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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Eh im confused by the dialogue in the chat, from what i read it looks like the people didn't know which way to face and he killed them. Cant really tell if its a freekill cause the guy who calls him a piece of shit, kills someone like 4 lines down. video proof if anyones got it. Until then -1
  2. Jaybreeze

    Mac gamer

    Lol? KKK has peaceful protests? Thats hardly enough proof for a ban. Get hard proof or this thread is useless.
  3. Jaybreeze

    Mac gamer

    -1. For bitching me out in a pervious thread for "no proof" I leave you all with a big Fuck You and No Proof.
  4. Jaybreeze


    Wow haha youngins need to take step back and analyze things. I realize i have no "proof" other than that he agrees. I wasnt posting this to administer a punishment but to raise a point. And to tarin, i edited this. ^it used to be mean
  5. Jaybreeze


    1) I realize there was no proof, i put that in the beginning. I guess we're just doing 3 repeats for everything now though. 2) To me, on my screen, you looked at me, took out the gun for a second, and dropped it so i tased you. Since that was the second time I had to do it, i just killed you after. 3) Thats what tasers were designed to do, were they not? 4) I was trying to defend myself, but instead you mute me to end all communication. I got a little ticked off at that so i said badmins 2012. 5) You told me to drop it once, after you gave a half assed response to why you slayed me. It was between me and you so i ignored the other 2 people who didnt have anything useful to add to the argument. If your trying to look dumb you succeeded. Post something useful or dont post at all. Call me Harry im so Sirius. All in all this was a serious thread in the beginning. I dont really care THAT much because it was just a slay and a kick which happens so i could care less. But I do want to raise the point that I was playing CT correctly and I stand by all these actions that I did. This server is so T sided its ridiculous, if people dont try and play CT its just rebelling every round with 12 year olds screaming For Narnia in the mic and bunny hopping around like chickens with their heads cut off.
  6. Jaybreeze


    Member Name: JayBreeze Abusing Admin: Rosser Your In-Game Name: '// LobCityClips '// Abuse Description: He was running around with a gun during a freeday, I tased him to get the gun off his back. He told me to; "say drop it next time instead of free tasing" which isnt a freetase if I have a reason to do it. That is the point of a taser. He then proceeded to follow me the rest of the round with a gun on his back, this time I didnt tase it off because techinically I had already warned him. A T in the background starts to shoot at me, i snipe him, Rosser moves, unholsters his gun, realizes its empty, and then tries to play it off like the was dropping it. I wasnt havin nuthin of that though, so i kill him. He then slays me, i try to defend my point, and he kicks me. Reason: Apparently he wrote the MOTD and is omnipotent. Player Effect: Nah Proof: No other proof than he will admit it. I stand by all of my previous actions because they were just.
  7. Playing games and designing games are two completely different things. If it were that easy to become a game designer then every stoner would do it.
  8. Jaybreeze


    I'll just get her drunk and fuck her.
  9. Cheer up kiddo, message me if you need anything
  10. Fair enough, thats a legitimate reason.
  11. First off you pale motherfucker, im just high. Secondly, if your going to rage at others when they post admin abuse with "witnesses" saying its not a legitimate version of proof, then you yourself have to follow the same rules. I understand that admins "saw" this but without proof they can do just that, "see" someone abuse and demote/punishment. There are formalities that need to be taken care of, you cannot go around preaching one thing and doing another, it makes the clan look bad. Admins are able to post proof as well, in fact they should post proof right away on threads like this instead of saying "Yeah i saw him do that one time or something." And Billy, I sincerely doubt that 3 steam pictures of him being angry in admin chat is enough compelling proof to make that decision.
  12. Last time i checked we needed proof to demote someone for admin abuse. But wait, xG says witnesses arent proof. But wait theres more! >>Admin posts thread >>No proof >>Auto-close? Nope >> Demoted If you make rules atleast try to follow them. Otherwise it makes it confusing for other people who want to post and you quote bullshit rules that you dont even follow.
  13. Nah fuck that shit nigga
  14. Jaybreeze

    Ct banned?

    The first two replies to this thread are useless and should be removed. They cause more problems than they solve. If you dont have something intelligent to say, then dont say it.
  15. -1 if your not listening you die. Survival of the fittest, if you cant manage to take a step out of the cells and face them within 3 seconds then you sure as hell arent smart enough to live through a whole round. To the QQ'ers who died: So what, you didnt get to play a round of jailbreak. Wait the 5 minutes, pay attention, and play next round. -1 for 5 seconds. +1 to remove repeats from MOTD
  16. +1 hes in jetz and they all suck except for aaron. hes my nigga. but seriously, +1 cause im a douche and i wont get censored anymore.
  17. Jaybreeze


    Maybe he finally got hit by a car.
  18. A Jew is slang for jewish person that came about from the 1940's Nazi-era germany, its not looked at as a slur anymore because its so widespread. Hebrew is the language Jewish people speak.
  19. Alright boys, i'll settle this. First off, Duke, stop posting. I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and ♥♥♥♥ better posts then that. Secondly, the other two CT's understood the orders perfectly fine, and they lost and accepted their deaths. Now, since snackbar wasn't paying too much attention to the LR, which is his fault to watch out for a cheap LR so he doesnt get caught. It is YOUR responsibility as a CT to watch the T during LR so you know whats going on. You saw the other two LR's and realized, "Hey i need to look at where he's facing so I can have a shot to win this LR." Not every LR is going to be so clean cut where you just throw a gun off some building. Some T's are going to make you work for it, which is their LAST REQUEST. It wasn't unfair at all, you just werent paying attention, got mad, and slayed him because losing like that made you look bad. Now, should all this attention be given to an abuse as little as a slay? No, but at the end of the day it is still abusem, albeit how minor it is. +1 for learning lessons. TLDR: Mod wasn't paying attention = LR slay Edit: Regardless of who slayed, doesnt matter the point is still valid.
  20. -1 too young, wait till your of age. This clan already has enough young kids who suck.
  21. Jaybreeze

    Tarin abuse

    Take a break from posting and let the grownups talk please, you made yourself look stupid.
  22. Jaybreeze


    Oh no he wasnt nice to me! He hurt my feelings! Grow up, you all pounced on him and he was defending himself. He called you a ♥♥♥? Get over it, you probably are. How old are you, 16? (hopefully) Start acting like it.