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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. I hate all of you with a passion and wish each and every one of your homes burns down in a fiery rage of satanism.
  2. +1 cause one time he gave a dumb order and we all laughed and DDos'd him.
  3. +1 its a pub server. Stop making it a wannabe scrim server.
  4. He might have agreed with you in private but was an a-hole to pedo in general chat for everyone to see. Douchebaggery at its finest. Now, i could care less about you leaving because frankly, i dont give a ♥♥♥♥. But the CT ban without a proper "punishment" is what ticks me off. Warning someone isn't a punishment. Smoker's been a mod for a good amount of time now its not like he was promoted last week. If we punished people more frequently and had less mods, who actually knew their job, then the servers would run just fine. Half the mods just sit there and rebel/play anyway. (When i was a mod i did this all the time) **after i was done abusing** Things are getting Harry, lets take things more Siriusly. (get it?)
  5. I really dont understand how you can possibly +1 this. It literally makes no sense. All it does is just force CT's into a room and let them shoot at the doorway for 4 minutes until the round is over. There is no objective to the day, and dont claim that it's "insane" because thats why there are rebels. It's a -1 from me for the reasons stated above.
  6. Hey guys rage more maybe itll help the problem. And to this: In the court of law that IS valid proof. Be more careful when you abuse, you got lucky this time.
  7. -1 its not different at all. just more restrictive.
  8. Jaybreeze

    Xenogamers Logo

    Make it, its easy to describe something. Much harder to do.
  9. gimme his admin so i can abuse again.
  10. If you have to bump it it's clearly not good. #gooddaysir
  11. Lol, dont give rabid too much credit, this day is used all across jailbreak servers on CSS.
  12. Funny, I get the same feeling after about 10 shots, it usually fades away as the night goes on. My advice is to drink some water and take a nap.
  13. still rigged. motion to redraw.
  14. I know he didnt create it, one of his albums is called Absolute Power, just curious to see where you got it from.
  15. Look down about 4 posts and read the League of Legends Division thread
  16. Because he didnt make the DDOS threat. Read the post before replying like an idiot.
  17. It certainly wouldnt hurt your chances to try, you already blew most of them in the general board anyway.
  18. Im not saying they shouldnt be watched closely, but i feel that a week ban from the servers is a reasonable thing to provide proof for. Obviously now they will be watched due to the way ruskii went about spamming forums with nonsense, but if he protests it i will +1 for a probation where he is watched when he connects.
  19. What I hate is when you get outside of your cell before warden is called and gives any orders and you still get shot... If you dont say out of your cell your a rebel then anyone outside their cell is free from harm. The excuse "you used a vent to get out" doesnt work because you need to SEE the T go through the vent or break it open.
  20. --scratch that-- Admin abuse thread was closed and no proof was given as to why he was banned, id suggest he post a ban protest and get it lifted asap.