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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/13 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    Give us back PermBans

    So today we found a person who was bhop scripts on jailbreak today, @@xShadowSpyx @@GanjaMonster @@speedlimit56 we realized that we cant do perm bans @@DarkWolf6052 Why take away perm bans and only let admins perm. Cause the mods are more active than the admins. Also, we have less admin than mods. So the point is give mods back perm.
  2. 4 points

    Staff Award

    id like to thank rhododendron for my award, he has been an inspiration for me to push myself to be less than what i was in the past, his achievements such as the successful launch and huge popularity of hu.b has led xg to be bigger and better than what it was in the past, with populated servers and a mature, respected community. thank you based rhododendron
  3. 2 points

    Hu..b Replacement

    Back in 2010-2011, before h-.ub, we had Hat Packs. You would donate 10 or 15 dollars, i dont remember which it was. It brought in less money than hu-.b since you'd get everything the first time you donated(other than the other hats), but had the same features. When you bought a hat pack, you would get the hats, and instantly have all the Trails, Coloring, tracers etc. automatically. Im wondering if this is easier to code or if its one of the things starbuck coded for us. @@Rhododendron I don't know who would code it, but if we can't get hu-.b if possible this would be nice as a replacement.
  4. 2 points

    Done for now

    Now I have you right where I want you...my body is ready
  5. 2 points

    Hu..b Replacement

    seriously wtf is the problem with getting something installed, why does everyone say it "has to be coded by someone".... it doesn't.... just use something already fucking made... Here use this one it was updated 4 days ago: Plugin: [Release] Store Release [1.1 Final] [sourcemod 1.6 or lower] - AlliedModders It even has a webpanel for all you lazy people... [Release] Store WebPanel - AlliedModders Get the modules for the things you want in the store here: Store Modules - AlliedModders if you want to make custom items people can buy here's a fucking tutorial to add them: Creating items for Store · alongubkin/store Wiki · GitHub Ya'll a bunch of fucking lazy bitches! All you guys do is complain that there's no HüB but noone puts any effort to fix it... if I had access to the server this shit would be done so fast, but my time is spent doing better things... like browsing furry porn!
  6. 2 points

    Give us back PermBans

    Why this was taken away from us is beyond me. Why differentiate us from that? If you wanna make admins & mods have big power differences, take away PM or @@@ from mods or something. Don't take away a necessary function that we have to use in certain situations! +1
  7. 2 points

    Best Songs

  8. 1 point

    Staff Award

    My name is RainbowDashie giving out the first Staff Award! The staff award will go to any xG Mod, Admin, Division Manager, Division Leader in Css xenoGamers. This Month's award goes to @@GanjaMonster GanjaMonster has been very very active since he's gotten his powers. Literally 24/7. He's on everytime I play Not only has this person been very active, he tends to do his job full time throughout all he's been on. GanjaMonster is truly an inspiration to all members trying to get moderator. He's shown the integrity, courage, and optimism of a true moderator. Here's Your Award
  9. 1 point

    Done for now

    I'm gonna skip my life story, I've had an awesome time on the servers with you guys. All of you. Its been an awesome ride since I've joined up but for now I'm just moving on to different stuff and am not really interested in the the servers anymore. I'll probably log on here and then for a bit but probably not often. I'll miss you all. <3
  10. 1 point


    @@serbiansnaga @@Forest CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! -Closed
  11. 1 point


    +1 very active o the servers and knows the rules @@Priggles You found a way to gay it up -.- @@MuffinMonster I'm pretty sure this should be closed soon... Welcome to the Team nub
  12. 1 point

    Tiger - Counter-Strike: Source

    CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! @@DarkWolf6052
  13. 1 point

    Hu..b Replacement

    i loved hat packs
  14. 1 point

    Give us back PermBans

    im going to assume the server was set up the same way the CSGO server was set up. Mods never have been able to perm someone who is currently in the server. Though, they can use ban disconnected players to permanently ban. If you truly need to perm someone, kick them and then perm them with ban disconnected players.
  15. 1 point

    Game Deal stuff

    cuz im ghey
  16. 1 point

    Game Deal stuff

    This needed a reply?
  17. 1 point

    Done for now

    You leave me no choice Syrjirk.... I have to rape you now
  18. 1 point

    Best Songs

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QIgWgSEf4w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5CWv15Iap4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVTzv9qLyko http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNRzc6xWW3o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fo-Gqw4PRso
  19. 1 point

    Staff Award

    ganja doesn't need a ribbon. if you wanted to give someone an award then you give him the dank bud
  20. 1 point

    Best Songs

  21. 1 point

    Time to Get Outside More

    Not hard to do this when you are playing on a low pop server.
  22. 1 point

    Staff Award

    My name is Rhododendron giving out the first Granny Award! The staff award will go to any xG Mod, Admin, Division Manager, Division Leader in XenoGamers This Month's award goes to @Serb Serbian has been very very disorderly ever since she got his powers. Literally 24/7. He's never on. Not only has this person been very inactive, she tends to do his job with minimum effort for all she's been on. Serbian is truly an inspiration to all members trying to get banned. He's shown the integrity, courage, and optimism of a true asshole. Here's Your Award
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point

    Staff Award

    lol totally.... nah, I don't need anyone to tell me how great of an admin I am. :) I also learned a long time ago not to trust the opinion of a brony :p and a brony that is rainbowdashie.... I mean that's like double crazy... And then it's like some random award like... "ganja you win my random I wanna suck your dick award!" At least make it involve more than one person's opinion
  25. 1 point

    Jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Inb4 flame war. Although I generally like to watch people too, Ganja did seem to have a personal vendetta against Jubens tonight. Almost like he was trying to find something to just ban him for. Jubens messes up sometimes yes, we all do. @@GanjaMonster Also, there is no evidence to any sort of abuse here. Although like I said Ganja did seem to have a vendetta against you which I don't think should happen. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo Closing this as there is no proof of anything happening.
  26. 1 point

    Leotekk - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 yolo swaggins. This guy is my personal hero. He is the holder of my original gun used in the assassination of lincoln. He also kills people in JB like a boss. M: 10/10 A: 10/10 Love this kid. I want him now.
  27. 0 points

    Rate This Post Asian

    Most people don’t understand that the number of sounds in the Japanese language is quite limited compared to English and other languages. So when people imitate Japanese, sometimes they use sounds that don’t even exist in the language. It’s like trying to imitate English and using the German “ß.” Fortunately for the most part, the different sounds in Japanese are pretty easy to pick up. Usually the only difficulty people have is with the Japanese “R” sound. A few years back, Koichi did a whole video about how to pronounce the Japanese “R”: HERRO WERCUM TO XENER GAMERZ GERNERAR FORUM!! CHINA CHINA CHINA CHINA CHINA CHINA CHINA USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST
  28. 0 points

    Hu..b Replacement

    I don't understand. You are trying to make it so hub wont be broken when updates come out? And what 5,000 items are you adding (general idea of some items).
  29. 0 points

    Hu..b Replacement

    im pretty sure ive said this before and was told something like its not as user friendly (?), honestly i dont know why we dont just use that.
  30. -1 points

    xG movie nights

    But we have to make a account ._.
  31. -1 points

    My time has come.

  32. -1 points
  33. -1 points

    My time has come.

    +1 instagram pics #selfiesundayeveryday +1 are you randy jackson? hi sousei.
  34. -1 points


  35. -1 points
    please read post better i said i was talking to aaron and i was ASKING to be permban from ct because i did not know the rules at that time i did not know it was unit that banned me but i volunteered to be permban on my own and i just asked it i could get unbanned sence i know how the server rules are been there long enuf, i hope this clears it up better Thanx if i get unbanned Supafly420
  36. -1 points

    GameCube's Original TTT Minigames

    You heard that right. I will post games that i have found that work and are fun. Such as.... Jihad hot potoa (fuck spelling) If you want to play get a t to buy a jihad bomb, get a group of freinds shout over mic or type in chat we are playing this game. So you aren't killed. To play you arm the jihad then press q as quickly as possible. The hot part that if you pick it up to fast it will go off. Just if it goes off when you pick it up it wont count towards you but the t who bought it( still needs to be tested). Forwarning dont be a fool and HOLD THE FUCKING THING IN YOUR HAND LIKE ITS A TEDDY BEAR. We are not liable for any deaths or injuries for someone holding the bomb. Knife throwing contest of death. You get a t and like a couple people and form a shape that has at least everyone 12 shotguns away from each other. The rules are that the person with the knife first throws it at someone. You can't move in this game only to pick up the knife thrown at you( ducking and jumping is allowed. People should throw the knife untill it finds itself in someone's ribs. If you like to rp there are many situtions(fuck spelling) suicide jumper on rooftops, hostage sitituions(fuck spelling) and many more fun rp'ing. I will be updateing this with more idea's. This is just to make the game funner.
  37. -1 points

    Hu..b Replacement

    Just use the free one ._.
  38. -1 points

    MS Paint Commissions.

    2000 yen
  39. -1 points

    Give us back PermBans

    If you don't have access to perm... Gather proof Ban for a week Make a ban request on the forum so that the grown ups can decided whether or not to make the ban perm ? Profit QQ less Not sure wtf you are talking about tho, I have access to perm... LOL, I have permed several Mass Freekillers
  40. -1 points

    Rate This Post Asian

    I feel offended because I myself am Asian.
  41. -1 points
  42. -4 points

    Game Deal stuff

    Also on sale. Need anymore?
  43. -4 points

    Game Deal stuff

    Yay! Buy stuff ;D
  44. -5 points

    Game Deal stuff

    Its on sale.
  45. -5 points

    Game Deal stuff

    :O 50% Off!
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