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  • In-Game Name
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    Team Fortress 2
  • Previous Member
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  • Previously Banned
  • Time Active on Servers
    287+ hours
  • Reason for Joining

    I want to help the Xeno Gamers community grow and feel that I have improved greatly since previous applications and bans. I wish to help add content to XG servers, especially maps as I enjoy making team fortress 2 maps as a hobby and love recreating old maps .maybe even get staff in the future if I am ever able to prove myself worthy. I hope to prove myself worthy of the xg tags even more after I am accepted.

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+1 shows improvement in additude and strong desire to be in xG. Over the past 3 or 4 weeks-> a: 8 m: 7.5

+1, I think kiriy finally is ready ?

Edited by Johny3Tears (see edit history)

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9 minutes ago, Nyxll said:

+1 Must join, even though I disagree, it seems that there are people who dislikes me trying to -1 so why not offer.

It doesn’t matter what others think, if you disagree with someone’s potential membership, you should say so. That’s what vouching is for.

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I have not seen any improvement. Nearly everytime I see them on the server, they're always complaining, despite telling them to use the !friendly command. And I had a few... Experiences. Where they would have an argument about how I'm "Harassing" them and I should stop killing them. But whenever I do, I just say to them, use !friendly, to which they ignore.

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-1 as made apparent by Kypari, you clearly aren't ready for xG. We don't condone this sort of behaviour on our servers and I don't think we would want someone who behaves like this representing us

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Your behavior still seems like it needs a bit of improvement. The times I've seen you you were pretty decent but your chat logs show that at several points you can get really unnecessarily heated. Also you've been on the server long enough now to the point where you should know that racial slurs and any loopholes aren't allowed. Disappointed to say, but I can't say yes to you becoming a member with an attitude like this.


A: 7

M: 4

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