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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. +1 because a little abuse never hurt anyone.
  2. I can barely read your incoherent filth, don't address me again.
  3. Remember when you cried for mod? Werent you a good member... *sarcasm* *you actually suck*
  4. Lol quar your actually dumb. Atleast when i abuse its putting nerds in spectator for 10 seconds, not kicking and slaying all. You complain about trolls and bad members but you exemplify the epitome of a troll/bad member. Im not even in xG anymore and you still disgust me.
  5. Its a tiki statue, you can google the image without it being censored.
  6. Let me educate you all on rap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-lP9XTqF6c
  7. Drugs, Alcohol and Prostitutes.
  8. man this ♥♥♥ as ♥♥♥♥
  9. Reading this made me dumber.
  10. Fine, im a member, ill take mod now
  11. i dont get why i have to be a member to be a moderator
  12. i get 2k a week selling coke and weed
  13. then id tell him to shhh and let the grown ups speak
  14. dont go back, its full of noobs and blacks now
  15. sheeeesh you guys are all so serious all the time, some of you need to know how to take a joke occasionally. it makes life a lot easier
  16. K so how i see it is im +3 due to threats of expired tuna. Ill take my co-leader now.
  17. Its so much effort to do that over a video game, you cant just sue people and win money like its the lottery. Its a lengthy, usually expensive process that will span close to a year or more.
  18. Member Name: JayBreeze In-Game Name: Fleetwood Mac What game?: CSS Member: Yes Steam ID: STEAM:0:0:384924295 Age: 20 Donated: Yes Other information: Give me my mod back before something really, really bad happens. Like i replace all the peanut butter in your house with old tuna fish, and unplug your fridge so that the next time you open it everything smells bad!
  19. Daft Punk are pioneers to the genre
  20. and you took my admin away for putting a kid in spectator for 10 seconds lmao
  21. Jaybreeze

    Sup xG?

    Hahaha hey look at this guy who decided to join us
  22. Gagging someone doesn't stop them from abuse, they can still use all the commands it just wont show up in chat.
  23. Jaybreeze


    Sorry, who are you?