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!rtd could we make them more attractive? I don't want to spend credits on them if they have a 20-30% chance of getting something good.

To be honest, wouldn't people just spam them then? I think it would be fairer if there's a lower chance to get anything really good. If what i remember is true, people can go invisible and have much more health or speed than normal. This is utterly stupid if spammed.

I could be wrong, though. /shrug

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!rtd could we make them more attractive? I don't want to spend credits on them if they have a 20-30% chance of getting something good.


To be honest, wouldn't people just spam them then? I think it would be fairer if there's a lower chance to get anything really good. If what i remember is true, people can go invisible and have much more health or speed than normal. This is utterly stupid if spammed.

I could be wrong, though. /shrug

First off, i think !rtd is something closer to a 50% chance of getting something good out of it. I know that's the case for minigames, but I'm not sure about jailbreak. That being said, i think the biggest issue currently is how expensive it is. It's priced at 25 credits, which is about 25-75 minutes of gameplay depending on how lucky you get with the credit drops. Spending credits just to catch on fire isn't particularly fun, and even if you do get something good, it only lasts for a maximum of 10 minutes before its gone. I do agree that there should be a risk to it, but at the moment it just feels really off and like your credits are going to waste.

Edited by virr (see edit history)

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To be honest, wouldn't people just spam them then? I think it would be fairer if there's a lower chance to get anything really good. If what i remember is true, people can go invisible and have much more health or speed than normal. This is utterly stupid if spammed.

I could be wrong, though. /shrug

Guess where I was going with this is no one is using !rtd amymore. Personally I love the option to spend in game money and or credits to have an advantage or disadvantage by luck and this also is one of the positive differences from other severs , but to have this practically non used after the update you know something isn't right here.

Concluding I only wanted to give you guys a heads up that this isn't being used.



First off, i think !rtd is something closer to a 50% chance of getting something good out of it. I know that's the case for minigames, but I'm not sure about jailbreak. That being said, i think the biggest issue currently is how expensive it is. It's priced at 25 credits, which is about 25-75 minutes of gameplay depending on how lucky you get with the credit drops. Spending credits just to catch on fire isn't particularly fun, and even if you do get something good, it only lasts for a maximum of 10 minutes before its gone. I do agree that there should be a risk to it, but at the moment it just feels really off and like your credits are going to waste.



Totally agree^ over all it's less appealing to use now.


I don't think that RTD should use credits, or the amount of credits you recieve should increase, as it now takes like 5 rounds to earn enough credits to RTD, whereas, before you could do it almost every round, with at most 1 round where you couldn't rtd in a row.

Is it just me or is no one using rtd anymore?


Also, !days should not be 150 credits with how few credits you are given per round

50 is good to me.


I'll try and test this later today, see if that all still happens. If it won't work, then we won't add it.

Doesn't work?


Also, CTs should have armor again, I'm not really sure why this was taken away, but the aimpunch makes killing Ts almost impossible if you dont get the first shot due to aimpunch, and since Ts almost always shoot first when rebelling, it's now very T sided

Yeah a glock can 1 Tap you... So hard to deal with...


Hot potato !lr

wall hacks !days

Are not working? Hot potato both players die and wall hacks weird red walls appear everywhere.

Edited by Lithium (see edit history)

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Hot potato !lr

wall hacks !days

Are not working? Hot potato both players die and wall hacks weird red walls appear everywhere.

as in the other thread, please refrain from making multiple posts, you can quote multiple posts by pressing the quote button on the bottom right of each post and then when you go down to write your post, it allows you to insert multiple quotes.

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First off, i think !rtd is something closer to a 50% chance of getting something good out of it. I know that's the case for minigames, but I'm not sure about jailbreak. That being said, i think the biggest issue currently is how expensive it is. It's priced at 25 credits, which is about 25-75 minutes of gameplay depending on how lucky you get with the credit drops. Spending credits just to catch on fire isn't particularly fun, and even if you do get something good, it only lasts for a maximum of 10 minutes before its gone. I do agree that there should be a risk to it, but at the moment it just feels really off and like your credits are going to waste.



Ah, it takes that long to get it?

To be honest, it could be priced lower if it does take well over an hour. Or it could just go back to every few (heavily varying) rounds, as !days also did before. The latter should have a higher chance of getting something small, whether negative or positive depending on how frequently it is used.

'course, that's just my mind going wild. You guys do you, but a small fix would just probably be just to lower the cost or increase gain for playing.

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i really really think core gameplay stuff (!days, !rtd) should not cost credits at all, if anything maybe have it so you could use credits for more frequent days/chance to get better rtds, otherwise keep it the same as before

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sort of to add on to stevens trivia thing you could have a "trivia bot" that asks random questions could be csgo could be math could be geography etc. and only give credits if 3+ people !join the trivia, and give variable credits based on number.


I've thought about this, maybe a small chance (very small, so it happens maybe once every few hours) that at the beginning of a round it prints a trivia question in chat? Only if like more than 5-6 people are on the server though. Could be interesting. @Bleed


it could be priced lower


Yea I've changed it to 10 credits, so you should be able to use it every 2-3 rounds easily now


should not cost credits at all, if anything maybe have it so you could use credits for more frequent days


Each CT gets 1 free special day per map, extra days cost credits (although the price will likely be lowered significantly once @Bleed adds a cvar for that). This cuts down on special day spam and people who just call warden to call special days once every 3 rounds.

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Each CT gets 1 free special day per map, extra days cost credits (although the price will likely be lowered significantly once @Bleed adds a cvar for that). This cuts down on special day spam and people who just call warden to call special days once every 3 rounds.

A problem we are facing at the moment is that people call days without the !days menu, which honestly is just a mess for everyone involved. My suggestion would be to make a free day be available every 3/5 rounds, and then add the option to do additional days by paying x amount of credits(150 would be fine imo).

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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staff command to end last ct when lr is active just in case it doesn't cause it seems like it happens

I've never seen or heard of this happening.. if it happened then we could just fix the bug, there's no reason to add a command as a workaround for something that could be fixed.

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I've never seen or heard of this happening.. if it happened then we could just fix the bug, there's no reason to add a command as a workaround for something that could be fixed.
i told bleed about it he "fixed" it a few times but every once in a while i would still happen

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i told bleed about it he "fixed" it a few times but every once in a while i would still happen

you need to tell me when it happens, you haven't told me about it in over a month. There hasn't been any errors relating to JB or last ct in weeks.

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