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Request To Remove Homing Arrows On Vsh Server.

Should Homing Arrows be removed?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Homing Arrows be removed?

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I wouldn't mind a limit on snipers, and spies for that matter... but if you start removing all the things that make xG's vsh different from all the others there won't be any incentive to join it over others....


I suggest maybe considering removing blitzkrieg so that the sniper wall climbing isn't a thing...


Also, reflecting homing arrows/rockets is perfectly ok to do @Diamonde it's not the same as USING homing arrows and if you weren't meant to be able to airblast then the hale would have a different flamethrower that doesn't airblast.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Great, so it seems like you guys wanna keep homing arrows. If so, can we at least do something about it?

I, personally, am getting sick of 10 fricken homing arrow sniper on one team which spread out 100 metres away from eachother.

As Hale, I literally HAVE TO kill the homing snipers first BUT in order to do that you HAVE to get past every other mercenary that wants to kill you.

=> So you basically HAVE to take damage to kill a single class.

People just need to get better at hale or not play at all if it really bothers them.

So people literally have to select either Hitler or Heavydile to counter it? And what does that lead to? People spamming the same bosses. :derp:

But anyways, as long as we get a nerf (such as removing crits) or a class limit I am fine.

dis might be overexaggerated

Edited by Bello (see edit history)

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Great, to it seems like you guys wanna keep homing arrows. If so, can we at least do something about it?

I, personally, am getting sick of 10 fricken homing arrow sniper on one team which spread out 100 metres away from eachother.

As Hale, I literally HAVE TO kill the homing snipers first BUT in order to do that you HAVE to get past every other mercenary that wants to kill you.

=> So you basically HAVE to take damage to kill a single class.


So people literally have to select either Hitler or Heavydile to counter it? And what does that lead to? People spamming the same bosses. :derp:

But anyways, as long as we get a nerf (such as removing crits) or a class limit I am fine.

dis might be overexaggerated


Limit it to 3 and remove blitzkrieg so the wall climbing glitch doesn't activate and they won't be able to get to lame ledges anymore... it's a dumb boss and I literally have to sometimes make a wordpad to keep track of all the people that only play as it...

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As fun as homing arrows are, whether by using the homing arrows, reflecting the arrows as hale (@Matsi), or even reflecting the reflected homing arrows from the hale (@Matsi, again), it's very annoying as hale. I understand it helps snipers get the advantage of fighting hale easily, but for gosh sake, this is the Saxton Hale server we're talking about, not the "aimbot arrow simulator ez lmaobox crits dlc high damage fling cancer lol ecks dee edition" server. As previously mentioned in this thread, homing arrows are automatically crit-boosted to deal high damage and provide easy Google Flight service to the hale. Heck, sometimes, for some reason, the arrows are even explosive, providing extra knockback and damage.


One way to counter this, as previously mentioned in this thread, is to make the huntsman (including reskins) non-crit boosted, which would make it have less damage. Another way, also mentioned in this thread, is to reset the class limit for sniper so there wouldn't be a "blood trail" for the hale. Heck, you could even go the distance and ban the huntsman (including reskins) from the server or remove the homing arrows perk entirely, so the hale wouldn't have a huge disadvantage against the snipers.


What I'm saying is that I would want homing arrows removed so the hale experience would be easier. I don't want the server to become an "ez aimbot crit sniper arrows lmaobox ecks dee" server filled with snipers. +1 for removal.



hurray for accidental argrumentative essays

I am really against taking off the crit bonus or removing the huntsman (I doubt that would happen anyway). Some people (hi my names barm i use the sniper bow xd) legitimately use the huntsman without homing, and I would personally hate to see anything nerfed about them. Class limits just ruin the fun for people who want to play sniper. In my opinion the best way to solve the issue is just to remove all homing perks what so ever. Valve made certain projectiles hard to hit for a reason and removing the skill needed for that also removes the fun with those weapons. The only reason people use homing arrows and such is because doing a lot of damage, even though it requires them minimal gameplay (sitting in a corner and pressing mouse1 every couple seconds), makes them feel like they are having "fun." Sure, some people will be mad if you remove it, probably most of the younger audience will be. But it is really ruining the fun for hale and destroys chances of someone who is not as good to win a round as hale.



Please. Make people play the game.

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Sure, some people will be mad if you remove it, probably most of the younger audience will be. But it is really ruining the fun for hale and destroys chances of someone who is not as good to win a round as hale.

The 58% no votes disagree with you. :giggle:

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The 58% no votes disagree with you. :giggle:

And what about the people that play on the server regularly but do not have a account on the xG website? Surely we aren't going to forget about them.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Also, reflecting homing arrows/rockets is perfectly ok to do @Diamonde it's not the same as USING homing arrows and if you weren't meant to be able to airblast then the hale would have a different flamethrower that doesn't airblast.


It still homes to red!! Grrr

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or these whiny hale players should just stop whining at everything the higher ups do to try to fix the things the players don't like. for example they want to get rid of homing arrows. so we remove homing arrows from playpoints. but doing so crashes the plug-in so you cant remove homing arrowings. so you try another plug-in but wait, they complain when you remove playpoints. and then guess what. once play points are back they complain about it. again.

Edited by Tomahawk (see edit history)

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or these whiny hale players should just stop whining at everything the higher ups do to try to fix the problems. basically tell them to shut up and be grateful and if you don't like it, frick off


but doing so crashes the plug-in so you cant remove homing arrowings


Edited by Bello (see edit history)

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or these whiny hale players should just stop whining at everything the higher ups do to try to fix the things the players don't like. for example they want to get rid of homing arrows. so we remove homing arrows from playpoints. but doing so crashes the plug-in so you cant remove homing arrowings. so you try another plug-in but wait, they complain when you remove playpoints. and then guess what. once play points are back they complain about it. again.


People will complain no matter what changes. If it's removed, complaints. If not, complaints. I personally feel we should replace PP with something that adds more diversity to all classes. For example: Demo has only one perk, Pyro only has one and it's useless, Medic only has one. The other classes have OK/good ones but some of those could be considered OP/annoying (Homing, 50 cal, 520/Hyper). We had a plugin the other day that let all classes get buffed but since it wasn't nerfed down a bit, everyone was OP. If we brought that back but with a nerf (which is entirely possible) I feel people would be OK with it, since the perks were universal, made it fun as hell, and points reset every map but were easy to get.


A while back I also suggested the War 3 Mod, but it would take a lot of work to get it to a "balanced" state, but would keep people coming back since there's like 15 races with a leveling system.


And I wouldn't consider it "whining". I mean if you waited 15 rounds to be the boss and only got 3 kills the entire round since an entire team of Homing Snipers killed you, you'd be upset too.

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And what about the people that play on the server regularly but do not have a account on the xG website? Surely we aren't going to forget about them.

If they are playing regularly surely they are just fine playing the game how it is.


If they cared enough to voice their opinions they should make a forum account and do so....

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