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Since Arth closed the Req. before i could post

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Gonna post what I had typed up in the Ban Request before arthman closed it.



lets pick through this piece by piece then so i can prove how stupid you are and that i don't x-ray shall we?


When i asked him why are you x-raying he denied it like any 1 would

Of course I denied your statement that I was x-raying, because I was not x-raying. plain and simple.



I then go on to ask him why does your mine have 0torches besides spots where you mine the ores, he said and i quote"I don't like torches i use a texture pack with fullbright"

First off, you misquoted me, to try and turn it in your favor. i never once said "i use a texturepack with fullbright" you changed the words around to look like i use a mod. What I had actually said was: "I use a texture pack that is brighter than default, and i have my brightness set to full."



When i thought he was hacking he had found 6 diamonds, a vane of 3 each, So i vanished and teleported to him, threwout the entire time watching him all he did was look up look down and threw walls left and right. anytime he would find something he'd place a torch, nothing more.


Yes. I found a vein of 6 diamonds, that were retartedly generated to show up as 3 and 3 on the admin thing. thats cool, it happens all the time. and as stated previously, i use a TP that is brighter so there is no need for torches, until after a day or so of first playing on the new server i knew i needed a torch or redstone or lava near me to mine shit underground. so yes, when i found something i wanted i would place a torch. (you may be wondering why i would skip over iron then and leave it, because i have plenty of iron, there is no need of it anymore for me, and I can repair diamond now so i really don't give a fuck about it.)

[see below for the looking around]


after he was banned he came into my channel in teampseak, instead of admiting it he consistently insulted me and calles me a fucking idiot. While the entire time i was just telling him i was watching you the entire time, i saw you look the walls etc.


As anybody with Dual monitors knows, when you move around monitor to monitor it moves your mouse (hurr durr) when i press esc. sometimes with my broken ass keyboard, it clicks it twice so the looking around was a result of my retard keyboard. i can see why you would think i was xraying but no, it's faulty hardware. and for the disrespect you so blatantly deserved there, it's because you are a fucking idiot, you banned me for xraying when i didn't. the only thing that resembled xray was my stupid keyboard, and the knowledge that the closer you are to bedrock the more likely to find diamonds. you banned me right after i started to dig stairs down and happened to find diamonds. so apparently digging down is a bannable offense. BRB banning server. hurr.


also, you accused me of using a fullbright mod after i had CLEARLY stated to you what I actually do to go torchless. yet you seem to think I still use a fullbright mod and or xrays.



also just to throw it in there.


A side note to aegean- I left my teamspeak channel to go talk to him in mc 1- I did not cause any problems in the channel just told him why he was banned.


The rule when you were unbanned from Teamspeak was that you could not go into any channel other than yours. NO EXCEPTIONS. or receive a permanent ban.



I would also like to state that the Ban Request was closed IMMEDIATELY after arthman joined teamspeak and went into rabid's channel. without my side of the story, so the perm ban was also very biased as rabid asked him to close it and he did.

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first off, I asked people in teamspeak. You did approve of using fullbright. Second, I trust my admins. rabid vanished and followed you as you looked here and there thru walls looking for diamonds.

Ill leave this open for anybody to post their comments.

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Gonna post what I had typed up in the Ban Request before arthman closed it.



lets pick through this piece by piece then so i can prove how stupid you are and that i don't x-ray shall we?



Of course I denied your statement that I was x-raying, because I was not x-raying. plain and simple.




First off, you misquoted me, to try and turn it in your favor. i never once said "i use a texturepack with fullbright" you changed the words around to look like i use a mod. What I had actually said was: "I use a texture pack that is brighter than default, and i have my brightness set to full."





Yes. I found a vein of 6 diamonds, that were retartedly generated to show up as 3 and 3 on the admin thing. thats cool, it happens all the time. and as stated previously, i use a TP that is brighter so there is no need for torches, until after a day or so of first playing on the new server i knew i needed a torch or redstone or lava near me to mine shit underground. so yes, when i found something i wanted i would place a torch. (you may be wondering why i would skip over iron then and leave it, because i have plenty of iron, there is no need of it anymore for me, and I can repair diamond now so i really don't give a fuck about it.)

[see below for the looking around]




As anybody with Dual monitors knows, when you move around monitor to monitor it moves your mouse (hurr durr) when i press esc. sometimes with my broken ass keyboard, it clicks it twice so the looking around was a result of my retard keyboard. i can see why you would think i was xraying but no, it's faulty hardware. and for the disrespect you so blatantly deserved there, it's because you are a fucking idiot, you banned me for xraying when i didn't. the only thing that resembled xray was my stupid keyboard, and the knowledge that the closer you are to bedrock the more likely to find diamonds. you banned me right after i started to dig stairs down and happened to find diamonds. so apparently digging down is a bannable offense. BRB banning server. hurr.


also, you accused me of using a fullbright mod after i had CLEARLY stated to you what I actually do to go torchless. yet you seem to think I still use a fullbright mod and or xrays.



also just to throw it in there.




The rule when you were unbanned from Teamspeak was that you could not go into any channel other than yours. NO EXCEPTIONS. or receive a permanent ban.



I would also like to state that the Ban Request was closed IMMEDIATELY after arthman joined teamspeak and went into rabid's channel. without my side of the story, so the perm ban was also very biased as rabid asked him to close it and he did.


have nothing more to say, my ban request sticks, As i said before i was watching you the entire time you looked threw walls you mined down just to find diamond, you mined threw things just to grab diamond\gold, The entire time watching you i was talking to psycho saying, i want a bit more proof, he just said ban you, And any 1 knows 16- levels in floor is closer to diamond, any 1 who plays minecraft for more then a week knows that. with all of this being said i still can't believe you are denying this. It was so blatant, arth psycho and i have all looked threw your mine.

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first off, I asked people in teamspeak. You did approve of using fullbright.


As I stated in my post. I said I use full brightness SETTINGS hurr you know that thing in video options? and my texture pack is SLIGHTLY brighter than the default. if you are going to ban people for using texture packs that are slightly brighter than the default, you might as well ban most players.





Second, I trust my admins. rabid vanished and followed you as you looked here and there thru walls looking for diamonds.


You trust your admins? Rabid has been banned several times for numerous things, including hacking. yet you have him as mod on MC when he shouldn't even be in xG anymore. secondly, you weren't even there, you are going off of ONLY rabid's word of what he saw. which is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY (i can't use enough verys to stress that this is) Biased. the "xray mines" were me digging a tunnel through in one of my cities mines until i found a cave. thats how i mine. i found a cave, i dug down through one of the sides to see if they missed anything. so digging in the right place when an admin is watching is bannable?

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Like i said i was watching you the entire time, you just kept looking threw walls, i can't say nothing more then that it was so obvious i don't know what more to say. i wouldnt just ban you for no reason...


And as it goes for mc, I take it very seriously, my past has nothing to do with anything over minecraft. Just take your ban and stop complaining only going to make it worse.

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I can at least attest to what he's saying about the monitors. Minecraft can derp when you try to release your mouse from the game. As for everything else I have no input either way.

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No, I won't stop complaining. Because I am not going to take a ban for something that didn't happen. and you can say something more. if you were actually following me the entire time you would have seen that I wasn't I dug a tunnel (as usual) and found another cave thats that. that is how you mine, when you are lazy. If you took minecraft seriously, you would have looked at it all and saw that thats what happened. and anybody who plays minecraft for more than 2 weeks, knows that yes anywhere in that range of blocks is diamond spawnable. however the closer to bedrock the more likely it spawns.

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ONLY rabid's word
Rabid's one of my most trustable mod. I dont care if he hacked on CSS or anything, He's legit on MC.

yet you have him as mod on MC when he shouldn't even be in xG anymore

Following this logic, I should demote rukibah when he helps me with the server? pfft, Ridiculous.

Ban protest Denied.

~Sealed with bedrock

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