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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/14 in Posts

  1. 4 points


    Alright let's get this out of the way. You are not 24. This guy is immature, does not knwo the rules, and has argued with me on rules multiple times. We have been accepting really bad people into the TF2 division lately and it's getting annoying. We need to start requiring 10 vouches. -1 A: 4 M: 5
  2. 4 points

    Was This A Mass Fk?

    I think it violates two rules actually: You can only tarp after 5:00, meaning simon says and other tarping games can be played only after 5:00 Have a good mic so reds can hear you clearly. Since you can't tarp until 5:00, and it happened before 5:00 then its a mass freekill. Also if he did this intentionally to prevent red team from hearing him then the mic rule applies as well. G Mask has constantly done this sh!t and its getting old. I've banned him for doing this in the past. I think this should be moved to Ban Requests because G Mask won't stop doing this until he's learned his lesson. And if it does get moved to ban request: +1. I would suggest that a permanent ban be placed (either server or CT) and stripping him of Membership since he's done this numerous times. A permanent server ban is not recommended but should be considered as the user in question, by technicality of the rules, has logged off every time he's done this either to avoid being banned or because user simply got tired of playing. The removal of membership is highly recommended as user does not present a good example of our community and his immaturity is not what we look for in members. @MuffinMonster EDIT: I watched the demo, it's tarping if you try to trick red's into rebelling and/or to kill them and it clearly occurred well before 5:00. User in question also freekilled five people during this event which constitutes the right for any staff member to perm CT ban immediately for these actions which OP has presented. Any further punishment(s) to be dealt out should be handled by leaders of the division or overall community.
  3. 2 points

    Thinking Of A New Unique Name.

  4. 2 points

    Was This A Mass Fk?

    Yes, that is definitely tarp. Someone make a ban request and I'll back it up in a heartbeat. Next time he does it, call a staff memebr on and they should handle it. I'm getting sick of G Mask's sh*t.
  5. 1 point


    Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: -[LotSB]- PyroShark Steam ID: Steam Community :: Error Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 16
  6. 1 point


    Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: ✿ MariPichu ✿ Steam ID: Steam Community :: ✿ MariPichu ✿ Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 15 Further Information: Hello! My name is MariPichu! I may not be as active as many other players here, but the Goldrenrod TF2 server is basically my home! I've made loads of friends here, and I hope I'll be able to be accepted! ~ Hugs and kisses, Mari <3
  7. 1 point


    Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: TheShadowStorm Steam ID: Steam Community Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 15 nearly 16 Further Information: I just really wish to join xG, officially.
  8. 1 point

    Thinking Of A New Unique Name.

    xXGirlgAmErPower!!!<3<3<3(DONT HIT ON ME)Xx
  9. 1 point

    Thinking Of A New Unique Name.

  10. 1 point


    watch out for mormons, they get real edgy around mating season
  11. 1 point

    Its Another Year

    I just turned twelve too.
  12. 1 point

    Let's Diversify Our Activity!

    We could add a !servers advertisement message that plays periodically on every server, we have it on a couple of servers but not all of them. There are a lot of people who go on jailbreak, and only ever go on jailbreak. That is obviously to be expected, as jb #1 and #2 are our most popular tf2 servers, but there are some people who go on that don't even realise we have other servers. There is a reason for the 'Mod Spam' issue that you pointed out, jailbreak is our most popular server and alot of our mods were promoted from playing on it. You can see on Muffin's staff list thread that half of the tf2 staff is made up of people who hail from jailbreak, and most of them rarely go on any other of our servers regularly. You made a point that staff should branch out to other severs, which would be nice, however this is a gaming clan. People will go on servers which they find fun, and the people who play on jailbreak enough to make staff obviously find it fun. We need to focus not only on our current staff branching out to our other servers, but also we also need to promote the active people on some of our less popular servers. When you go on Saxton hale or Deathrun or Nintendo trade, tell people that we have a website @ xenogamers.com and that they should apply for membership.
  13. 1 point

    Was This A Mass Fk?

    The kid just sets a bad example for xg in general; maybe recind his membership along with the ct ban.
  14. 1 point

    Joining Xg

    They won't become more active until they're given incentive to become more active. Raising the bar is how you get people upping quality. Its how shit works.
  15. 1 point


    -1 Not active and doesnt know the rules. Seen him a couple times on jb1 and now is saying he is 19 and still dont belive him
  16. 1 point


    -1 When you sign up for xG and apply for member you don't app for staff, you apply to become a member. M: What the hell are you thinking/10 A: I've never seen you before/10
  17. 1 point


    You aren't even a member yet, maybe give a reason for why they should even let you be one of those.
  18. 1 point


    One of the better surf rpg players, always respectful. +1
  19. 1 point

    Whats The Password Please :d ?

    I personally still want to play on it, just for the vine.
  20. 1 point
    +1, already been a ban request made on the same person for the same reason. Is disrespectful when ever she is on. Also you were banned for a day by @Bleed on 1-22 for trolling, racism, and refusing to take off tags Xeno Gamers
  21. 1 point
    There's a fucking difference with what I say and what you say. I mostly just fuck around with my friends in a brash manner, cursing a lot and being loud. You are down right disrespectful to someone who had never even said a word to you. If I said anything at all it was in response to the idiotic questions you were asking me in an attempt to have an argument with you. And when I finally said I wasn't answering your questions because they were idiotic and I wasn't going to dignify them a response, to which you replied "Whatever go cry." Like what? So no, I'm not a hypocrite. But thanks for trying.
  22. 1 point
    +1 Never saw this kid before tonight and EVERY SINGLE THING HE HAS SAID has been disrespectful.
  23. 1 point

    I Heard You Like Razor

    It looks like shit
  24. 1 point


    you aren't a member, therefor you vote is invalid.
  25. 1 point
  26. 0 points

    Was This A Mass Fk?

    I keep telling him to stop this stop that. He's gonna end up banned soon.
  27. 0 points

    Let's Diversify Our Activity!

    Another tryhard shitposts, gg
  28. 0 points
    From what I've seen on the forums, apparently she (I assume) is a non-member admin(?), or was. She(?) constantly, and is currently, wearing xG tags, including admin tags. If that is the case, she(?) needs to act like it. This isn't very admin-like behavior. If not an admin, then I see nothing other than a minor problem, more along the lines of something you should be given a talkin' to about.
  29. -1 points
    I haven't seen her wear any type of admin tags. From what I know/ noticed is that she never left the clan. and she is currently wearing the clan tag which is valid. And the stuff she said about Duckii jr. is a mean thing to do, but i think just a warning is enough unless theres more to it.
  30. -1 points

    Whats The Password Please :d ?

    You mean the hub testing thats supposed to be going on there? OH WAIT!
  31. -1 points
    Being a hypocrite is bad, you should know that.
  32. -1 points


    This thread......... -1 disrespectful
  33. -1 points
    Actually yes you are, every response you had was disrespectful to me as-well. So don't act like like I am the only one being disrespectful; when clearly you are too. And don't act like we've never talked before, even if you don't remember me, I remember everything.
  34. -1 points


    Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: The Mighty Pootisborn Steam ID: Steam Community :: The Mighty Pootisborn Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 15 Further Information: hey i also wanted to know how i become an admin cause i see alot of fights and hackers and i really want to help your servers with this kind of stuff
  35. -1 points


    THANK YOU! I tell him this every time he's on CSS.
  36. -1 points

    Its Another Year

    Sup PEOPLE its my bday again... PRAISE ME
  37. -1 points


    Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: footballboss43 Steam ID: footballboss43 Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 24
  38. -1 points


    Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Ponyboy Steam ID: 76561198077359216 Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 15
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