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Captainhabano - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

Captain Habano

Steam ID:


Ban Type:

Server Ban


This isn't a ban protest as much as it is a parting with your servers as I have finally reached my limit for dealing with your incompetent moderators who like to fire their ban-hammers when opinions are stated and no rules are broken. Card was the culprit this time, though I will state later of other cases of moderator power abuse.


But first, I'd like to start of by giving a little history of my time on your servers. I first started playing a couple months back drawn to your Clocktown trade server simply because I was a fan of Majora's Mask, and because I am a disabled man with nothing better to do in my downtime. I traded freely on this server without trouble from many people. Most xG members didn't speak to me, and those I spoke with we're often very young, and immature, and unfriendly to me. This being said, One of your very rules is "Treat others as you would like to be treated" so for a while, I held my color, and kept my mouth shut. I met a couple xG members I actually got along with (Anubis, Xerses, Axtin, Kart, etc..) but the more xG members I met, more and more seemed to act like immature teenagers, some even going as far as to insult me personally. One in particular was Tekky.


I'd never spoken to him, I just happened to run across him one morning after having a pleasant conversation with Healix, we cross paths a few times, I mention something to him about being a metagamer, and he takes it personally, and begins to insult me numerous times on a personal level. I decide to mute him for the day, and let it go. Couple days later I run into him again on your other trading server with the Pokemon maps. I'm not even speaking to him directly, I'm speaking to someone else entirely, and he decides to interrupt my conversation, insult me -again-, then when I tell him (I'll admit rather rudely) to mind his own business, Your moderator (Cain), decides to perma-gag me without taking the whole situation into account...a blatant misuse of his powers. After this day, I decide to boycott your servers.


Finally, after being asked to return, I learn that Tekky has been made a moderator, and already uneasy because of this, I leave Tekky on mute, and go about my business. Tekky proceeds to speak to me using his Moderator powers even though I have him muted, another misuse of his power. Asking him to stop numerous times, I finally surmise that the whole of xG is a disorganized mass of teenaged hotheads in a mad grab to please the next person on the chain of command. This in mind, I lose all respect for anyone wearing the tag... but I try my best to enjoy the maps.


What I am simply trying to get across is that I am simply acting the way you all have shown me you are acting... I am treating you the way I have been treated. I log into this game to socialize and trade because it's about all I have anymore because my body is broken, and before long I will lose the use of my hands as well. I know I may be abrasive at times, but there are those that will testify that I am a good person. I've given items freely on your servers after events. But after being banned for stating my opinion, I don't think I want to return, and I can see why some of my friends that once had an xG tag, no longer bear it.


Think hard next time before you give a child certain powers.

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Since he hasn't exactly requested an unban, I'll save my evidence for now, let me know if you need the proof.


I guess all I have to say is goodbye. I'm not going to call you out on all the horseshit you wrote, but I wish you luck in your future endeavors.

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Proof as requested.


ManlyDuck and I were having an argument about why he's still on the server if he hates xG, Habano kept stepping in and just was being disrespectful overall. It was Manly and I's argument, and there was 0 reason for Habano to step in to say such rude comments. I refused to ban Manly as it was just a personal argument, and there were things that were said wrong on both sides, and I typically balance out my powers with my rustled jimmies pretty well. But, like I said, Habano kind of just stepped in shit talking xG when nobody was even talking to him. I saw Kirone ask for someone on Pokemon this morning, so I hopped on and asked Habano about it.







Like I said, I was having an argument with Manly (SnoopyDuck) and Habano just kept shit talking overall.


Regardless, it's a 24 hr ban. Stop being so damn dramatic.

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Okay this is perfect

Habano, do you remember why we didn't get along from the start? It's because you were constantly complaining about how other people play and shit talking xG when I was in the clan. Due to you constantly shit talking other people, I had enough. I told you to stop complaining and just deal with it. You didn't listen, then client muted me. Oh no it's the end of the world ;-;

Then, recently on TGH, you used the friendly command and trying to be the better person, I offered to colour you a different colour due to people normally being uncomfortable with the transparency. I asked you this with "@@@". Then, you shouted down the mic: "Stop fucking talking me, Tekky. If you ever talk to me again by avoiding the mute, I will report you."

So I was being the better person and you decided to retaliate. And for what?

Constantly, I would hear you say:

"Funny how when xG members join the server it gets shit."

Or something along those lines

Rather than complaining about the server to people who don't care, TALK TO THE HIGHER UPS ABOUT IT AND MAYBE THEY CAN MAKE A CHANGE.

We all knew this day would come. And frankly, I'm glad it did. If I didn't step down about a year ago and I still had moderator (+) powers when you kept complaining about xG and moaning CONSTANTLY, I would've banned you on the spot. (Following the system, of course ;) )



Captain Habano is the mold on the food of xG and makes it a bad place. Good riddance.

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Well first off, let me start by saying that there is a line between giving an opinion or attacking someone. Now-a-days, that line is getting thinner and thinner because people get triggered so easily.


Before you make assumptions, get to know all of us first. Most of our members are kind of young, so you really shouldn't take much of what they say to heart... Our moderators are mostly younger because they are essentially trainees. If you have a major problem you can escalate it directly to an admin, or even to a DM/DL.


TL;DR: Pretty sure you can tell that moderators are the lowest on the staff totem pole. If you have a problem with how we run things, our staff members, or have any suggestions you can come on the forums or talk to the higher ups!

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