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Multiple Attacks In France (shootings And Suicide Bombers)

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Yeah, it's pretty messed up, I heard it while at work. Most f*cked up part is all of the hash-tagging from supporters of [iSIS] it all that are explicitly about Paris being in flames.

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I was watching it on the news. It got worse and worse, could be 128 + dead. My prayers are with France and the terror they have to put up with.

If this topic isn't that serious to others, this is the biggest terrorist attack since 2004. (Or from what I've heard it is)

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Yeah, I was watching the news as well. France got hit pretty damn hard.


128+ dead now, and it's probably just going to go up. I haven't checked on it again at all. Last time I had checked was last night there was about 60+ dead, about 100 of hostages,

and had locked borders as well.


And apparently there is people on Tumblr supporting the Muslims for this attack.. Like they are supporting the attackers.. That's pretty messed up as well.

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about 100 of hostages,

and had locked borders as well.

I think most of them were killed which made the death toll rise from 60 to 128.

And apparently there is people on Tumblr supporting the Muslims for this attack.. Like they are supporting the attackers.. That's pretty messed up as well.


If it's not satire then I will lose faith in humanity...again

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I just find it very strange for three reasons:


  1. France has never been known to cause problems or provoke these kind of attacks.
  2. They were just hit by a big terrorist attack earlier in the year (remember the comic artists that were gunned down?).
  3. We have the Echelon, Dishfire, Xkeyscore, and Frenchelon networks/databases that are able to monitor this kind of stuff (google it). How was none of the intelligence community aware of this, or why was nothing said?

I have a feeling there will definitely be some retaliation from hacktivist groups, France, and their allies (including us). I just find it so shameful how people support this kind of stuff (what Forest was saying). Innocent people were gunned down and killed. That is nothing to be celebrating...

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  1. France has never been known to cause problems or provoke these kind of attacks.


France has been launching airstrikes against ISIS, this is just ISIS retaliating by killing citizens because they are too pusseh to attack the military.

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And apparently there is people on Tumblr supporting the Muslims for this attack.. Like they are supporting the attackers.. That's pretty messed up as well.

Well, ive been on tumblr for a while, and what I've seen is people saying that the entire muslim community is going to get blamed for the attack and be lashed out against. I dunno what you saw.

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The fact that he got in disguised as a refuge makes me wonder how more are there. If 1 can slip through as a refuge then many others can. I am honestly suprised that they did not try to hit Germany or England since they have been pretty open to the refuges. I also heard that most of the deaths were from a concert that a band that I follow was playing. Eagles of Death Metal, it has to be hitting them really hard knowing people got slaughtered at there show. Prayers to them and the familys.

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The fact that he got in disguised as a refuge makes me wonder how more are there. If 1 can slip through as a refuge then many others can. I am honestly suprised that they did not try to hit Germany or England since they have been pretty open to the refuges. I also heard that most of the deaths were from a concert that a band that I follow was playing. Eagles of Death Metal, it has to be hitting them really hard knowing people got slaughtered at there show. Prayers to them and the familys.

England's an island so it's more difficult to smuggle things in and attack as we have an easier time defending the country.

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It was ISIL. they did it because france is deploying air strikes in the Middle East. More atrocities from ISIL. When you commit mass murder on innocent civillians, you have no right to represent a religion. You're giving the religion a bad rep. ISIL should pay for what they did, and I'm sorry to the people in Paris, and for the Muslims who get a bad name for being categorized with extremists.

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