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Replace Christmas with Dust 2 server

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Well title says it all, please vouch if you want Dust2 server back instead of the christmas server

and if possible silence tons of people tend to like dust 2 dm i think you should open up a server for that with 32 slots

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I really dont see the point of that server. No people at all and its almost march lol. I would totally play on the dust 2 DM server like every day. I used to go on the HG office DM server so many people play that. So yea i would be happy if it got replaced :)

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Mohammad. Your grammar is horrible (lololol) but seriously, I never like playing the same map 24/7 I WANT PUB.


and btw ive seen tons of dust 2 servers and they are always full we can do that if some ppl would take the time to play there + populate it more

playing jb all day really sucks now, i tend to play mg more now...

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+1. Yes, please. I really do enjoy dust2. I go there all the time to play with some clan members and friends. It may not be populated, but it is indeed very fun. If the dust 2 server comes back, I'm sure it will slowly become populated with a help of some members. Since the pub server is gone, the christmas server replaced it and no one goes there too. Also the dust 2 server can help members that want to improve their aiming, and ultimately get better as a player. Hope the dust 2 server returns.

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A deathmatch server for de-dust2 also sounds fun , maybe we can have both a regular pub for 24./7 de dust2 and a 24/7 dust2_unlimited deathmatch server.

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