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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. I went to court today.. they dropped the tampering charge but the other 3 are still there. they're deciding not to charge me as an adult (which they said they were going to, since I turn 18 in less than a month) and its sounding like 2-3 years of probation, or they have a type of jail, a type of prison for minors, and the jeuvinile detention center. since they decided to charge me as a minor, it can only be until im either 21 or 22. Had I been an adult, these 3 could have still been 12 years and they were threatening to do so...... guess im not doing that again, atleast not getting caught doing that again lol... it could be worse, still sucks tho, im waiting for the official sentencing. they're basically giving me a month to prove I can pee clean still and to continue going to therapy, and they'll do the sentence based off of my behavior and not voiding my academic probation ect. not out of the frying pan yet, but it could be worse I suppose.

    Don't do it again. You won't get another chance. If you can't control yourself you need to discuss this with a professional. Just wait until it's legal bruh.

  2. (Applies to iOS)





    I have found a possible solution (hopefully a long term solution)



    I logged out, and logged back in after clearing my cookies and history... The areas that I could not get to, I am able to get too without the protocol error.


    If you found any other possible solutions please reply with it.









    Has this solution fixed your problems completely?

  3. We should force passwords to be changed on bans.xenogamers.com to a new standard which cannot be brute forced in one million years; specially, for clients who have moderator or higher access and can impact clan services by their insecurity. Fourteen digits with at-least one capital, lowercase, special character and number.


    I await to hear complaints from people not using pass-phrases. For instance...

    This is much easier to remember: MySourceBansPasswordIs110%Secure!

    Than this: asdklalsd@#11234


    Your brain only has to remember eight phrases instead of sixteen characters. The contrast is eight vs sixteen the way memory works.

    I am thinking about simply disabling and wiping all passwords on sourcebans, and forcing Steam OpenID login. That would solve the issue.

  4. Sent me this:


    Hey Silence, long time no see. I was told if I wanted to be unbanned from everything to speak with you via this e-mail. This is Duckii (jr).

    I know I became really really 'toxic' after my first 2 years being in xG. I deserved every right to be thrown out of xG and banned for all the bullshit I spewed out upon the community with my toxic talks about depression and whatever other dumb shit I constantly talked about on the forum. It's been 2 or 3 years now from being permanently banned from just about everything.

    I'd really like you to consider letting me be unbanned, and maybe even having the chance to re-join the community. Everything I did is now in the past. Please do consider that those were my teen years and I have definitely matured and gotten so much better since then. I joined the community back in 2010, so when I was 13. I'm 18 now and graduated from high school. Soon to be 19. I also am starting my very first job next week. I have my life together and pose no threat to the community. I miss xG, as I've seen quite a few old members have re-joined the community. And I would love to as well.

    Again please consider that all the things I did in the past were during my highly immature teenage years and I have matured so much more since then and would love to I guess 'redeem' myself to the community. I have a lot of memories with xG, good and obviously bad. I'd like to make more memories and be involved with the community again. But I was told by a division manager

    to have your 'blessing'



  5. Ad revenue is already being made as the MOTD is patched through the website and get's 100's of thousands of views per year. And unlike pinion, those ads are safe and don't contain things like malware which get sent to clients. This is the way to go if funding is an issue. Our server rules also have to be view-able and last I checked pinion took that over with videos.

    Pinion does not contain malware, nor has ever. Google Ads do not provide us with any worthwhile income and they may be removed if website activity does not increase.

  6. I think the best solution to this issue would be moving Morbus to a 28 slot standalone. This would place it on a 15% faster processor, decrease the machine load and make room for launching TTT. (people have been bothering us for awhile on the forums about TTT) And it's significantly less expensive than launching a four code vds. As seen on game tracker, it's now in the top 8% of gmod servers and still climbing further upward.

    First off, lower the tickrate. That will lower the CPU load significantly. Lower it to 33 tick.

    Secondly, put ads on the server linked to the xG pinion account and I'll get you a standalone server.

  7. I just thought you'd might have some more insight than myself as to why this is happening on awesomium. There's anther web developer working on the sourcebans project I can mention this to; but, wanted to make sure it wasn't just something stupid, like that one motd issue awhile back.

    We aren't using any custom edits for our SourceBans installation.