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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. 3k ppl in a country of 300 mil is nothing compared to a million in a country of 30 million, its a big hit to their economy and labour force. thats 3% of a countrys population gone, imagine if it was for the US, they woudl go ♥♥♥♥ing apeshit and invade every country suspected of harboring terrorists. also the cost of the invasion doesnt justify the ppl that were killed in 9/11, hundreds of billions have been spent by the US in the war in iraq, whereas the insurgents use $50 bombs to fight back. the weighing of both sides shows that the 9/11 attacks was not worth the invasion of afghanistan and iraq
  2. anyone bother to ask how many iraqi civilians died when we invaded iraq in 2003? over a million, yet more media attention is focused on the 3000 that died, yet the million are forgotten
  3. ^granted, but the marijuana is super deadly and kills u instantly i wish i could locate every newfag and beat the ♥♥♥♥ out of them
  4. +1 plays on jb a lot, knows rules, etc
  5. the cat will be dead within an hour of u giving it to silence, tis better to keep it safeguarded in ur hands lol
  6. p. EVERYONE CHILL THE ♥♥♥♥ OUT, I GOT THIS. MOD HERE, HOW MAY I HELP? wait im a div leader, ♥♥♥♥ THIS THREAD
  7. serbiansnaga


    dont worry, round will reset and the wtc will be built back again
  8. serbiansnaga

    so yah!

    jb, u said u were ♥♥♥, argument is invalid
  9. serbiansnaga


    +1 has tried to make xg a better place, had good ideas to improve clan, would be a good mod
  10. hes willing to come back, he said that he misses us and stuff, he just wants a personal apology from silence, apparently it was given to him but he didnt think it was personal, or something along those lines. hes been offline for quite some time now
  11. wtfs with all the pink hearts?
  12. make the first letter lower case, then the rest can be caps
  13. shut up jb, ur music is herp and makes preteen girls scream louder than a 747 jet engine at full thrust 30 metres away btw funny vid related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_545Ua0WnU
  14. serbiansnaga


    ya like i killed every single ct with a bomb and hudson says "im banning u from the toy box in my house" and im like wtf thats ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, like wtf did i do to get banned from his toy box, i played at his house everyday with him and he also played from my toy box, i played with his hot wheels and he played with my transformers cars, this is complete horses ♥♥♥♥, ban this derp immedietmant sil vu plais
  16. whats a selby? i think its a car, the gt 500 is muthatrucking awesome
  17. threesome with 2 dudes and a possible tranny? icantfaptothis.jpg
  18. i feel so much better about myself when i see little kids arguing about who gets mod and who shouldnt get it, it makes me being 19 feel so much better to everyone whos younger
  19. leader of the previous two co leaders says go ahead
  20. im too powerful to be contained in a measly steam group
  21. dl speed is literally that fast, i can download a blueray movie in like 10 minutes, and its the school comp so they prob choke torrent programs and ♥♥♥♥, tried dling kingdom hearts for the psp and got like 30 kbps
  22. i play starcraft 2, economy is just minerals and vespene gas, ur economics major is worthless