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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Jaybreeze


    Okay ill address these points one at a time. 1. I was never extremely racist, and i hardly doubt i offended you at all. 2. As you can also see in admin chat, there are these types of conversations going on all the time, why should the regular players not get the same type of humor as mods and admins? 3. I never abused you, you continually disrespected me and i grew tired of it so I moved you to spectator so I didn't have to see your chat. 4. There is no trolling really, you started it with an ever so classy "u mad bro?" which you conveniently left out in your compelling argument. 5. I never said I didn't do it, although I already moved him to spectator since a moderator wouldn't do anything to absolve the situation, which goes into my next point. 6. I still have powers for most likely two reasons: A. Silence forgot to take them away (<--- most likely this one) B. The mods still suck and cant take care of a server
  2. Jaybreeze


    I reopened this thread in the 5th great ninja war. Flaming, continue.
  3. Im a vodka kind of guy. I love a good beer or 10 too though..
  4. Enya is my bottom ♥♥♥♥♥, i bump Caribbean Blue like its no ones business
  5. wtffffff i didnt make the top 4? this is bologna
  6. nah he quit with me and were makin Niggaz in Pariz (NiPz) ((get it? nipples)) whoever wants to join should post a picture of them drinking any type of alcohol and youll get let in
  7. +1 causes hes ugly and likes fat chicks
  8. That essay you just wrote was painful to read.
  9. Jaybreeze

    For the mods

    just a little input here, you dont really need more than one mod on surf or minigames or anything. Its much harder to break the rules in those servers because there so strictly modded. Jailbreak has a bunch of rules people need to follow otherwise people complain and the gameplay is altered drastically, the surplus of mods for jailbreak makes sense, due to the popularity of it (getting around 100 different players a day) and then surf which may, on a good day, get 20 people on.
  10. Sorry im poor. On a side note, 17/20 heard the orders and did them accordingly. The 3 who did not were dealt with harshly.
  11. Jaybreeze


    +1 because hes better than rabid and actually knows the rules
  12. +1 for me because im a cocky ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
  13. wait so i can troll you all massively to no end and then when someone gets enough proof to get me banned i can just take 3 minutes to write an apology in word, spell check it, use different size fonts and ill be unbanned? time to start trolling. On a more serious note, if you really want to rid your server of trolls, make a stand and for once keep a ban. If you start banning the trolls, theres going to be a decrease in trolling. He's clearly not that sorry, hes just bored because hes banned from the server and wants to troll more. Hes going to find a new server with new people to insult and eventually get banned from there, his choice.
  14. I play a lot, JayBreeze is my username add me and ♥♥♥♥. im good, just make sure you dont die a lot
  15. should say harder not louder
  16. Jaybreeze


    relax guys, css gets boring every now and then especially jailbreak
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19_c58yNYVw This is real rap.
  18. Jaybreeze


    What realm and alliance should i be? Just got it nerds (lololol only till lvl 20)
  19. Jaybreeze

    Bullying ;{

    dont get bullied then, grow some nuts
  20. nah you all still suck