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Kittytemp - Forum

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In-Game Name:

♥ Amy ♥

Steam ID:


Ban Type:

Server Ban


hi there!


I used to be known as Kittylicious, some of you probably know me since I'm a bit of a funny tale around here :p


anyway, I am here on this alt account as directed by Bello to appeal my forum ban in the hopes of redeeming myself and proving I have matured and become a better person.


I was banned I think 2 years ago now? which is a looooong time and I am sure you are aware people do change in that space of time. Silly things happened 2 years ago and we have all learned, moved on and become better people.


I hope I can be given a chance since I would love to be involved with the community again.


I hope you all are having a jolly good Christmas holiday so far!(y)


thanks for reading



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+1 I can vouch that she has changed. After she was banned we kept in touch and she is a much better person. Plus, everyone deserves a second chance. @BonfireCentipede

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+1, as i mentioned before in my previous posts about kitty, she can be very hot headed and say stupid shit, and she has done stupid shit as well as made a lot of enemies, but personally i have mever had any such problems with her, i feel a lot of the times she felt she didn't get the representation or support she needed added to said frustration. If kitty can chill out and apologize for what she has done then i see no reason to keep her forum banned. I'm not trying to justify what she did or say, but give some sort of insight on why it might have happened. Good Luck kitty.

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Since I've joined this clan about 2.75 years ago, I've witnessed Kitty's behavior and actions myself.

I do agree that it was very immature and whatnot but at the end of the day it's been two solid years. I've talked to her privately and she seemed pretty chill. I'm gonna +1 for another chance, but if she messes up again she should be banned until 2040 again.

On a side note: Other higher ups have requested her to do one of the "How to get unbanned" challenges.

I personally think that this is not necessary, since we're just talking about a forum ban, but if others do I'd be fine with that.

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wasn't really participating in the clan during all of this, but as someone whos been here since 2012 I think what happened / she did isn't all that big of a deal and taking a 2nd chances mindset would probably be appropriate


+1 why not, its not like its hard to re ban someone if they post more stupid shit anyway

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Ok, my opinion is obviously relevant here....


Lol I said it back then and I'll say it now, I'm a grown man and don't need to have super intense beef with teenage girls on the internet. You DID cross a line, but so did I in the pursuit of being petty about it, and just altogether caring way too much about spiting someone who was effectively a child, so I just want to be clear that I'm not holding any grudges, and probably didn't even ever care as much as it seemed like I did at the time.


I haven't really interacted with you since, so I don't know whether or not you've changed, but two years is plenty of time.



As for the app, I do have to be a little bit petty and say that I, for one, welcome back our cyborg princess





And oh yeah I almost forgot....











+1 has a mic

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I personally think that this is not necessary, since we're just talking about a forum ban, but if others do I'd be fine with that.


I always have thought that the "How to get unbanned" challenges were mainly focused at getting yourself unbanned from the servers. I agree with you not being needed.



Only the people that were around back then knew what she did. If the people know that she has changed from what she was a couple years ago, then it should be fine.

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I always have thought that the "How to get unbanned" challenges were mainly focused at getting yourself unbanned from the servers. I agree with you not being needed.



Only the people that were around back then knew what she did. If the people know that she has changed from what she was a couple years ago, then it should be fine.



Not a higher up anymore but I do want to add, I used Mine on a forum ban, and so did forge. Yeah we were being children over a two week ban to spite kitty, which should be taken into account here, but most of the people who've actually followed through on a how to be unbanned challenge did it for a forum ban.

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I also got permanently banned in 2014, and I know exactly how much it takes to just even attempt to return to a community you've basically been thrown out of

It just shows how much you liked at least a certain part of our community

And for that, I'll give my +1 for @Kittylicious to be unbanned

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