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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. At least add a cooldown rate for the same person. That makes it more realistic.
  2. Eh the Ninjew thing is partially true, but it was mostly against the servers and not me. I mean I've purposefully had people DDoS me in the past (hellrazer, gave him my IP when I was at a hotel lol)
  3. That's too bad for you :X3: >3
  4. Why not just use this thread? +1
  5. No since the guy who paid for it threatens all PERP servers with legal action, doesn't follow up on it, and just DDoS's said server. We don't need that crap happening, especially over an outdated, terrible gamemode. Semi-Serious all the way +1 Also, can we get more weapons. I can teach you how to convert any weapon for GMOD to DarkRP, including customizing the ammo-type and damage/stats of said weapon.
  6. They posted on their steam page to screw xG and posting some stuff about us. At this time, you will not get unbanned. Closed.
  7. Now if people could use the comment feature...
  8. Did you bring your passport?
  9. You're talking about the forum, now you want powers on the servers?
  10. Well make them interesting :sowwy:
  11. If they did safetylevel * safetylevel it would lead to some issues, like what if the level is 1? Then there isn't much of a difference. FPtje/DarkRP · GitHub This is the bleeding edge builds for DarkRP, I used this when the server was last up. Looking at DarkRP/init.lua at master · FPtje/DarkRP · GitHub I see that in the main config there is an option to tweak it here: GAMEMODE.Config.printeroverheatchance
  12. Dude hardwiring is so much better than WiFi. It's a sense of security, since you know that your connection won't die out or crappy WiFi drivers will destroy your interwebs. Wired > Wireless (at least in 2013)
  13. That's confusing, why is it var[3] when in most languages it starts at 0 (so it should be var[2] lol) But anyways, it looks like "MoneyLevel" and "SpeedLevel" don't affect when it would blow, so can someone explain to me where "SafeLevel" is modified?
  14. I updated the server slot count a few days ago, so a bigger map would be extremely useful. I hate seeing the same person every 5 minutes and it breaks the illusion. (it IS ROLE PLAY after all :3)
  15. I go on the server (I was working on some plugins) and I see a bunch of them on there. They are talking about the server and the maps. Then one of them asks for another member to get something to write with, and put down all the plugins we have on the server. This lead me to believe that they were looking to open up an extremely similar server. After a few minutes, I had enough and started banning them. Asking a few other people, one of them told me that he was offered powers on their server, which lead me to believe that they were giving out powers to players on our server in return for them joining said server. I felt that they were bribing others to join their future server, with powers and the idea that it would be the same as ours. That is how I justify the bans I made. Also arguing that you make up most of the server really doesn't help, since if you are starting your own server, that doesn't help us, even if we unban you, does it?
  16. Wrong section. Applications | Xeno Gamers Create an application (ban protest) and we will go from there
  17. Post em! Finally got the bloody filter working! >be me >jewish >mfw
  18. Awesome list, now I just gotta find time to watch them :D
  19. Rhododendron


    Yeah but that's always risky. Grimmace might be on there tail and they can't take any chances.