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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/13 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    Community Day #3

    !!!!!UPDATE!!!!! Offical Server Rotations: 1. Minigames (4:00 ~ 4:45) 2. Zombie Mod/Escape (4:45 ~ 5;30) 3. Deathrun (5;30 ~ 6:15) 4. Jailbreak (6:15 ~ 7:00) 5. Gungame (7:00 ~ 7:45) Date and Time of Community Day/Night: Saturday, April 13th 4:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) You can use This link to check the current time so you don't miss it!! Co-Hosts: Diabeetus Shadowspy Chrono TheLostCause DeathGod Gawd Guest of Honor: Scarra (Sporky) Co-Host Duty: Every 6 minutes, you will ask a Trivia Question (6 minutes between each question, no matter who gave it). Keep in mind that the Trivia Question should have close relations to xG in some way! It could be about a certain player, just general history of xG, all that good stuff! When someone answers the question and gets it right, you will write down their name! At the end of the Community Night, I will need all of the names so that Credits can be distributed. We will all meet up tomorrow at the appointed time on TeamSpeak in ??? channel to discuss questions or any other things. Join in on the fun to meet our Regulars of CS:S, make friends, earn some Credits, become better known! This is a great opportunity for those who are applying to xG to get their name out there!! For more information on the Competition Day, head over to this thread where Echo has taken charge of it! Any questions/comments will be answered by him. Credits will be distributed during this day, just as they were last Community Night!! Discussion? Comments? Suggestions? Hate-mail? Buttplugs? Leave em below. - Dat guy, Forest
  2. 2 points


    Well at this point I feel like I'm just pouring water on the already extinguished fire, I'd like to get my two cents in. Xemnas: First off. I'm disappointed. I liked you. I always did. I can honestly say I would have never expected this. While others seem to enjoy putting out their metaphorical cigarettes in your metaphorical wounds I would like you to know I am sad to see you leave, especially on a note like this. However, there are criticisms due here that I feel you deserve to hear. Seeing as though the idea of punishment being applied where it is due is a fresh topic among everyone, I'd like to make this a good example. You blatantly lied about all of our opinions. You say people like Derp, DrPepper, Vegalyp, are all looking at leaving. People who, in relation to the xG community, are all incredibly interested in remaining in it. You state there is a consensus among the Garrys Mod Division about Charrax being impeached of his position of Div Leader but instead of that you go for xG regicide against him. Attempting to get him thrown out of the community altogether. What does that aim to accomplish? You cripple the community you're trying to protect by removing the one person who knows what he's doing and is working hard to make everything run as smoothly as possible. Xemnas had you even asked Charrax to reserve his comments, to act kindly towards you? Or have you just decided this is it and that Charrax deserves this punishment for your own inaction to deal with it? Hell, had you have come to me at any point with concerns over Charrax's actions and his behaviors I would probably have been the most sympathetic and helpful to you. You can ask Charrax, me and him have had issues in the past, and they were resolved by communication, not abrupt and ignorant calls of punishment. You mention people such as Bane, Sousei, and Gavin. These people are the people I related to as "xG trash" (well not actually mentioned, but those were the people I was talking about + more) back in Tariks unban request. You go to these people as your evidence? As your source of support? Did you think that through? I can honestly laugh at this one. You picked the people who are destructive to the server, if they left it would be constructive. I've said this what? Three times now, that certain people aren't conducive to the server. Congratulations on picking the least likely people to support you with actual reasons on why Charrax should be removed. In conclusion, you have just shown that you overreacted and couldn't deal with whatever Charrax was saying to you or how he has been treating you. You call for some ludicrous actions and attribute your feelings on to all of us and expected it would go in your favor. Now you've been told you're wrong and your done with game you've been playing? Now you've successfully created more drama in the community where everyone thinks we're being too serious for a game anymore when really we're just doing what we should of been doing all along. You said it yourself. It should have been left at that, you should have never made this. I feel like you knew that then, and you definitely know that now. You created something volatile and it blew up in your face. Sousei: You and I have never been on the best of terms. Mostly because I never liked you. You never seemed like somebody I could enjoy playing TTT with. This was probably shaped by the fact I didn't enjoy playing TTT with you. Funny how experience shapes attitudes towards people isn't it? I don't think you, or anyone complaining about Charrax, get why he is hostile to certain people or dickish to others. He isn't someone irrational, he isn't inherently obnoxious to everyone. Just to people he sees as deserving of his treatment. You think we all "cockride" Charrax? Good joke. I've told Charrax off more than once, all of us have our own quarrels. The difference is we all understand the concept of dealing with our issues with other people. (Wow this must sound redundant, seeing as though this was the same issue said above). You say Charrax picks who he likes to be his staff. Not based on who is more capable. Has the thought ever occured to you (and I severly doubt it) that the people who Charrax has as his staff, are the ones who are best fit for the job and are the ones he likes. You assume we all agree with Charrax, you assume what goes on in the channels of Teamspeak where the staff of Gmod resides is all peaceful and "dickride"-ing. You assume this and you are wrong. Simply wrong. Charrax's attitude: Everyone seems to think he is this irate asshole who simply hates on everything. That his attitude is driving this division into oblivion. I can safely say that I have the most experience with Charrax here, as I have known him for many years, and everyone is missing why Charrax is why he is. Its necessary. Charrax's attitude allows him to pick out who he finds to be helpful and who he finds to be the most beneficial to the server and then he can disregard everyone else. Of course he has biases and of course he has "favorites" but his behavior isn't entirely based on those things. A lot of people who frequent anything only like to associate with people within their own groups. Charrax doesn't automatically disregard new people. We have new staff coming in, new people Charrax likes and finds they can work well with the server. He just prefers to show his displeasure of others to them. Charrax is not someone to just talk about someone behind their back. He will talk about them wherever and whenever, including in their presence. This automatically offends people more. Charrax will call you a faggot, if you are a faggot. Chances are. You're probably a faggot. Charrax's attitude, as some of you have said, is actually beneficial. Its what stops the Gmod division from being a huge clique. It allows for change, but only the right change. Banning: In reality, its a gray area. I personally believe its apparent when people are idiots/hunting for a perma ban and then there are bans that are overkill/misunderstanding. However, in the time it takes to understand what someones actions were and being able to react to their action there is not enough time to fully go through and deal with the true process of banning someone. Most of the time, people who are banned, are people who are just the kids who come onto the server and start breaking rules just to break rules. Now, we're starting to see cases where people who are part of the community are facing bans that should be in place but because they are part of the community there is a hesitance to just perma ban them like we've done the rest. Charrax tends to deal with things like this in the most efficient way possible, just get rid of it. There is no connection between an empty server and players being permabanned. The problem there is all about nobody wants to play an empty server. So yes that is why we the staff need to be there to get the server rolling. It usually only takes one or two people to enter a server and even if they are idle people join and start playing. I've done and continue to allow Gmod to run while I am busy doing other things and I've come back 9 to 15 people all playing in a server. Phobic mentioned a member retention issue, that doesn't come from banning either. Members get interested in joining because of a working server. When people such as Sousei or Tarik or any other people bring it upon themselves to do whatever they want with the server while an admin isn't present you're not going to retain those players because you've created an environment that isn't TTT and it isn't what we advertise. The leniency that we've had to everyone is the problem. If we want to get more players going in our server we need to cut the slack and start running it like a true server, not a playground for our own members. Oh and because I forgot. -1.
  3. 2 points

    Do dis dawg

    I wanted a fucking red bar...
  4. 1 point
    A;7/10 M:4/10 okay so you asked for +1s in the server, and also the warden was trying to give orders and your on your mic holding it down saying "check my app and give a +1". you spam for warden every time and also spam when your not warden, you're not on teamspeak , and your immature. Read MOTD,Stop tarping when your warden (you major tarp almost every time). don't keep trying to get warden if you don't really know the rules. Now your active but you are not active on teamspeak, get teamspeak and join us when your on. D : -1 because you asked and you don't know all the rules, and also you mic spam. you can download teamspeak for free just go to www.teamspeak.com and download client version 32 or 64 bit, then follow steps and after that click connect and then our ip is voice.xenogamers.com and and nickname your self Shakeandbake, and join the JB channel (css JB channel).
  5. 1 point

    Back from Hell

    me :)
  6. 1 point

    ShakeAnBake - Counter-Strike: Source

    Im gunna say 0. Your not very active on teamspeak, Btw do you have teamspeak? Your an okay guy, you freekill, break some rules and you argue a lot. Brush up on the MOTD a bit and I might change it. Pretty active but disrespects sometimes. m:4/10 a:7/10 Edit: Changing to -1, hasnt improved at all, got more annpoying. Argues against freekills. Good luck.
  7. 1 point

    Community Day #3

    People left due to the shitfest that was Gungame actually, it was just too much. Also there Was a tinychat thing going on in which I was a part of, as for the Draw My Thing, didn't really happen cause I had uber lag.. Go figure, can't even play a simple game like that
  8. 1 point

    Community Day #3

    Discuss how beautifull I am. Lets do something that everybody can enjoy Haters be hating My butt makes a good plug ;)
  9. 1 point

    Going active again.

    YAY!!!!! and if you ever leave xG I will find you and kill you.
  10. 1 point


    My final word: My super admins (Which are my "advisers") are never afraid to speak against me, and influence many changes. My admins and mods usually are admins and mods because they support the opinions of Me, Aeon, and my Super Admins. If you think that me having admins that like my style of admining is bad then you are one of the stupidest people I have ever met. That is like hiring engineers to work finance. What message? That every problem listed in this thread about my servers was about to be fixed anyway? That I wouldn't mind if people who can't show me and my servers the slightest respect leave? You seriously wonder why I should respect people who can't respect me. The first one was proved on my side for one argument, and the reason it happened was because I said what everyone was thinking. I took a hit for xG and it worked in the long run. Everybody (except the higher ups) loved me for speaking out and saying what was on everyone's mind. Look at all the -1s! Why do you think I got Div back? This member protest is not changing me the slightest bit and I am actually quite entertained. I would like to mention some things about the ads. Keep in mind I have told all of my staff and most players this at least once: 1) I never said I [alone] was getting the money. A bunch (About half (About meaning more on his side, probably 60% his way)) of it would go to Aeon. 2) I got Silence's permission. 3) Aeon and I discussed this before beginning the ads. TL;DR - This thread is useless and all your posts are blind ignorance.
  11. 1 point
    +1. The only reason this happened was because of the fact that Edenpbe is a terabad warden. There is pretty much 0 chance of this happening ever again, so I think we won't be in trouble of having a rulebreaker on the loose if we unban JakeEnglish.
  12. 1 point

    Random Name Caller

    Oh my god I love you so much xD
  13. 1 point

    !rules = self explosion.

    It's not murder if they ask for it. (y) ...I guess that's totally different...
  14. 1 point

    Do dis dawg

    warriors you still suck
  15. 1 point


    I'm just posting so I can praise Scooter's pro response. Because, I probably can't come up with a long response to have a good reason for -1 ing other than I ride Charrax's dick. I've known him for about as long or longer than Scooter so I know how he does things. Not sure how I've dealt with him all these years but I guess cause he's such a CUTIE. But, it's just how he does things. The server's are great, we just don't get a good flow of people. I can't even join anymore cause for some reason either my ISP fucks gmod servers or I am some how Gmod wide banned. >:C SO. -1 Cause I love to ride cocks. Sousei. <3
  16. 1 point


  17. 1 point

    Avoiding bans.

    I'm not sure if this should be in a different thread, but here goes. Today in Jailbreak we had a person mass freekill. Upon death they immediately changed their name to something else. I would consider this avoiding a ban. I asked other admins if it was avoiding a ban their opinions conflicted. I also asked Chrono because he is the CS:GO DL and a higher up, he said that it wasn't avoiding a ban. I would however, like to get a ruling on this. I myself think it to be avoiding a ban. Not that I don't believe you Chrono. I just need to know from the other higher ups. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@Chrono @@serbiansnaga @@Duckii @Brian @Vector Please tag anyone else who should be tagged regarding this.
  18. 1 point

    We need a DM

    Just saying, I don't think a vote really should decide who gets DM, and again, if anyone, MuffinMonster should get it.
  19. 1 point

    Me being disrespected

    Dear Mr. Purple, I have asked Mr. Swift about his way of talking. He told me that he was just joking, for he could not hear your order when you warden. You should not take his words seriously (And Mr. Nom's). As of Mr. Lquidador, well... you get the point :P Good day, Nicholas K.
  20. 1 point

    Superkiller67 - Counter-Strike: Source

    This is very harsh as he has been an active member of this clan. You might have your reasons that I am too new to understand, but no matter the reason, there should be warnings to this. Duckii Jr was banned at a random moment without a warning. He has done nothing recently that entitled him to this Permanent Ban. Permanent. That's like serving two life terms with no bail. All I'm saying is that you give him one warning. If he messes up, then go ahead ban him. But just give that warning before. +1 for the unban.
  21. 1 point
    im sorry, but i have something to say to silence,what you said is wrong,you had no right to say such thing, "BANNED FOREVER UNTIL HE KILLS HIMSELF THEN HE CAN GET UNBANNED" this is wrong to say. in my opinion i believe you should apologize to duckii jr though i dought you will,Nothing new from you.Even if he was "joking" or being "serious" you shouldn't of said such thing.people in real life have actually committed suicide due to idiotic messages said as you did.In my opinion a good leader wouldn't say dumb things like that,and would actually be more mature and be reasonable with their members.Im pretty sure you know what im trying to say about you from that sentence above.Even if duckii jr has said "he was gonna commit suicide" many times,you still can't just bash him like that,i mean you don't even know what his life is like or what he goes through.What if he gets bullied everyday of his life,in school,everywhere he is?Then he try's to play games and have some fun cause that is probably his only way out from being bullied or from committing suicide?He might be Bi-Polar as chrono said,but then again,you don't know what he goes through in his daily life. Now im not trying to disrespect you in anyway,im just being real from what i've seen/heard.Hope you can take this message seriously and think about the types of things you say towards others.Also goes for all those who think it is fine to say such things to others out there.
  22. 1 point

    A strange request

  23. 1 point
    Just let me be passive agressive in peace without dragging Justin Bieber quotes into this!
  24. 1 point
    30/35 seg and STFU FAG! :mad::rage:
  25. 1 point

    I over reacted.....

    i dont
  26. 1 point

    Game - Counter-Strike: Source

    Judging by the sheer amount of negative vouches from the community, as well as the severity of the ban, it is decided that your request to be unbanned is #Denied and #Closed. For future reference, do not impersonate anyone who has made an impact on any community/clan as well as impersonate Another clan's tag, it'll never end well. In the future you may appeal for an unban, but meanwhile, take this time to think over what has happened and understand that it is not tolerable behaviour. ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  27. 0 points

    Killing Floor Div.

    We tried. Never happened.
  28. 0 points
    Okay you didnt mention names of people who were baiting and i was at 150 to 300 ping (lagging) and your just saying slay or do this well i was lagging i couldn't see anything and when i got the message no one was baiting. Who did i freekill by the way, what round was it, information. you say "slay ct's for baiting" in admin chat but you don't tell me who or anything. you are suppose to do @baiting "name" on what happened or @ Free kill "name" and information on what happened in admin chat not slay slay slay,BTW i wasnt the only one on Death God was on you could have just ask him,i was lagging. I'm sorry i have bad internet when someone else is downloading something in my house (on my internet). Had to edit because someone is named freekill. ~superkiller67
  29. 0 points

    Do dis dawg

    Everyone like me. Reverse psychology. I want a full red bar before Warrior gets one.
  30. 0 points

    Sham - Counter-Strike: Source

  31. -1 points

    Biggest TARP in CSS JB?

    who are you callin a derp warden
  32. -1 points

    Sham - Counter-Strike: Source

    look at these kids thinking they can just post without using a proper template no swag kids, you need to step up
  33. -1 points

    Sham - Counter-Strike: Source

    BTW activity has been down due to life (I know its weird having one) and troubles with some MC servers I'm managing. Just finished moving them to a new host and fixing up some of the plugins so the activity should come up very soon.
  34. -1 points

    Sham - Counter-Strike: Source

  35. -1 points

    Sham - Counter-Strike: Source

    Who is cows? Name change or just new person?:P
  36. -1 points

    Do dis dawg

    Fuck you.
  37. -1 points

    Do dis dawg

    @@Forest is isn't grammar not spelling. You're gay.
  38. -1 points

    Sham - Counter-Strike: Source

    forest is going to fist you if you dont use the vouching format
  39. -1 points

    Avoiding bans.

    I kinda do think that it is avoiding punishment, because the whole purpose of changing your name is to delay staff from finding out what you did and punish you. Yes, while we can eventually track the person down, it can take a little bit, which could lead the further problems if the person decides to further break rules. Just like with disconnecting from the server after a mass freekill, they're trying to throw the staff off to either avoid being punished at all, or are trying to delay a ban as long as possible.
  40. -1 points

    Back from Hell

    nobody cares about you kid.
  41. -1 points

    I want your opinion

    Hi guys, I'm RainbowDashie... I want your guys's opinion on what you would think of me being a mod. This is not an application to be mod, I just want to know what you think of me Stay Cool <3 ~Rainbow
  42. -1 points

    Do dis dawg

    That sentence made no fucking sense.
  43. -1 points

    Avoiding bans.

    eh, i dont see any differences, if you guys wanna server ban him for that ( i dont think you should, hes just a derp ) because he just said he's not trying to do that, All i said was you still massed and he's still getting perm'd from CT end of that story (for me)
  44. -1 points

    Sham - Counter-Strike: Source

    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Sham! Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:12024669 Banned: No Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 17 Further Information: Challenge accepted Feeling pretty turned on today got back onto teamspeak and realized I couldn't resist Cristo's mexican bod so here I am
  45. -2 points

    HighSociety - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 ;)
  46. -3 points

    Do dis dawg

    Everyone rate this down as much as you can your all gay
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