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  1. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Goblin in My First Ever Youtube Poop   
    Bahahahaha I giggled :D
  2. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Nomulous in Mass Leaving   
    A bit late to this conversation, but the recent leaving is mostly due to bandwagon, though most people who leave still come back to play on our servers though some reasons to why they left is due to immaturity, BUT some users left due to personal issues such as school, bad marks, knowing they'll be inactive so they choose to leave to fix those up.
    For some of the immaturity issues, it would be partially due to the fact that there are young gamers in the clan, though I wouldn't believe this is the only fault. As Stickz mentioned, there needs to be harsher punishment for those trolling or "joking" around since essentially people will join that wagon and have fun and potentially cause a loss in future applicants. As well some lead by example things can be done, like one person who sees this activity acting up should stand their ground regardless of what powers they have to tell people to stop this trolling.

    This wouldn't be a smart idea as most TF2 users are younger kids and you can't deny that there are some good people. Hell I was in this clan when I was 15/16, and there are many good young gamers. Just there's those odd bullies out who use the internet since it's easier and less likely to get caught. I'd just attempt to try and reinforce the rules and make them strict to make us stay on a lookout for these rule breakers.

    I agree with this, but we really forget that there's no other division that is talking as much as the TF2 division. I've talked with @Stickz before to get ND/Morbus players to start conversations on this forum to potentially bring activity up, though his concern was the childish behavior within the forums already that drives those players to not be on this forum. Which is partially why I keep pestering @Bleed to when the CS:GO servers are going to be up and running to bring in more users.
    All in all, I thing other than everyone trying to clean up the current forums userbase, @kbraszzz and @Rejects can handle controlling the TF2 forums and we can all pitch in increase the diversity of our servers again. The last promo/demos have exclusively been TF2, except for that mass Minecraft rebirth. Where are the CS:GO/GMOD people? We need more CS:GO/GMOD applications. If you look at the member submissions, literally 5 pages of TF2 with the occasional minecraft within it.
    So what goals can we all do as a group to improve the diversity of members in the clan? What can we do to speed up CS:GO (@Bleed), Who's running the GMOD division? @Stickz has Morbus, what about the other servers? People always say those servers are saturated, but the point is to make the server enjoyable based on the people who play them so people can come back. That's what makes TF2 successful. Even Facebook posts are doing alright when it comes to informing TF2 activities.
  3. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from diabeetus in Mass Leaving   
    Yeah I can do it then too.
    Also I wanted to bring up upping the age requirement for good, since I want to become more serious in this community and having 14 year olds causing drama isn't helping.
  4. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Vertex in Mass Leaving   
    There's definitely some things which can be improved at least from my perspective. I haven't dug into things much which don't concern my divisions, but I can say that different (possibly more effective) approaches are used for dealing with conflicts.
    Here's a general layout which could potentially be used for reference purposes. This format has received little to no complaints because when people start protesting, their sentences get reduced/dropped and any momentum is lost. (unless they troll or abuse the ban protest system)
    [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=3]@Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP]
    Got some feedback/suggestions that could be beneficial to read over. These just provide a different perspective and might be abit too aggressive for certain environments. They are met purely for informative and discussion purposes.
    ND/Morbus Layout

    Ban protests are used as a tool to teach the client not to commit the offense again.
    Format: to get the client to politely ask (then receive a moderator answer) and acknowledge what they did wrong.
    If the client does that politely, I reduce or drop the ban. A lot of cases they never commit anther offense.

    [*]Source comms (silence, mute, gag) are used for all offenses non-related to exploits, hacking, rdming, other trolling etc.

    Non avoidable, in intervals of minutes, days or even week(s) as required.
    For harassment or discrimination (1-7 day server bans) then a stacked silence after the ban expires (1-7 days) are used.
    Constant repetition receives a two week followed by a perm silence.

    [*]Votes to silence/gag/mute people are often thrown up to the entire server to vote, when they have a high chance of success. (I made a custom plugin for integration with sourcecomms)

    It shocks the offender when the majority of people vote yes.
    Teaches other people on the server not to commit the same offense.
    Gives any sort of ban protest or drama no momentum.

    [*]Drama queens are not given any sort of attention and are limited at their ability of involving other people.

    ie. Removing flaming type posts rather quickly

    [*]"Ima go to mcdonalds, get 69 Big Macs, Fuck her right in the pussy, eat 420 large fries and 91 cans of mtn dew" -March 12, 2015 Jailbreak chat log (didn't have to look far)

    Usage of server chat logs for sourcecoms silencing is quite useful. Xeno Gamers - Rankings
    On ND this would be a three day silence, because it's discriminatory and offensive to certain individuals on the server. If an online moderator caught it, an 3h silence instantly after the post might be considered.
    Swearing is generally ignored unless it's used to attack other people or bombed.

    [*]Moderators/Administrators are selected by division leader approval and recommendations from trust-worthy people.

    ND and soon to be Morbus uses this format. Moderator applications | Xeno Gamers
    The person has to explain what would make them a good moderator.
    Also has convey any previous moderating experience
    No moderating experience sometimes only starts with sourcecomms access.

    [*]"I can kick you both from the server, if there's an issue here"

    This is used to defuse huge fights between two people.
    If it doesn't work, silence them both for 1h then kick them.
    Banning for this has more of a negative than positive benefit.

    [*]When an flame war is about to start, gag/mute everyone building the momentum for 10 to 15m.

    Use this same approach for attacks against moderators/administrators.
    Explain afterwards that it was a necessary step to prevent things from getting out of control.
    If it's on the forums make the final post and close the thread right away.

    [*]People who clearly just join for the purpose of trolling (not to play) are given stronger sentences.

    Upwards of one week in length, with a repetition protest-able perm.
    Hardly none of the perms protest because they just join to troll.
    The ones that do simply get their sentences removed/reduced.
    I got over 100 perms from people who's only purpose is to troll.
    One of my Administrators has anther 25 perms.

  5. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from diabeetus in Mass Leaving   
    Alright I just don't like hearing that there are issues with xG and then they don't even say the issues because "you already know them" which is extremely frustrating.
  6. Salty
    Rhododendron got a reaction from GreyIgnis in Everyone's Favourite Mod/admin?   
  7. Friendly
    Rhododendron reacted to Flareon in My Cute Autistic Cat   
    This is my cat who likes to sleep on my laptop and bite me when I'm using it and she also hits the printer when its printing.

  8. Salty
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Swift in Where Are The Ratings   
    They are back but I coded a 25 day limit for ratings. Blame @Bach he did this to all of you.
  9. Salty
    Rhododendron got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Where Are The Ratings   
    They are back but I coded a 25 day limit for ratings. Blame @Bach he did this to all of you.
  10. F!$k Off
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Dethman in Where Are The Ratings   
    They are back but I coded a 25 day limit for ratings. Blame @Bach he did this to all of you.
  11. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Forest in Where Are The Ratings   
    They are back but I coded a 25 day limit for ratings. Blame @Bach he did this to all of you.
  12. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Dethman in Slow-mo Bosses Lagging The Server, And Not How It Should.   
    I'll fix next week I'm horribly busy this week.
  13. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Waimalu in Slow-mo Bosses Lagging The Server, And Not How It Should.   
    I'll fix next week I'm horribly busy this week.
  14. Salty
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Bach in Salt Emote   
    Added a salty rating.
  15. Salty
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Dethman in Salt Emote   
    Added a salty rating.
  16. Salty
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Salt Emote   
    Added a salty rating.
  17. Salty
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Haruka in Salt Emote   
    Added a salty rating.
  18. Salty
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Vector in Salt Emote   
    Added a salty rating.
  19. Salty
    Rhododendron reacted to DrLee in Salt Emote   
    Look at what you've done to @Barmithian
  20. Salty
    Rhododendron reacted to DrLee in Salt   
    Fix your computer.
  21. Salty
    Rhododendron reacted to StarmiX in Salt Emote   
    Sooo, a salt emote would be fun
  22. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Kypari in Need Refunded On Credits For A Title That I Never Received   
    Alright so I will do a mass update for all servers and the store plugin sometime this week.
  23. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Forest in Need Refunded On Credits For A Title That I Never Received   
    Alright so I will do a mass update for all servers and the store plugin sometime this week.
  24. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to LeToucan in Need Refunded On Credits For A Title That I Never Received   
    Sourcemod 1.7 breaks the store. It uses WritePackCell to store function callbacks, and you need to change it to be WritePackFunction. You might need to use "#pragma newdecls required". There might be other changes required. This fork for store works with 1.7
  25. Funny
    Rhododendron reacted to WhyJewMad in Psa: What The Frick?   
    @Rhododendron Your DL suck tbh. They don't care about this shit. They don't even know how to fucking set up spigot and permissions. Haha. Its a joke. Want me to come and fix your server up? What you want, towny, rpg, tekkit? i can do anything... oh wait, because i know how to! unlike these drag and drop plugins your so called "Division leaders" are using. Let me set this up for you :D