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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/13 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Where is this rule about wardays?

    @@Link! said it better than i could when the thread about john was there, basically it is a warday and Ts can leave their cells at 7:00 anyone leaving before 7 is a rebel and he even verified that there was never a rule saying CTs must be in warday area by the time given for Ts to legitimately leave the cells but it is implied you should be making your way to warday at that point. as well as if a person left before 7, say at 7:03 and you were shooting them, just because it is 6:59 now and you are shit at aiming, does not make them not a rebel, and if you killed them then, it was also said that you are not freekilling. terrible way of saying what he said, but hey, gay boy aegean is da bez
  2. 2 points
    warrior sucked ponchers dick and got unbanned, also ponchers a pedophile hueuheuheuheuheuh -sealed away in the last great time war
  3. 1 point


    Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: paperman Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:36637814 Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 16 Further Information: I figured I should apply to get into Xeno Gamers since I'd been chatting on the TeamSpeak for about two weeks with my friend HaplessIdiot and met some pretty okay people on it. Then I was told I was not allowed to continue to talk on the XG Teamspeak unless I joined. So.
  4. 1 point


    Mature 10/10, active on team speak and is a really cool person. (But his voice in team speak sounds like a pedophile...) +1
  5. 1 point

    New Server-Side Girl Model

    And so I made another version of her. I think this one looks better overall. It was the same model but re-skinned and I modified her shirt and her hair and face geometry a little bit. I think this one is way nicer. http://www.lady-natalya.info/downloads/rebel-girl-csgo.zip
  6. 1 point

    Leotekk's Shop

    Textures: Something crazy! Color: Rainbow Font: Any Text: RainbowDashie Extra: Make it rainbow!
  7. 1 point

    Xeno Gamers YouTube

    Only vids I got pertaining to xG involved the official xg_parabellum map (trailer and preview). Both were only like, 20 seconds tops. Don't know if it's worth throwing in there. I'm going to start recording shenanigans ingame though, so expect a few vids eventually.
  8. 1 point

    Xeno Gamers YouTube

  9. 1 point

    Where is this rule about wardays?

    So.... I am pretty sure there is no rule that states that CTs HAVE to be in warday areas by ANY given time, only that they cannot kill anyone while not in the warday area. I am wondering why I have been slayed for getting to the warday area a few seconds late and then called names and told to read the motd, but the motd doesn't say anything about that and I have heard from other admins that the is no such rule.
  10. 1 point
    I don't think any of you guys realize to the full extent of what he did. He MASS freekilled on a popular clans server which is NEUTRAL/ALLIES with XenoGamers after the mass ban of members. Now, the neutral agreement between xG/HG has allowed players from both clans to enjoy servers from both clans. Not only that but if members were misbehaving on servers, co-leaders can contact higher ups from HG to take care of it. For example an HG member joined our server and attempt to DDoS it, lag began and he said some remark about it. Proof was handed to a co-leader then handed to a HG higher up, sure enough he was banned. What savage did was basically breaking the agreement regardless if he knows it or not. Even if he didn't he massfreekilled on that server with tags on, damage is still the same. Then he talks about some type of "war." All I can say to this ban protest is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0
  11. 1 point

    Where is this rule about wardays?

    Whoever slayed Matsi is an idiot. Don't give a "T's can't leave cells before this time" if you are gonna enforce the fact that CT's must be in the war day area before a certain amount of time as well. Believe it or not, it takes time to walk to locations past the cell area and if CT's wanna catch derp T's who wanna leave cells earlier since they have a huge E-Peen, don't slay the CT's enforcing Warden's rule to the T's of not leaving cells before X:XX. I have no idea who started this "oh just slay any CT not at warday yet" cuz that's just stupid. If CT's get caught out of warday and get chased by T's, it makes it more fun since the T's are all rushing the CT and the CT is scared and just trying to get into warday to shoot some T's. If a CT shoots a T while he's not in warday, then slay him. This was abuse just like Rabid's ban as Rabid has done nothing wrong.
  12. 1 point

    To friends and lovers,

    I'll be counting down. When you get back, we shall drop the bass and party like no other man. :eek:
  13. 1 point

    JustSavage - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 you tried to start a war between clans, and you already made ur final goodbye in the hello goodbye. So whats the point of being unban?
  14. 1 point
    I was approached by the other clan members regarding what happened. I had to talk with their server admin and a member, who weren't all that happy about what occurred. They brought it to our attention, with proof because they cared about xG. In no way did they want a war to start, and I made sure it was taken care of correctly (with help). They were told that you were banned from our servers, xG, and that they should ban you from their end. We did it as a move to show them that we weren't going to let crap like that happen. You know very well that what you did was a very bad idea. MAYBE in a few months your ban can be discussed, but due to the circumstances I don't think this should even be discussed further.
  15. 1 point

    Remove all children faggots from xG

    Everyone in this thread is now permed. ~closed
  16. 1 point

    Where is this rule about wardays?

    So I was right and shouldn't have been slayed, I stopped shooting at them at 7:03 and was trying to get to the area...
  17. 1 point

    Remove all children faggots from xG

    why dont we just fucking give it up. #closethisthreadcuzitghey
  18. 1 point

    Remove all children faggots from xG

    -1 Childrens are fun +1 just ban all black and jude people.:rage:
  19. 1 point

    Where is this rule about wardays?

    Yes, there is no rule about when CT's have to be in warday area, and you are also correct that any kills that a CT outside of the warday area gets are freekills, and will be punished accordingly. However, if you're a CT, just try to get to warday area by the time given. While CT's don't neccessarily have to be in the warday area exactly at the time given, they have to get there fairly quickly. The motd does say: This means that both CT's and T's must be participating in the warday, so any CT's found outside of the warday area who are clearly just goofing off/not participating will be slayed. Just to answer the question quickly, yes there is a rule, but no it is not explicitly stated. CT's do not have to be in the warday area at the exact time, however CT's must be actively participating in the warday, so any CT's caught outside the warday area for extended periods of time will be slayed. Unless you were outside of the warday area for a long time, the slay was unjust. Ya I was enforcing the "Ts leave at 7:00 thing and attempting to kill the ones that left early... at about 7:04 I stopped doing that and ran to the area, getting there at 6:51 and then being slayed by hella. I'm not really sure how he even knew whether I was there or not since he was a T but...ya... As a side note... it is extremely difficult to respect mods/admins when they don't respect you.
  20. 1 point

    New Server-Side Girl Model

    +1 I likey, but she needs to be NAKED and have bigger boobs.
  21. 1 point

    jailbreak video here!

    This was great. Hahhaaa.
  22. 0 points

    Leotekk's Shop

    Hey just getting back into Gimp/Photoshop and wanted to practice by taking requests for avatars/sigs/sprays so hit me up with some ideas and I'll try to complete em. My first piece Pictures/Textures: Colours: Font/Text: Extra Details: The first ones might be a little bit bad but I'll improve.
  23. 0 points

    Update 5/27/2013

    rip in hell fucker
  24. -1 points

    jailbreak video here!

    oo, nice bro(y)
  25. -1 points

    jailbreak video here!

    kool vid @Corvoo gg
  26. -1 points

    jailbreak video here!

    LQ = Best warden.
  27. -1 points
    Aw, we should let the little guy back in, hes so cute! +1 Not back in xG but servers
  28. -1 points

    When is Hub..

    :poop: shit SHIT Shit Aegeany deal.. And it's only 2 classes xD My first assignment was 200 questions... And this is community college work.
  29. -1 points
    +1 For Shortned banned.
  30. -1 points

    jailbreak video here!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMyeYtgHRyE just some funny moments from an evening of jailbreak that i whipped up in a couple of minuets. please enjoy!
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