour and attitude. This is a crucial step. This will ensure that if he is not able to keep a calm air around him on Forums after being given a chance, then the only choice will be to permanently ban him. After a noticeable improvement in behaviour, an appeal for an unban from Servers can be made where the community will determine whether he is ready to represent XenoGamers on it's Servers.


This will obviously require the co-operation of the community as well, including those who have had.. Turbulent times with Vector. Simply put, do not [intentionally] harass, instigate, or provoke him into slipping up. It isn't easy to make a change in attitude, so don't [try to] give the guy a hard time. At the very least, try to put aside your differences and give the guy a chance.


To clarify, this is all just an opinion. Take it with a grain of salt :coffee:

I'm 100% in agreement with this. Justified or not, the bans were an attempt to solve a long standing problem. And honestly, since the ban, short time it may be, things have improved, players vector ran off are coming back. Things have been genuinely better.


Let's be perfectly clear here though. Vector got screwed on this one. The ban ended up being a positive thing for the servers, but that doesn't mean vector shouldn't get another shot. I am entirely in favor of forest's idea. He should be unbanned on forums, but the servers are another story. I honestly think him having time away is better for everyone involved. Even him. The toxicity reforms were made for a reason. They were poorly executed, but somehow they worked. That's why everyone in tf2 is up in arms. Because things have been better, and we don't want that positive change to stop. Vector coming back now ruins it. But Vector coming back after he's had time to improve strengthens it.

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I read a few of these posts, and they made me want to throw myself off a cliff, so I'm skipping the rest and posting.


Just because ONE person that you don't like gets unbanned, you're going to completely leave? Are you 3 years old?


This is what that would show about you if you leave:


1. You aren't mature enough to settle your differences, just talk to the person. If they still don't change? JUST AVOID THEM. He joins the server? Leave. Joins your TS channel? Leave, or blacklist him. Ignore him on forums, block on steam. You don't even need to be around or converse with him.


2. If you will leave because 1 person you don't like is unbanned, you don't care for xG. Pretty much all of the friends I had when I first joined xG are gone, though I have a few newer ones, it still sucks. I still didn't leave.


Anyway, I +1 his unban because the only reason a lot of these people are -1ing is because he's "hewt their feewins". Maybe keep a short ban on him, just not perm.



ALSO I saw in a post that like"3 dls would leave" ohohoh, like 3 higher ups don't like him? I wonder why he's on tier 1 on the list...

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You know, if you see somebody being disrespectful like this, you can ban them before it gets out of control? Do you not know how to use admin powers? If he keeps doing it, extend the ban.

+1 for unban. It's not his fault you allowed him to continue this behavior without repercussion. Now, he should still learn that this isn't OK. Maybe change it to a week ban. Otherwise, ban him if he gets out of control, or just report him to a higher up and let them take care if it. A few warnings with no temp. bans then perm for messing around is WAAAY to harsh. I even looked at the bans to make sure. Most of the bans are @diabeetus saying "beef flaps" and are for 10 minutes on CSS, not even TF2. There's only two for TF2, and they were back in 2013.


Do you want a guide on how to be a big boy too? How to change your own underwear so mommy doesn't have to?


This circlejerk is actually disgusting. 20+ members would leave if ONE person was banned? Good riddance. The point of being an admin is to be unbiased and moderate the servers without having an opinion, negative or positive, about the people you're watching over. This proves if anything that most of the TF2 division is too immature if they leave because one bad man says bad things. Boo Hoo. Get over it. You're supposed to be the mature one, not the one crying over it.

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Posted this in the convo but wanted it to be made clear.


The reason we have no evidence is because we've all been ignoring him for so long. Playing on the server with him is so tiresome that we just don't do it anymore, even to get evidence for his removal.


If and when he gets unbanned though, all of that changes.


We've tried warning him inside of the division multiple times (one on one teamspeak chat in a locked channel with higher ups of the div). He was demoted for this type of behavior. I don't know what the CLs count as a warning, but he has way more than one.


He's had enough warnings, and if this goes through we're really only left with one course of action.


His every word on the servers will be recorded, every conversation screenshotted. We don't have evidence, so we're going to get some. If he changed then good, nothing to worry about. But does anyone that knows vector, either from CSS or TF2, honestly think he's going to change?


I'm guessing probably not. And with every action and word documented, he's going to have two choices: change or actually be permed. I wonder which he'll choose.

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Posted this in the convo but wanted it to be made clear.


The reason we have no evidence is because we've all been ignoring him for so long. Playing on the server with him is so tiresome that we just don't do it anymore, even to get evidence for his removal.


If and when he gets unbanned though, all of that changes.


His every word on the servers will be recorded, every conversation screenshotted. We don't have evidence, so we're going to get some. If he changed then good, nothing to worry about. But does anyone that knows vector, either from CSS or TF2, honestly think he's going to change?


I'm guessing probably not. And with every action and word documented, he's going to have two choices: change or actually be permed. I wonder which he'll choose.


So instead of telling him what was wrong with his behavior or banning him before this incident, you ignored him and expected him to get better?


Are people actually this stupid?

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Dang this thread is hella funny. Some of the people who wanted him to stay banned previously stated he kept the servers alive on his own.


Anyways I don't have a lot to say right now, but he probably shouldn't have been permed randomly out of the blue.

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Too all the people that want him unbanned, I want to ask if you have been on the servers with him recently? My first impression of him wasn't good either. He mostly complains on how bad the tf2 division is but still continues to play on our servers. Not to say most of his responses on the forums leads to shit with someone else.

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