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Hi I am Stence and I am recruiting for the SS!

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Hello champs, My name is Stence I am the division leader of Shit Shoveling you might remember me from such games such as... Counter Strike or everyones lovable favorite... Garry mods!


Well I got some news for you my Division is now recruiting moderators and admins! I take all people just simply throw on SSA For Shit Shovelin Admin or SSM For Shit Shovelin Moderator if I accept you I will make a list of people I accept on this thread

now I bet you are thinking to yourself "Stence why are you taking this SHIT so far." and I'd say "Nice pun" Well I believe that here in the SS we live by a much higher code to shovel first and shit later. So apply here and if you are accepted here is what you get! You get to be apart of the SS and you also get exclusive member benefits such as a golden shovel *But it wont be golden much longer haha!* Oh also no powers are included with this rank you just get to be apart of the SS and be cool like Stence. "Wink" So apply here today to furfill all you're shit shoveling needs! Limited time offer so please hurry!


Pictures of the SS fighting crime coming soon!


SSA: @@McNeo @@MuffinMonster @@Chrono @@HaaDron @@xxshadowspyxx @Brian @@DerpO_o @@Mad_Scientist @@Angrehorse @@MineCrack @@Slipery @@kiwishuriken5 @@TurdWig @@JakeEnglish @@Tiberia @@zPlooChi @scraped


Heres the SS Picture I promised



SS Anthem

Yo in SS we fight we shovel to keep it tight we do your work for you bitch because were alright... and your lazy so when we work we light up and keep it hazy and we pull bitches like Jay-Z. We enjoy shoveling shit if you aren't in the SS then gtfo and split when I rhyme you know I spit and when girls come they come for one thing and that thing is dick. Peace,


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Who I am: My name is Muffin. I like grilled cheese.

Why I want to be in SS: Because Stence is a pretty cool guy. eh shit shovels and doesn't afraid of anything.

What I am currently doing: I dunno, rapey kinda stuff.

What I enjoy: Shit shovelling and raping people.

Gee willickers, I hope I get in.


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