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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. ugh finally, that kid sucked so much
  2. i joined in march or some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ month. people thought i was black, i joined. i got mod. Didnt get promoted anymore even though other nerds did .i quit. i came back. i got mod. i quit. i came back. i got mod, and then i quit. now i lurk the forums and admin abuse on occasion.
  3. Jaybreeze

    [DC] vs [R]

    R is full of scrubs, half of them dont even rebel anyways. DC is where the real killers come out to play. If you noobs wanna scrim, and i mean scrim not script duckii, then you know where to find me.... playing LoL.... cause CSS sucks.... hmu..... <3
  4. Jaybreeze

    Good Movies

    Seen both, ive got a good list together guys thanks so far. Keep em comin!
  5. Jaybreeze

    Good Movies

    Im big into action, sports and comedy. Got a good amount of the movies thus far, and sorry Tarin but I dont really do foreign movies
  6. Jaybreeze

    Good Movies

    Im home from school for a month which means two things. 1. I have lots of free time 2. I can torrent again! Now leave suggestions here of some of your favorite movies that I can look into and possibly download whilst home. Thanks!
  7. i thought you went into the army.. or was that someone else?
  8. Jaybreeze

    Need Assistance

    Smoke blunts eat pizza
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lIbwUMG7wU When should i expect my prize?
  10. that ♥♥♥♥ was cray. glad your havin such a good time
  11. As long as clan slave gives me mod powers im down.
  12. Its not a problem, but there is a moderator submission section on the forums. If enough people vouch you up and the co-leaders/divison leaders think your ready then you'll be promoted. If not then keep waiting and prove yourself. Asking for admin in general forums used to be an automatic no, with little chance for redemption but I guess times have changed.
  13. Stop crying for attention. Its a video game, do you really care that much for moderator?
  14. Is WoW still a monthly fee?
  15. Whats a PVR? And Im down for this idea
  16. I don't know who you are. You clearly dont know me if you actually think I run around and abuse admin. Hop off the bandwagon and think for yourself, no one likes a kiss-♥♥♥.
  17. Sheesh, your trying to seem so smart you really are dumb. Im saying you instigated this problem and that this whole post should be irrelevant. You cause a majority of the problems and I don't know if you realize this or not, but your attitude towards almost everyone else in xG is just demeaning.
  18. I dont know if this is just me but the steam chat looks like you instigated it. You kept prodding at him with your rebuttals and provoking an angry response. You went out of your way to get this "proof". It's insulting that just because you have the better grammar of the two people that you think he deserves the be stripped of clan membership. No one likes a cocky a-hole who prides himself on spelling and thinking he's above people, just remember that.
  19. get on tiny chat xgrepresent
  20. I like to make people angry, it turns me on