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    Firstly, I would like to remind everyone that after member applications where changed, member protests became a lot easier to do. 


    Myself and a few other people have been suspicious of Kitten's actions as of since she joined xG. We would like her membership removed because of lying, stealing and a history of scamming others. Here is the evidence:

    1. dltVNRz.png

    We were talking about Osu on surf and she says "i can duuu a 13-14 starrr map kypari", but the issue is that her Osu profile says otherwise: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/11690302 Obviously this alone is not grounds for removal because that would be silly. However, this does pile on top of everything else that she has done that I will present other evidence:

    2. Here is a link to her profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198409022488/ and here is a link to the artwork on her profile https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1291970655 . Despite how the description of the artwork on her profile is different now, she has claimed multiple times that this is her own artwork, stating that it took "5 hours to draw and animate" zKaI52p.jpg Unfortunately, I was unable to get a picture of the artwork with this description, but I managed to get a screenshot of where I sent her artwork and it had that description on steam; the link will lead you to that particular drawing, which should be just as good of proof. I'm sure that we can agree that this is way too short of a time to be able to draw AND animate a picture like this, yet she claims she did it as per the link. https://sicnesse.deviantart.com/art/Witch-Akeno-587601982 Here is a link to a vectored version of this image, and after some research this picture seems to have circulated around the internet quite a lot. There is no doubt that this image was stolen and she lied about it on her profile and to other people claiming it was hers. 

    3. https://pastebin.com/wYhgap1z Chat logs with her and @Ms.Spooks, her claiming that she was going to draw something for Spooks. In the end, she sent this https://imgur.com/a/bD8jT which can be found at https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198314399057 , and she claimed that this was her own artwork she had just drawn for Spooks. More evidence of her lying and stealing artwork to claim as her own, and quite frankly manipulating friends.

    4. Finally, https://backpack.tf/trust/76561198409022488 her trust page contains evidence and information regarding two scams that she's been involved in, one of which includes $1000 worth of items. 

    Personally, I don't want someone who is a lying thief who scams other people after manipulating them into thinking she's a good person as part of this community. It's unfortunate to even think that someone like this is in the community and even considered a friendly person by many. 


    Thank you for reading! I await the response of @Kitten because there is a lot of explaining to do.


Edited by virr
mame changes (see edit history)

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The OSU thing, just throw that out. Honestly people lie all the time about being way better at a video game than what they really are. The art stuff, while scummy, isn't necessarily grounds for removing membership. As for the scamming thing, while it did happen in the past, can lead to problems in the future. From the looks of it, they do manipulate people to give them things and then just never bother giving it back. That is something I have a huge problem with. Now while I don't necessarily think it's grounds for immediate removal of membership, it is best to keep an eye on this user. Though, now that all this is out there, I doubt anyone would trust this user with their items. Would like to see what others say, as well as Kitten, before I go any further.

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3 minutes ago, Vexx said:

The OSU thing, just throw that out. Honestly people lie all the time about being way better at a video game than what they really are. The art stuff, while scummy, isn't necessarily grounds for removing membership. As for the scamming thing, while it did happen in the past, can lead to problems in the future. From the looks of it, they do manipulate people to give them things and then just never bother giving it back. That is something I have a huge problem with. Now while I don't necessarily think it's grounds for immediate removal of membership, it is best to keep an eye on this user. Though, now that all this is out there, I doubt anyone would trust this user with their items. Would like to see what others say, as well as Kitten, before I go any further.

As I said, the Osu thing isn't grounds to remove membership at all. It's just extra stuff to throw in to prove that she's a somewhat of a pathological liar. All of the evidence combined definitely makes me not want someone like her to represent the community personally

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I really don't want to reply but kypari insists I should.

I want to start off by saying I thought I trusted her deeply. The friendship appeared to be mutual in that regards but that ended up not being the case. I'm not angry about what happened. I'm sad, disappointed, and hurt about it. Not that any of you should care about that. I was under the impression that in the period of a week she was betrayed by two people *according to her.* One of which supposedly ran off with 25 keys in items. I felt bad for her as she was my friend that I thought I could trust. I had been saving and trading up items for a few weeks before, which I dislike to do in general. I was saving up to get her a catastrophic companions as a birthday present. Instead after hearing about her situation I wanted to give her some stuff early to help recoup from her loss, as they were intended for her gift anyways.

The reason that I was working so hard to get such an expensive gift was because I was under the impression for at least 2 months that she was working on artwork for me. She never asked to be paid and I didn't ask her to do it. With that in mind I was very happy she would put that much effort into making me something for my profile. Kypari recently had suspicions though that she wasn't being honest about being an artist. So I managed to search for some information myself from some of the pictures she sent me in the past. Now nothing was conclusive at that point as I had no way to proove that the deviant art wasn't her account. (https://sicnesse.deviantart.com/art/Witch-Akeno-587601982)(1) So I asked her if that was her account and she replied that "I need to update that" "Yes that's my profile I mainly use twitter now though" I asked for her twitter and she never responded. The art that she has shown me in the past however was found on this person's profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084721146/. ( 2)

That night I asked her if I could see a preview of the art as the last time she said I could see a preview and that she was "almost done" she never posted it. Instead she posted the blue haired girl from this profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198314399057(3) I have no reason at the time not to believe her so I say the work is cute and move on. However, when I asked she said she would show me tomorrow. So I waited all day for her to show at least something to show it was real. I end up having to message her at around 5:30 pm her time here is the conversation as I'm currently under suspicion 

3:38 PM - Myagic: wanna geeeeet your tablet mayhaps :D?

3:38 PM - xG Kitty: My tablet isn't the standard tablet, May.

3:38 PM - xG Kitty: It's very big.

3:38 PM - xG Kitty: It cost nearly $900

3:38 PM - xG Kitty: And that's when it's on sale

3:38 PM - Myagic: very big

3:38 PM - xG Kitty: Mhm.

3:38 PM - Myagic: yes yes wacom?

3:38 PM - xG Kitty: Wacom?

3:39 PM - xG Kitty: Slang please go away.

3:39 PM - Myagic: yeah it's a fancy drawing tablet

3:39 PM - Myagic: it's not slang

3:39 PM - Myagic: it's a brand

3:39 PM - xG Kitty: Never heard of it.

3:40 PM - xG Kitty: Oh

3:40 PM - xG Kitty: Yes

3:40 PM - xG Kitty: Didn't read the sentence properly

3:41 PM - Myagic: ^-^

3:41 PM - xG Kitty: It's the Wacom Mobilestudio Pro 16inch l7 512GB DTHW1620H

3:41 PM - Myagic: mayhaps in a bit then?

3:41 PM - xG Kitty: Probs

3:41 PM - xG Kitty: No promises

3:41 PM - Myagic: yay

3:42 PM - Myagic: I hope so cause I really wanna seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your lovely art before it's finished ^-^ 

A lot of things are off about this conversation in general so now I'm really doubtful she is telling the truth at all. For starters she didn't know what wacom was as a digital artist. She copy pasted a $3,000 tablet and had the previous claim she got it $900 on sale. Lastly, she said the night before she would show a preview and now she is saying no promises. Again though this isn't enough concrete evidence to suggest that she is lying about making art for me. So when she said she is planning on getting on tf2 then going to bed I ask her about the preview and she claimed that she already showed it to me.(3) Even though the one she sent was by mistake. So I eventually convince her to let me see it again and I do an image search and woah and behold I find someone else's profile with the EXACT art she was taking credit for. Not only that but it was the same one she claimed was a mistake (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198314399057)(3)

With all the previous concerns in mind this was too big of a slip up for me to ignore it. I can't believe I gave her roughly 14 keys worth of items over something that she could have easily been lying about. As it was intended as a gift I'm not going to fight to get them back. I never wanted any of this. I didn't want to have to confront her about all of this and I asked respectfully if everyone else would refrain until I got the evidence I needed. I'm heartbroken to say the least. She betrayed my trust. It was never going to be a mutual friendship and I was too dumb to realize it. I don't expect nor want her to be punished for this, but I can't let this big of an issue go without comment. It's really disgusting what she did to me and I'm not sure I can forgive her in good conscience. Take a look at the images below you'll find more than enough of what she has been claiming as opposed to what is the truth. Do what you wish with the evidence I provide, but I don't want to be involved with her anymore. I barely even wanted to respond. 











Edited by Ms.Spooks (see edit history)

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I've already had a chat with May... none of this is directed to anyone but May, because I feel as if I have hurt her the most. Here is the chat I am leaving here.




4:12 PM - Kitty: Hey May. No one asked me to do this but I feel as if its the least I can do since you were a big portion in the time we were friends. You were like a sister to me and I felt like dying this morning. I would rather give this to you than to Matt to give to you because I rarely talk to him. Plus it means more to say some words to you before you leave again. Goodbye May. I hope everything works out for you and Matt. I doubt this will happen but if you ever need someone to talk to if it is me or isn't me... feel free to add me again and we can have a talk. Chow!  https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/emoticon/scCatgirl ~ https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/emoticon/loveglow
4:12 PM - Kitty: Check your trade offers.
4:14 PM - Myagic: ok. thank you for everything. I was really praying it wouldn't have to be this way.
4:14 PM - Kitty: As for me, would you like the things I got with the keys and metal?
4:15 PM - Myagic: it's fine they were intended as a gift anyways and I already said I'm not going to fight for em.
4:18 PM - Kitty: Well, if you ever need me, you know where to find me. I'm all for girl talk. Just remember, you were and still are a big portion of my heart... now is being ripped away from the main section. I'll always have you in my heart, May. Stay well! Also, could you tell Max I said chill down and stop cussing? Thanks, don't want to end this with his feelings being hurt on top of the stuff that is going down with him and his parents. I hope both of you work things out. As for me, I do have a dark past I rather not share with anyone but you. Unfortunately, I don't want to keep you waiting. Life is to short for so much sorrow. Farewell, May. It was fun.  https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/emoticon/scCatgirl ~ https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/emoticon/loveglow
4:19 PM - Myagic: good bye we had a good run.
4:19 PM - Myagic is now Offline.
4:19 PM - Kitty: Indeed we did. Every last second I enjoyed.

Farewell people, this community has given me great joys. Chow...

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So since I have never encountered her performing these actions myself, I feel as if my opinion of her is off the table. I generally saw them to be a nice person. But to have blatant evidence of thievery and lying now on the table, I would say that she shouldn't be a member for these kinds of actions. A +1 or a -1 will not be provided by me as preciously stated, but those are my thoughts.

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+1 when doing remote IT work for her (fixing her mic) her claims about her personal life were very contradictory and she had software such as voice changers installed. These combined with her past history seem of pathological lying to other members to be more than enough red flags to support her departure from xG in my opinion 

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As we have discussed the voice changers did not work and I uninstalled them and still talked after... so obviously that is not a problem.

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6 minutes ago, Kitten said:

As we have discussed the voice changers did not work and I uninstalled them and still talked after... so obviously that is not a problem.

There are multiple other things I can point out if you would like that . I just didn't want to display anything that could make you feel exposed personally

I can private message them to you and the higher-ups if you would like proof

Edited by Johny3Tears
Statement of proof (see edit history)

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+1 While the points about lying and the artwork aren't exactly reasons for removal (if we started removing everyone who  made a poor example of the community or had similar issues, we'd have far less members very quickly) they do serve to support that the manipulative aspect is very much alive and strong. I'd say the scamming and general thievery both in and out of the community is an active part of what this individual does  and in itself definitely deserves removal of membership if not a ban of some form considering how scamming is considered by our server rules (this doesn't pertain to the scamming in the past, but what was done to people through our servers and community via "gifts" ). 

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Seems like the discussion has died down here for a bit now so ill chime in with some final thoughts before closing this up.

I don't think the art and the lying part, while scummy and mean to the people affected, are thaaaaat bad to be fair. The scamming part definitely is and hits a big nerve with me. Under no circumstances is this allowed around here and will be taken action upon. Also, big thanks to @Ms.Spooks for providing as much evidence as she did. I know you really dont want to associate yourself with us anymore, but thank you regardless.

@Kitten will have her membership revoked and will also be permanently banned from all xG servers as consequences of her actions. ~closed

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