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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. I could eat a can of alphabet soup and shit a better argument then that. Get proof or unban him, this is ridiculous.
  2. You also barely have 100 posts after 6 months registered which means your barely active on forums (and most likely you spammed for the 100). Im going to -1 because quite frankly i think you dont deserve it.
  3. A ban isn't proof last time i checked. And im pretty sure you banned someone for an illegitimate reason the other day Duckii, so im not going to take his word for it. You preach the motd yet when it inconveniences you, you ignore it. Provide proof or lift the ban.
  4. Why do you post the same thing in 3 threads? We get it, you got banned; now let the administration deal with it and stop causing problems.
  5. Sorry, but i doubt that one week ban will stick either. If you cannot provide proof then the punishment will be lifted.
  6. Fantastic administration job. +1 for unban if no reason is provided.
  7. Proooooof you know this by now -_- #Jaybreezeforclanjudge
  8. Your'e an idiot. If your going to do a shitty copy-paste atleast edit the part out where you clearly instigate him and look stupid.
  9. This thread is going nowhere. Smoker is ignorant and Glenn Beck is stubborn. Close this before it gets filled with useless brony spam.
  10. gimme a prize or ill kill your pets and burn down the trees surrounding your residence. (put me in the raffle)
  11. Do you even read whats been posted before you?
  12. +1 active on ts and a good person, also hes joining LoL squad
  13. If you aren't going to post anything worthwhile, please refrain from posting.
  14. Christ smoker its like you think you run the world or something. We get it, you too had a little hissy fit where he called you a bad name and you had to go have mommy rub some Vaseline on your heiny and tell you it would be alright. He called you a sociopath, get over it. Its the internet, where you game for a majority of your time, he has the right to call you anti-social. Take a note from the american legal system, theres no such thing as double-jeopardy, which means you cannot be tried for the same crime twice. Once your punished or acquitted, your punished or acquitted. End of story.
  15. Don't quote the "building a better community line" to me, a community thrives on differences and being criticized. If everyone got along all the time society would go no where and we'd never evolve. Too be completely honest Rabid since your the one complaining about his "trolling" I just cant take it seriously, you made a career of trolling in xG and all the servers. Although most of it is harmless, it rubs off on other people and spreads. I don't mind trolling (clearly) I look at it as part of the game that we just have to deal with. "Getting rid of the trolls" is like saying "we have to eliminate all disease and violence from the world" it is a utopian ideal that is impossible to reach. I'm not trying to be rude at all, you know we're friendly, im just speaking my mind on this matter.
  16. Im sticking up for him because xG cant get along without ostracizing one of its members once a month. Its like you guys NEED something to complain about, you have to take every little offense personally and cant let anything go. It really is sickening. Life isn't about picking on every single minute detail that someone does wrong and calling them out for it like they shot the president. Let some things go and just go on with your life.
  17. All of what you just wrote could be said about you as well. Keep that in mind. Now, ill address your point: I dont care what happened in pub, for all i know you ganged up on him to elicit a response. What im trying to get across to people here is that is this one player, out of a community of 80+ really spreading that much harm, discomfort, abusiveness, and annoyance. Or is it just easy to vote "yes" and agree with the 3 people who posted before you.
  18. Its his fault where he is now? So all of you constantly provoking him and making him act out in those ways was 100% his fault and his fault alone? I highly doubt that. This clan, as a whole, is about as mature as a 7 year old who lost their batman toy. Id suggest we take no action and close this thread as it serves no benefit.
  19. i did -1 for shits and giggles. i dont think hes that bad but some of you computer nerds (tarin, etc) like to overreact about trivial matters and blow everything out of proportion with exceptional grammar and spelling.
  20. +1 because nothing bad can happen by letting him in the clan. "Oh no he offended me via text chat over the interwebz! Now i cannot go on with my life and must relish this event due to the fact that nothing else positive happens in my life other than when i kill a reboobler on jailbreak." (half of xG) Grow up, real life sucks, you might as well take it all with a half-♥♥♥ smile and keep trudgin along.
  21. -1 i still hate him for no reason other than that i think he sounds weird. and hes ugly.
  22. If you dont take ecstasy your wasting a good concert.