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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. ill play you next time i decide to get on tf2 noob
  2. I won 5-0. Where's my reward?
  3. Oh the lulz, i was actually looking for this thread after you rage quit. Since you went through the trouble of posting i'll respond. 1. I slayed you for an incorrect call on a LR competition, you disagreed, i had many people backing me up yet you continued to rage. I let it go thinking youd mature in a round, boy was i wrong! Not only did you continually insult me but when i muted you to stop it over mic, you started to type it out, so i silenced you for a round. After the round was over i unsilenced you and what do you know? You kept on disrespecting me so i kicked you since youre a nuisance to the server. 2. I silenced Sakurai* for 0.5 seconds because he asked if I had admin, so i did a quick !silence sakurai !unsilence sakurai And this so called "Massive Abusing" is ridiculous, youre just a little troll from generations past with nothing else to do but cause problems
  4. Jaybreeze

    Tribes Ascend

    I used to play tribes regularly when i was younger, RPG mod was my shit. Along with Annihilation and Shifter
  5. When all else fails, reinstall.
  6. -1 disrespect is the most objective rule we have and its already hard to enforce because people get disrespected for various things, and some dont get disrespected at all. The rule, flawed as it is, should remain the same due to the fact that its basically 100% personal.
  7. Jaybreeze


    Ya'll bitch and moan about the littlest things. Does any of this really effect you? I read all this "proof" and it seems to me that while he may be a little bit of a dick, theres no real vicious trolling of a player and hes not singling anyone out, it just seems like he has clear thoughts and tells them like he thinks. My advice, grow up, mature a little and stop taking every goddamn thing so personally this is the internet, you cant be SOPA and control everybody. You dont like someone? Don't talk to them, you're not going to like everyone you meet but your going to have to deal with them. -1 for obvios reasons, thread should be closed due to lack of outstanding proof of attacking members in a malicious manner.
  8. I've taken too many already, sorry.
  9. serial rapists = video games? okden
  10. Meh if he goes through the trouble of buying a new steam account Id consider letting him play.. as long as we dont know who he is..
  11. People were mad because she was co-leaders of xG but didnt ever wear tags, and when she was on it was usually scrim or d2 with her scrim friends and left maybe 20 minutes into playing. Co-leader is a position where activity is mandatory, she wasnt as active as people wanted her to be so they started a petition to demote her
  12. Thanks Stalin, i'll keep that in mind. Secondly, I said they were useless because "furries" are more concerned with being a furry than doing their job as a moderator. If you really want to make me do research then... I'd suggest doing some yourself before you look like an ass for quoting me on a "fictional fandom" that you clearly don't know that much about even though you call yourself an "offended member" when I "insult" them.
  13. First off, i never said they suck just that they were useless. Secondly, while you can have your fun playing with imaginary animals that talk your on CSS not a fanboy page. I can say what i want about furries as long as im not disrespecting a person, which i was not. It was hardly a reason for a gag and a kick. You dont see Aegean going around gagging or kicking people when they say Canada sucks, its the same principle. I can't gag or kick you if your republican, democratic, gay, bisexual, furry or normal. Dont let your personal "fantasies" get infront of your duties as a moderator. Do you realize how dumb that reason is? I'll give you a minute to remove the -1 and replace it with nothing.
  14. Actually, Furries is JUST a sub clan. Sub-Clan proof.
  15. Pic 3 Continues to disrespect me when he doesnt realize im in the server
  16. 10 char whaaaat Pic 1 enlarged Pic 2 enlarged
  17. Jaybreeze

    JailBreak Server

    i recorded a demo of the problem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGOv8MMHCNc
  18. 5-10 minutes??!?!?!! Thats such an illegal number.
  19. Bro it takes like 2 minutes to write a paragraph. It prolly took him longer to find the pictures of the cats... But yeah i agree most mods suck and are incompetent
  20. Its ok, King J is useless, dont sweat it.
  21. Jaybreeze


    I wasn't referring to your post. But he barely disrespected you at all.
  22. Wait we allow freekilling now?!? Im logging on jailbreak naoooooooo
  23. Jaybreeze


    We do 2 day bans now? Lets just ban people based on our favorite numbers from now on, that seems fair /sarcasm Anyways, i got diarrhea flow, i shit on niggas. Even when im constipated i still shit on niggas. /YoungJeezy Seems like he was just making fun of your profession which doesnt even come close to deserving a ban. Learn what trolling is please.
  24. Jaybreeze

    $1.50 more?!

    Its funny cause its the KFC number Also i work at mcdonalds and will gladly put this on the window.