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Dethman - Team Fortress 2

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Just throwing this out there, there doesn't appear to be any real spam. I checked his chat logs (which have time stamps, so you can tell if it's spam enough. Here's a link) and I can only find one instance of spam. Every other lenny face was separated by about 10-30 seconds, so from what I can tell there was little to no actual spam. However, this does not take into account the server rules broken by Chronon (re-entering armory, gun glitching), which (unless you can provide evidence suggesting you did not break these rules) justifies the server ban as far as I can tell. Based off of the "evidence" (if it can even be considered that) presented by @Akame, Dethman does not appear to have abused his powers. Unless you can present actual evidence that supports the notion that Dethman abused (hint: copy-pasta's don't count, screencaps/demos are preferable), I'll be closing this thread within the next 24 hours.


Also @Dethman and @Akame please try to refrain from arguing needlessly, all it accomplishes is making you both look immature.

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why don't you use @Stickz beautiful plugin he so graciously made for you guys to combatant this problem? But the tf2 div doesn't want it because they are rock hard for their dank lenny face maymays.


That's a bit of a overreach Vector. If they want the plugin to allow admins to act by voting, they will ask for it.


I have no comment for anything in this thread as it doesn't concern myself. I will however constructively say, that if a vote is passed, it leaves no merit for any type of protest. Also, it works more effectively to solve instead of jail the issue, for both the moderator and targeted player.


For many administrators (myself included), the first thing which comes to mind is jailing instead of solving. An hour vote silence can usually accomplish the same effect as a week server ban.


~Based on the post from @diabeetus ~

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Just throwing this out there, there doesn't appear to be any real spam. I checked his chat logs (which have time stamps, so you can tell if it's spam enough. Here's a link) and I can only find one instance of spam. Every other lenny face was separated by about 10-30 seconds, so from what I can tell there was little to no actual spam. However, this does not take into account the server rules broken by Chronon (re-entering armory, gun glitching), which (unless you can provide evidence suggesting you did not break these rules) justifies the server ban as far as I can tell. Based off of the "evidence" (if it can even be considered that) presented by @Akame, Dethman does not appear to have abused his powers. Unless you can present actual evidence that supports the notion that Dethman abused (hint: copy-pasta's don't count, screencaps/demos are preferable), I'll be closing this thread within the next 24 hours.


Also @Dethman and @Akame please try to refrain from arguing needlessly, all it accomplishes is making you both look immature.


It's because people saying things like this that we even have this problem.... it's still spamming it just isn't flooding the server.... just like... when someone and their 5 friends are each hitting their bind 1 time all together doesn't make it not spam.

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First off, the only thing I see right now is slight spamming, which he clearly asked you to stop. I don't see any screencaps for the gun glitching, so I don't think we can use that.


Let it be known to everyone, this is coming directly from the TF2 Management, gun glitching is not allowed. If you end up doing it by accident, please change your loadout. I haven't had time to address the number of problems that are ongoing, but I/we are aware of them. Until then, the admins will have to warn, slay, kick (etc.) people at their own discretion.


Now, about the bickering in this thread, by constantly rating each other "sad" and "f.uck off" you guys aren't helping either side of this case. If you want to be taken seriously, act like it.

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why don't you use @Stickz beautiful plugin he so graciously made for you guys to combatant this problem? But the tf2 div doesn't want it because they are rock hard for their dank lenny face maymays.



Are you talking about this one in the thread kitty made?


Alright just made an plugin which automatically gags someone until map end for sending the same chat message more the set amount (sm_spamlimit, default 3) of times in an row. Enjoy ;)


Of course it's up to the tf2 div leader if this gets added, but just though I'd share this code i'll be using on the Nuclear Dawn servers.


#include <sourcemod>

new bool:g_CanUseChat[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {true,...};
new String:lastMessage[MAXPLAYERS + 1][192];
new sameMessageCount[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
new Handle:g_cvarSpamLimit = INVALID_HANDLE;

public OnPluginStart()
   AddCommandListener(Command_Say, "say");
   g_cvarSpamLimit = CreateConVar("sm_spamlimit", "3", "limit the number of same consecutive messages before gag.");

public OnMapStart()

public Action:Command_Say(client, const String:command[], argc)
   if (!g_CanUseChat[client])
       PrintToChat(client, "[xG] You cannot use chat until next map due to spamming!");
       return Plugin_Handled;
       decl String:text[192];
       GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

       if (StrContains(lastMessage[client], text, false) == 0)

           if (sameMessageCount[client] == GetConVarInt(g_cvarSpamLimit))
               g_CanUseChat[client] = false;
               PrintToChat(client, "[xG] You cannot use chat until next map due to spamming!");
               return Plugin_Handled;

           return Plugin_Continue;
           sameMessageCount[client] = 0;
           lastMessage[client] = text;
           return Plugin_Continue;

   for (new idx = 1; idx <= MaxClients; idx++)
       lastMessage[idx] = "";
       g_CanUseChat[idx] = true;


@Stickz @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @metalslug53 @Moosty @Rejects

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Are you talking about this one in the thread kitty made?




@Stickz @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @metalslug53 @Moosty @Rejects


Oh damn, that's actually a thing?! I knew about the idea that was kicked around for a while of making a chat filter for Lenny faces, but I didn't think that'd work as people would just bypass the filter.


But if we have a plugin that auto-gags someone for spamming the same thing 3+ times in a row, by all means, let's use it! :D

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Well, since it's been nearly two days and no actual evidence showing that Dethman abused his powers has been posted, I'm going to go ahead and close this thread.



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