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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. I reload when I kill someone. Always.
  2. It's better than most places they like putting em :3
  3. Rhododendron


    I'll stick to normal gains tyvm
  4. I guess being gay doesn't matter to this bro. What a champ!
  5. Rhododendron


    You're like a rich person wearing a sign that says: ROB ME ROB ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously then you get hacked and want us to feel bad for you >:|
  6. So you're telling me, to modify the bans plugin, allow banned people to join, force them onto spectator, make sure they can't talk or join a team, and show them this video?! You crazy, kid.
  7. Yeah and so is your mother's ass. What are we talking about?
  8. The steam community URL you posted is an invalid link. Please post the correct URL.
  9. I don't remember that occasion unfortunately. Can you show that receipt (should have been a single payment)?
  10. You issued chargebacks against the clan, if I remember correctly.
  11. How about this: Take every post in a thread that you start and paste it into a document. When it hits 3 pages or whatever, there's your essay.
  12. Just don't do it or do it. Plagerism is a hardcore thing for teachers (think someone stealing drugs from a Columbian drug lord) and you don't want to be involved.
  13. Yes but were you vaccinated against it as a kid?
  14. WTF Aren't people vaccinated against that??? I hope nobody in your family is anti-vaccination lol.
  15. OH HOW EXCITING! DON'T FORGET TO BRING THESE, after all, Kanjo is one ugly motherhubbard.
  16. Ah gotcha, well the malicious js is coming from here: http://gam1ng.ru/system/f/js/gam1ng/login.js If someone's feeling malicious, get a POST flooder and hit them against their files. http://steamconmunuity.com/system/php/auth.php?username=duckyou&password=asshole http://steamconmunuity.com/system/php/secret.php?codename=2incher
  17. You serious? It's easy as hell lol. Go to steamcommunity.com Right click, save page as... Upload to site and replace the Login function to write the username and password to a text file or w/e.
  18. So I've been snooping around, and I'm extremely confused. I downloaded the site using wget, and I only get this: ><html> <head> <META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="0; URL=http://steamcommunity.com/"> </head> </html> Which is weird since that just redirects to the real Steam site, so I'm confused. Either it was taken down by Valve or Steam in the past few days, or Daddio is high. The link seems safe though, nothing is downloaded to your browser as of posting this nor any js is processed.