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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/13 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    easy - Counter-Strike: Source

  2. 2 points

    PoopyDoop - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 if you guys really fucking think he is trying to get unbanned from the forums just to come back on here to tell you guys how depressed and shit he is then you are fucking stupid. the kid is fine and talks to me everyday and I talk to him about his problems and yea the kid is alittle depressed...big deal, we all have been depressed before and for some people it can be worse but Duckii jr knows who we can talk to if he needs to and not to make his problems public anymore. So if you havent personal talked to Duckii jr and realized he is a good kid that YOU guys fucked over with that rumor then making fun of him in his TS room you have no reason to -1. Yea in the past he might have said some stupid shit on the forums but he didn't do anything to harm himself and has no plans to so please give a NEW valid reason why he doesn't deserve to be allowed on the forums when he is perfectly fine in-game.
  3. 1 point

    Informing xG

    So as you all probably know, before Duckii left xG she made another account on the banning site and gave it powers. She began to perm people such as @@MineCrack and @Brian Yesterday I was informed by someone that she had also given Bryce powers, and they have planned on perm banning me (DuckiiJr) from everything. I want ACTION taken. Duckii was my best friend. But duckii is gone now and doing all this crap unfortunately. I want them both permed from xG. And who knows who else Duckii gave powers to... @@silence @@serbiansnaga @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@MuffinMonster @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@Warriorsfury And no I'm not trying to "evade a ban" or whatever. I posted a ban protest again. Keep this ON TOPIC please. Duckii isn't Duckii anymore, and Bryce.. well he turned into a trolling penis long a go. If action is not done after what they have done and are planning. I will pee. This shits fucked up. What happened to the Duckii I knew once.
  4. 1 point

    PS4 !!!!!!

    They didn't drop it, just the new consoles didn't support it largely because of the cost of the compatibility made the console more expensive than people wanted to pay. People vote with their wallet and backwards compatibility wasn't important enough. That's BS. The PS3 virtualized the PS2 hardware and it worked just fine. It just required tweaking for each game which Sony didn't want to do. Either programming visualization for the PS3 is so bad (since programming in general for the PS3 was difficult to begin with) then that's the only reason I can see as to why it won't support it. The launch models of the ps3 contained the actual hardware of a ps2. This was to allow the use of ps2 games without virtualization or an emulator. They removed this only with a whole bunch of other features as it made the ps3 super expensive to the point where people didn't buy it ( who wants a $600 console). The virtualization you are talking about was removed with the release of the the ps3 slim because of piracy concerns and people using their ps3 as a computer. The ps3 fat had the option to install other os's such as a ps2 emulator and Linux, but they weren't happy about the prospect of someone buying a console they lose money on, not buying it games and just using it as a computer. Also, someone released a hack for the Linux release for the ps3 that removed sony's CPU restrictions and security checks. Sony had to remove the ps2 emulator along with Linux in order to fix this problem
  5. 1 point

    Informing xG

    it's not the action that counts here, it's the message Ninja Edit: and just so everyone here knows what happened here's what happened. duckiijr you were straight up stalking duckii. she removed you because you were extremely creepy and wouldn't leave her alone. you were trying to get all this information about her that she didn't want to reveal(her phone number, for example). you were trying wayyy tooo hard. and when she did give me powers you had already left the server and decided to just leave you alone and not ban you because i wanted to lay low with it. she did not give me powers to ban you but just because she was tired of fucking with people and i asked.
  6. 1 point

    Regarding My Absence

  7. 1 point


    brb let me install my hax
  8. 1 point
    @autumn Now skip to 1:20 on this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbAJivTHPoQ
  9. 1 point

    Hi,I'm new!

    Don't do it. Roxy is lieing to you. Also hello and welcome. :)
  10. 1 point

    Hi,I'm new!

    Supp, I'm sure you'll easily fit right in and have a good session of JOLLY CO-OPERATION on some things...also, if you want to be ultra-liked, call Forest BRITISH.
  11. 1 point

    easy - Counter-Strike: Source

    Josh "sliver" Thompson
  12. 1 point

    fredboy97 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Judging by your post, it really looks like you don't give a fuck. You didn't even put time into proofreading your BAN APPEAL. Which means you probably didn't think over your actions. -1 For lying about saying your brother did it. Don't you think xG gets that every other week?
  13. 1 point

    fredboy97 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Well you tried to lie and tell us that it had been 5-6 months when really it hadn't even been 3 yet so I am going to -1 for now. You seem like a good guy but the lying and the fact that I think you should wait a while is why I am g -1 this.
  14. 1 point

    CS:S is dead

    >Half Life 2 delayed for years >Valve must suck at coding Awww did I strike a nerve? I asked him multiple times if he wanted pay and he denied. I haven't talked to him since. If you want to pretend to help xG only to drive people away by telling them I'm a sociopath, that's fine. Just don't do it with the xG tags. I'm embarrassed you are baring that tag right now. Also I haven't been working on Hub very much since I'm working on the other servers and trying to give them more appeal. Nice screenshot BTW, telling him I'm a deranged pedophile. AND using KEYGENS!
  15. 1 point

    easy - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 thinks hes sexyer then me... lol jk +1 hes sexyer than serbian
  16. 1 point

    easy - Counter-Strike: Source

    I don't think you realize we all KNOW and LOVE easy. A silly format of A: lolilie/10 M: I'll give this dude an 8, i dunno/10 +1 HE IS COOL GUY DESERVES That doesn't describe the STDs we would give to easy, now does it?
  17. 1 point

    easy - Counter-Strike: Source

    No, the sad part is yolo dont matter yolo btw, yolo
  18. 1 point

    To where ever duckii is :(

    Same, no one likes 40 year olds who are sociopaths.
  19. 1 point

    CS:S is dead

    cs:go forever. Gmod is a population killer, one word- DarkRP. It's taking our mods away as well, thus resulting in the need of more TM's. Everyone knows the mod that isnt doing his job, but we wont call him out here :-)
  20. 1 point

    CS:S is dead

    jailbreak for day of defeat: source +1
  21. 1 point

    CS:S is dead

    LQ is kind of funny honestly, he follows the rules but puts on a pretty hilarious act.
  22. 1 point

    CS:S is dead

    csgo jailbreak is going fine, everyone join. css isnt really managed also, there are those stupid molotovs.
  23. 1 point

    Update 5/10/2013

    You are an mmmmmmbitch that likes mmmmmmbananas
  24. 1 point

    PS4 !!!!!!

    -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 ps2 best
  25. 0 points


    I guess; it's just another measure map made by another noob.
  26. 0 points


    looks cool, but a bit basic. Need something new and unique anyway. +1 Get that jb_mcrunner shit off there, that map is garbage
  27. 0 points

    CS:S is dead

    CS:GO would be a much better place if you banned that liquidador fag. He mic spams, disrespects constantly, and is racist. Do your fucking job -_-
  28. -1 points

    Bomb Stuff

    Corvo has many bombs
  29. -1 points

    CS:S is dead

    Closing now before it turns into a shitstorm. This will go nowhere.
  30. -1 points

    Fundraiser Ideas

    I vote @@serbiansnaga to be the candidate for xG's cam4 rep.
  31. -1 points

    forest is not british

    does he look like some little faggot with giant fucked up teeth? no does he shit out british crumpets and is interested in serving the almighty queen? no the fucking no bulldog-type? no cricket? does he look like he is part of the fucking royal family he rolls his FUCKING os and eats pancakes every fucking hour of every fucking day u got it u fukken CUNELs f ds forest is not british, he is canadian. he does NOT live in the place with bad weather (most of the time anyway, fuk england it totes rains there like every 2 fuckign seconds) FUCK.
  32. -1 points

    Informing xG

    "it's not the action that counts here, it's the message Ninja Edit: and just so everyone here knows what happened here's what happened. duckiijr you were straight up stalking duckii. she removed you because you were extremely creepy and wouldn't leave her alone. you were trying to get all this information about her that she didn't want to reveal(her phone number, for example). you were trying wayyy tooo hard. and when she did give me powers you had already left the server and decided to just leave you alone and not ban you because i wanted to lay low with it. she did not give me powers to ban you but just because she was tired of fucking with people and i asked." ya k.
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