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Complex - Counter-strike

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Ban Type:

Team Ban


Well, you guys are right. I was freekilling, but there was a damn good reason. If everytime i go on open cells, someone shoots me, fine. But when im a T, and i get shot and doors or not opened, thats not fair. Thats why i did it to him. And if there were 2 warden's and one was ''HeadShot'' (The Freekiller, not me) someone gave me a gun just to kill him. He ruined the game. I freekilled as well, no doubt, but it was for a good reason and/or someone was being f*cking annoying like ''Majestic Narwhale'' (you guys should gag him once in a while he talks randon shit to people. i only freekilled him because he woudnt stop over fricking how many dicks were in my mouth.)


Thank you for youre time, hope you guys read this. Ill be a better warden next time and wont freekill (only is he WAS a freekiller, then i kill only once)


-Lucas, Complex

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Majestic Narwhale'

Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History

About @Majestic_Narwhal

I really recommend reading these logs, specifically page 2 and 3.

He's also threatening to get people banned. As an example:

i got 3 people ct banned today for less by recording the round. get the fuck off or youll be ct banned for a week

Of course, this does not justify freekilling I thought it might be worth mentioning though.

@Lithium @Bleed @Snackbar

However, if you feel like a punishment for his behavoir is justified, feel free to create a ban request:


Do not forget to post proof though!

Edited by Bello (see edit history)

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I have no say in the matter, but I'd give the guy another chance to be honest. It seems overly unfair that he's been punished for this.

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well one good thing comes out of yu posting his chat imo beside the fact he needs to think before he speaks



Xeno Gamers - Player Information

Xeno Gamers


@Lithium @Bleed @Chrono @Snackbar DuckiiJr should be permed, this is an alt account of his


Well he added me on the alt then, I wouldn't say evading due to the high account level and amount of games on that account. Just being real here.

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Well he added me on the alt then, I wouldn't say evading due to the high account level and amount of games on that account. Just being real here.


Thats because he was vac'd on the other for hacking hes had it before he was permed on forums by you, i see no reason to let him on the servers with his history.


Steam Community :: Deadmau5 this is his orignal account.

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Just because someone is being a dick isn't an excuse to freekill, same thing with revenge freekills.

That being said, I'm willing to lower it to two days.


@Majestic_Narwhal You need to calm down while playing. Take a break or something. Just stop shit talking random people so much.


Well he added me on the alt then, I wouldn't say evading due to the high account level and amount of games on that account. Just being real here.

i have an alt account with 1k hours on csgo, that doesn't mean if I get banned I can just use the other account.


Regardless, he was unbanned with the pay to win thing Xeno Gamers

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Just because someone is being a dirk isn't an excuse to freekill, same thing with revenge freekills.



Ill be a better warden next time and wont freekill (only is he WAS a freekiller, then i kill only once)

Two wrongs don't make a right. That being said, it's understandable that you want to take matters into your own hands, but we do have rules set in place. Players who freekill because the other player "deserved it" are not exempted from the rules. If you see someone breaking the rules, the best thing you could do is report it to any Staff who may be online at the time or [as Bello mentioned] record any other instances of rules being broken with a demo (or any 3rd party software such as Fraps) and post a Ban Request form.

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His chat logs are an interesting read too. he comes on and rages and whines, and purposely starts stuff. no prompting necissary, hes complaining I talked about him having a dick in his mouth when he told like 6 people to suck his dick first and raged, freekilled a large majority of the other team because he was mad. My patience ran thin when he was crap talking about half the server and talking about people sucking dick, and I happened to stoop to the same level. Mutually, it was wrong on both ends and I apologise for my end, but there are 2 sides to this coin. Yea I was wrong to act like that, but it was pretty obviously provoked.

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