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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/13 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Rust Division

    I don't think we should have someone who just got perm'd on gmod, and banned from TS for 6 hours running a division.
  2. 2 points

    Darkrp Job Ideas

    Superhero- probably going to be used as a reason to random arrest. Supervillian- debatable, probably going to get used as an excuse to rdm. Food vendor- It's what it sounds like gets shipments of food and water and sells them to people. Dog- old pet idea, proven over time to be a bad thing, and just an excuse for people to troll. Mayor guards- secret service, should be added in. Black market dealer- contraband salesman, should add keypad crackers to them to sell. Journalist- waste of life, never gonna get used, not super serious RP never will be. Dispatcher- same reason as journalist
  3. 1 point

    Pokemon Engi Club!

    Chillin will my engi friends on Pokemon trade! 31858E25AAAC74F49E9EEB2A97E7FBBC5125C1DA
  4. 1 point

    Rust Division

    Why can't we have a DoD:S JB server?
  5. 1 point

    Rust Division

    Those are some powerful words from someone smaller than warrior o:
  6. 1 point

    Rust Division

    no...that's a legitament reason for everyone to be concerned about. You're a member again (how you are a member again boggles my fucking mind) and ALREADY you have been permed in a division and banned from TS. you present a division and pretty much say i want to run this shit, pls gais its gud game. why should we trust you? so far you made yourself look like a real ass to the whole Gmod division in 1 day and Ts.
  7. 1 point

    Rust Division

    Looks good I'll buy it when i hopefully get my job in 2-3 weeks
  8. 1 point

    ๖ۣۜandy۞ - Garrys Mod

    +1 good evidence DDos threats are serious if i can remember
  9. 1 point

    spawn camping

    That won't solve the problem you are describing. If you like to hang around spawn you will still experience this issue.
  10. 1 point

    Xeno Gamers Prison Server

    Pong JB.
  11. 0 points

    Darkrp Job Ideas

    So i have been playing RP for years and here are some i came across: Superhero- Batman skin and fists did more damage, had a arrest baton, and stun stick, also could maybe have 25 or 50 more health than anyone else and of course this should be restricted to one person at a time and probably be a donator class. Supervillian- Joker skin, had a lockpick, m4, deagle, keypad cracker, knife, so he would also be restricted to one person, and should also be donator class. Food vendor- It's what it sounds like gets shipments of food and water and sells them to people. Dog- So this one was weird, it was like a pikachu skin and i was thinking cause its a dog you can pay them a certain amount to follow you around and like a dog protect you, so its like a more fun security guard. Mayor guards- Was the white combine restricted to two at a time, had a stun stick, m4, deagle, and a arrest baton, but couldn't do police stuff cause of course there main job is to be with the mayor at all times. Black market dealer- This guy would sell grenades, c4, keypad crackers and lockpicks and knifes. Journalist- the journalist had like a printer where they typed a article and printed the papers and put them around town, it was very cool, but again i don't remember how the printing the newspaper worked. Dispatcher- This one is complicated, all characters would have to have a cell phone and when in trouble would call 911 and the dispatcher would pick up and talk you like a real life dispatcher and tell the police where you were and what you needed help with. So these i have seen throughout the years and felt like they were very cool and should be added, some might be dumb like the dog but i hope you guys like my ideas. If interested i can link skins to all these special jobs.
  12. 0 points
    +1, I like this kid. And I think you gotta donate and ask @@Rhododendron about that or something similar.
  13. 0 points


    @@Gkoo Gkoo.
  14. -1 points

    Darkrp Job Ideas

    then can we have rapist back? @@Bleed
  15. -1 points

    Darkrp Job Ideas

    no Side note, im adding a fix for drugs because of some people abusing it. You (Hopefully by the time the server restarts) should be able to overdose on drugs.
  16. -1 points

    Darkrp Job Ideas

    I didn't exactly abuse it, just wanted a . . . little more health
  17. -1 points

    Rust Division

    Can someone competent run this division please?
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