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  • In-Game Name
    So de um
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  • Time Active on Servers
    50 hours
  • Reason for Joining

    I like the XG community, and would love to be a part of the community.

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Second easiest -1 of my life (not even that far behind the lolisme one tbh), and oh boy I mean this.

Sodium started off as your regular new xG member, played, learned rules, rebelled, etcetera etcetera. He later started become an annoyance as he decided to bug the staff for no particular reason. Being the only one who seemed to ask him to stop, he decided to focus on me. It's also important to note that every single time he broke even the slightest rule, he'd immediately start sucking up to whatever staff was on, usually being me. This was when the real problem began, I told him the community guidelines forbid sucking up to admins and from that day he just became the worst xG player.

His constant need for attention is what sets him apart from other annoying children on the server, since he never seems to stop no matter what you do and will not stop until he gets what he wants. Apart from that he has taken a hobby in spamming binds when he doesn't get attention, and even says these binds out loud on the mic whenever he has the chance. I tried to get away from it by blocking him on steam and in-game (not really, I just told him that so he'd stop, spoiler alert; he didn't but he was convinced), yet he started asking other members to ask me why I hate him, and even after that I decided to explain why, and even after THAT he CONTINUED to harass other players to get my attention and send messages for him. What troubles me is that the other staff seem to find this funny, which isn't too much of a problem since they already all make fun of me, the problem is that if I gag sodium for spamming his binds, another staff will ungag him.

Sodium also loves to argue. If he doesn't get his way he will begin his whining until he gets a response. It's like a drug addiction that never ends, he needs more and more attention, and when given attention he will proceed to acquire more shortly after. He also recognizes the fact that he is problematic to the server, and fuels on that by continuing to quench his thirst. Whenever I get legitimately mad at him, he points out to the entire server that I am mad and laughs. This is not proper behavior.

There's been many cases where he loopholes the rules, and even after I explained to him in depth what a loophole was, he continued to INSIST he shouldn't be punished because he "wasn't breaking a specific rule". After being punished, he claims he was "abused". He really thinks he's funny, and these are the childish aspects that make him everything BUT fit to be a member of the xenogamers community.

I would 100% honest to God rather have JohnGalt42 as a member, hell, maybe even Fern.

Oh yeah;
Activity: 9 ; Sodium is active, he comes on the servers, not much to say here.
Maturity: 1 ; Despite everything I've said, the one thing keeping it from a 0 is his knowledge of the basic JB rules and his ability to apply them to basic JB gameplay.

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If my opinion mattered, I would stay neutral. On the + side your active and your not to bad. Its not like you freekill every round or don't know how to ct but you do break rules more than you should. On the - side you do break rules more often then you should as I mentioned, but you also can get obnoxious to the point were for example Danny cant stand you. Im not sure if people want you in the community.





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4 minutes ago, Sodium said:

Keep in mind my “loopholing” was making my name “Danny Picachos Bedt Friend” and saying it wasn’t impersonating a mod (which it isn’t)

You named yourself "danny pistachio" and were saying you were danny, and were asking wardens to refer to you as "dannypicacho" when you wanted a pardon. After that you started changing your name to different variations of danny picacho.
Aside from that I've seen you camp a spot, leave it for 2 seconds and come back so it's not "camping".

Edited by Dannypicacho (see edit history)

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4 minutes ago, Sodium said:

LMAO WTF @Dannypicachothat is not true WHATSOEVER I never did that! I changed my name to Danny Picachos Best Friend after I first picked you in scrims! None of that sentence is true, and now you are lying to keep me from getting member. The camping part is true though.

You did that in the jailbreak server, I even remember the map: jb_peanut and we were watching Ts play volleyball. You only stopped after another person said "danny just kick him".]

Bullseye is right though, this is a member application. I've said what I needed to say.

Edited by Dannypicacho (see edit history)

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Not my division, so I have no basis to vote, but looking through your chat history (https://xenogamers.com/rank/player_histories/chat/1071784) it seems that you have a habit of absolutely spamming chat, especially harassing @Dannypicacho, and just generally being a toxic/immature player. From what i can piece together looking at logs you seem to claim other people are targeting you when in reality it seems you've egged them on a good bit (and this is just text chat so i'm not sure about anything on the mic) and then try to play a victim card (once again, just reading from context, not actually observed behavior).

IMO I think it would be wise to try and improve some of these behaviors (rather than argue them with little/no evidence and then admit to breaking rules) and apply then for member... but then again, this isn't my division so take that with a grain of salt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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12 hours ago, Dannypicacho said:

You named yourself "danny pistachio" and were saying you were danny


12 hours ago, Sodium said:

LMAO WTF @Dannypicachothat is not true WHATSOEVER I never did that! I changed my name to Danny Picachos Best Friend after I first picked you in scrims! None of that sentence is true, and now you are lying to keep me from getting member. The camping part is true though.


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