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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/13 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Late-night JB

    why not have it every night like the good ol days of real late night?
  2. 3 points


    Not every single little detail needs to be put into the MoTD Rules, a lot of the rules we abide by are implied and have been passed down generation by generation by the Wise Ones. Free shooting being one of them. If a CT is intentionally and blatantly free shooting any Terrorist for no reason at all, then yes, I would say it warrants a slay (something like this isn't needed in the MoTD as it is implied). Unless, of course, you're like me, and you enjoy the pain of being free shot by certain people :woot:
  3. 2 points

    Where is this rule about wardays?

    So.... I am pretty sure there is no rule that states that CTs HAVE to be in warday areas by ANY given time, only that they cannot kill anyone while not in the warday area. I am wondering why I have been slayed for getting to the warday area a few seconds late and then called names and told to read the motd, but the motd doesn't say anything about that and I have heard from other admins that the is no such rule.
  4. 2 points
    warrior sucked ponchers dick and got unbanned, also ponchers a pedophile hueuheuheuheuheuh -sealed away in the last great time war
  5. 2 points


    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
  6. 1 point

    Late-night JB

    Just an idea I had: Most of you know that some of the best times on jailbreak occur late at night, when the rules are lienient and its just a few members playing together. It's also summer which means a lot of us have a little extra free time. Why not plan a night of jailbreak that is restricted to only staff and members (and of course those non-members who are loved)? It's been a long time since many of us have been able to have a fun and relaxed night on jb. Being that it would only be xG affiliated people, there is no pressure to follows the rules 100%. I know many of us would enjoy the ability to screw around for a night. It could be held in the evening (10 pm eastern, or something that isn't too late nor too early); it may be great to launch the hub during this event too. Thoughts?
  7. 1 point

    To friends and lovers,

    I miss you all. I had a major technical issue and a nervous break down. Guess I am going to die for a while. Love, The late N.K.
  8. 1 point

    MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    #DownWithSerbian #Warrior4Gulag2012 #WarriorIs12 #FreeTree
  9. 1 point

    MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    I don't know why I'm doing this. I think because I like to see some mass freekilling sometimes. So... Why not? +1
  10. 1 point


    Mature and active players all around a good person +1
  11. 1 point

    MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 he never really left the server he knows the rules well and hell if warrior got away clean from mass free smite minecrack should be unbanned. #imprisonwarrior2013
  12. 1 point

    Where is this rule about wardays?

    Yes, there is no rule about when CT's have to be in warday area, and you are also correct that any kills that a CT outside of the warday area gets are freekills, and will be punished accordingly. However, if you're a CT, just try to get to warday area by the time given. While CT's don't neccessarily have to be in the warday area exactly at the time given, they have to get there fairly quickly. The motd does say: This means that both CT's and T's must be participating in the warday, so any CT's found outside of the warday area who are clearly just goofing off/not participating will be slayed. Just to answer the question quickly, yes there is a rule, but no it is not explicitly stated. CT's do not have to be in the warday area at the exact time, however CT's must be actively participating in the warday, so any CT's caught outside the warday area for extended periods of time will be slayed. Unless you were outside of the warday area for a long time, the slay was unjust.
  13. 1 point

    MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1. I doubt that there is any risk of MineCrack mass freekilling again. Good CT, obviously knows the rules well, deserves to be unbanned.
  14. 1 point

    MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    if warrior got off pretty much scott free with only a minor demote that he will get promoted in about 2 days i'm just gonna say fuck it and !unban @all +1
  15. 1 point

    MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 warrior got unbanned for mass free smite, #FreeCrack #FreeEcho #FreeMythic
  16. 1 point

    WASD restricted freedays

    I saved the day and got demoted/banned for it!
  17. 1 point

    Bomb Stuff

    Instead of this, we should add a !hit plugin so that I can kill people like purple while on the same team...
  18. 1 point


    gkoo i hate when you do that. i say gkoo to get your attention and you respond with gkoo
  19. 1 point


    Each situation has a different approach. As a staff member you are suppose to know how to handle a situation. If you notice the free shooting is aggravating people then do something about it. If it isn't then don't be a lollerskater. All I'm saying is that each and every rule shouldn't be asked upon. You become the bigger man and make your own decision because we weren't there.
  20. 1 point


    DAYUM, I can feel the burn through my monitor! Want some ointment for it John? I love how ShadowSpy brings up a theoretical event, and you guys decide to take something from in-game that happened and start fucking arguing about it. Shadow asked the question: "You're a T, you are following orders and a CT purposely shoots you, is that slayable?". You should not be posting on this god-forsaken thread unless you're going to answer the question he presented. This thread was not made for the purpose of arguing over in-game semantics. Get back on topic, because this thread is spiraling into oblivion pretty quickly. Now back to the issue hand (@@John huehuehuehuehue). If a CT comes up to you, and you are a T following orders perfectly fine, and proceeds to freeshoot you, it should be a slay-able offense. If someone is going to be that much of an asshat and just shoot you for absolutely no reason because he has the attention span of a 5-year old and gets bored when there isn't constant gunfire and action going on in-game, he clearly should be slayed for not doing his job as a CT. Just because something isn't necessarily in the motd, doesn't mean it's not a rule. For example, freekilling is defined not a single time in the motd at any point, so does that mean that freekilling now mystically isn't a rule and people can freekill? The answer to that is: FUCK NO. Staff isn't just supposed to blindly follow the motd like a bunch of lemmings, but we also have to interpret and determine what the motd contains, and what should be deemed right or wrong based on the motd. Just use some common sense people.
  21. 1 point


    GG on the very inexact poll. I say: Warning shot for not following orders = fine Freeshooting for fun = slayable
  22. 1 point

    cids brother - Team Fortress 2

    As muffin said, you cannot do anything in a ban request without hard evidence. Besides, that's not even aimbotting. The first part of your statement is simply him sniping. It couldn't have been 5 in a second so you are over exaggerating about his sniping. Aimbotting has nothing to do with MOVING AROUND rabidly or spastically. What you said about him sniping cloaked spies as you came out of spawn, its very easy to do that on goldenrod as you can just watch a door and when it opens you know someone is coming out so you take the shot. This isn't aimbotting, not to mention there is no proof. Requesting a close?
  23. 1 point

    John - Counter-Strike: Source

    try again in 2-3 weeks, way too early to go for a ban protest for a mass smite -sealed away in the last great time war
  24. 1 point

    John - Counter-Strike: Source

    Retared me also couldnt find out how to edit. But in all seriousness I believe his ban length should be shortened not immediate. His judgement was clouded and lets be honest a lot worse could have been done.
  25. 1 point

    John - Counter-Strike: Source

    Regardless if it was funny or that others have done it, it's still abuse as a Staff Member. The most you'll be able to get out of this would be a shortened ban length, but that's completely up to @@serbiansnaga or @autumn. Other ex-members have done this (IE. Sinly, Mythic) and both were treated differently, one was given a ban length of a couple of months, while the other used the "get-out-of-ban-free card". Again, completely up to the Higher-Ups to decide. -1 for an immediate unban
  26. 1 point

    John - Counter-Strike: Source

    Alright here's my real input. Echo was a good admin, except sometimes when he was COMPLETELY STONED. I would support reducing the ban to a month or two. It isn't really up to us, it's mainly up to serbian and silence.
  27. 1 point

    John - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1. While I like Echo it's too soon. Unbanning him now would essentially be allowing someone to free-smite @all with only receiving around a week ban (I think it isn't quite a week yet though). I'm pretty sure that even with Mythic he wasn't unbanned for a while after he smited @all, and he only was unbanned because he used the autistic "get-out-of-jail-free-card", which in my opinion shouldn't be given as a choice to people who hack or do something like this. People have been unbanned for worse, but not this soon from what I've seen personally. Maybe in a few weeks I'd +1, but it's simply too early.
  28. 1 point

    Late-night JB

    Or maybe just a password Warrior.
  29. 1 point

    ABusinessMan - Counter-Strike: Source

  30. 1 point

    dayof defeat source jb server

  31. 0 points

    Remove all children faggots from xG

  32. -1 points
    They did not even give me my 1 phone call... POLICE BRUTALITY POLICE BRUTALITY!
  33. -1 points

    John - Counter-Strike: Source

    MIGHT AS WELL! IT'S FUCKING 'MIGHT AS WELL'!!!!!!!1111oneoneone Jessus crust you people drive me crazy when I see 'mind as well'. 'mind as well' is not a saying, because IT'S FUCKING 'MIGHT AS WELL' SDAFKLSJADFJLKSDJFJAFJLSDFLA ALL-CAPS RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGEEEEE! /endrant
  34. -1 points

    John - Counter-Strike: Source

    mind as well fix my spelling!
  35. -1 points

    Snow's Free Sprays

    Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting @@MegaRobin try this one, just modified to better to hopefully work in css
  36. -1 points
    Rules are Rules. Well some says "you need to extend(find loopholes) the rules to complete something". I kind of agree and disagree. So for me i am neutral.
  37. -1 points
    +1. It was a loophole stop being butthurt about echo.
  38. -1 points
    Holy fuck cristo in forum gg.
  39. -1 points
    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: [xG:M] Warriorsfury Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:22880298 Information: So I was playing jailbreak and halfbaked gave a WSAD farday. And while I was in spec we got 6 complaints in admin chat and a lot of people were complaining in dead chat. So I took the liberty of smiting at all and killing 4 T's and 8 ct's (or more (no more then 10)) Instantly everyone was happy and saying it was worth and I was getting a lot of praise in admin chat. Gyazo - 1445415fb808a1a973f38922df567c5c.png Then I go tell serbian and he bans me for 3 weeks and demotes me to moderator. (Without talking to the DM's or anyone els) I feel that with all the praise and happyness I caused I should not be punished. Or at the least not banned just demoted. Pic related: Gyazo - 69b697103c1171742da38a780add6f81.png
  40. -1 points

    Remove all children faggots from xG

    -1 Childrens are fun +1 just ban all black and jude people.:rage:
  41. -1 points

    Hello XenoGamers! Remember me?

    yes, its me :3 I haven't been playing any video games for a couple months due to school and my computer breaking... However, I just got a new computer and this friday is my last day of school! Expect to see me on the servers soon friends <3
  42. -2 points

    Remove all children faggots from xG

    shut up nagger
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