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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. I did... lulz Its the League of Legends DivisonLeader one
  2. xG sucks i hope you all have computer viruses
  3. ugh thought you were leaving..... it would have been a christmas miracle -_-
  4. I own the most successful sub clan in xG history. Im also the most powerful mod known across JailBreak. No one is safe from my wrath.
  5. Jaybreeze


    Color youre retarded and ugly. GG.
  6. i was praying for your gruesome death
  7. Youre right, it is a dictatorship. But guess what? You dont pay to host the servers, forums, or teamspeak. Look at it this way, xG is a company and Silence has a majority share of the stock so he makes the more important decisions.
  8. Awards? You might as well give them all to me. Its like Lance Armstrong biking against a small obese child with no legs.
  9. Im bringing back Illumin. Hit me up
  10. +1 for this i hate all of you
  11. Happy 6th day of Hannukah!
  12. Jaybreeze

    I LoLed

    When I got accepted and got this message shown to me: This part is ridiculous: Nevar.
  13. So you got 2 ps3s? I got a sweater and some cash. And bottles of vodka.
  14. Jaybreeze


    relax there gandhi some of us like presents
  15. Happy Hannukah to all you jews.
  16. Im clearly better than you, bud id gladly share co-division leader.
  17. Wardays are flawed like it is. There is a reason they expand, so the CT's can then leave the deisgnated zone and kill the straggler T's that didnt want to walk through a door and get shot by an awp. Forcing participation for a warday is stupid and leads to many more problems then it solves. If your mad at a T for camping during a warday then either: A) If your a T hide somewhere else if you dont want to get shot or B) If your a CT go find them when the warday expands. I know it leads to longer rounds then people would like but its natural selection, if you die, you deserved it. Sorry but you have to wait. At the end of the day a T can rebel no matter what, if you start to limit what a T can rebel on then your missing the whole point of jailbreak.
  18. Jaybreeze

    [DC] vs [R]

    headshots ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ yo vest
  19. Great edit, i laughed out loud and my mom stared at me
  20. I want to start a legit LoL division, me and chrono have played a couple of games together. Those WoW kids that lurk in the TS also play and one or two of them are decent. So i guess this is an app to rejoin to start a new division if i can get enough interest in it. If you got a question ask it, and no i dont troll, im just an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. If you want to check out LoL sign up with this code. Its 100% free to play. http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4ef612dc51f65189290815
  21. make on pl0x. no one uses the HoN one so just rename it <3
  22. Jaybreeze

    [DC] vs [R]

    JB nerds think they can scrim
  23. Jaybreeze

    Guess What?

    Been there done that, move to random.