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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Lol. R.I.P Arizona, making the black guy the grape flavor
  2. Or go suck the d.ick of everyone in your division
  3. +1 because of that forum avatar
  4. xGShadowSpy

    Senior Pranks

    Get a photo of principal and other staff and photoshop them on the worst pictures imaginable. Post them throughout the school and in the teachers school mailboxes(if they have them). You could also try to see if you can find a way to get a very big copy of it and either hang it up from the school roof, or hang it up at a flagpole
  5. xGShadowSpy

    Senior Pranks

    Unless your school is impossibly big, do this: 1. Get a bunch of "Liquid A.s.s" spray. 2. Put kids(with the spray) in at least every hallway, or at least the major ones. 3a. At a certain time, all of you run through the halls spraying it everywhere you can. You can do it in classrooms too, but they'll just open the windows to help get it out. 3b. If you don't want to get caught running through the halls with it, spray a ton of it in separate lockers, making it harder to find
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Kcu82ff_TY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsKQOm_iJug http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jgk3u44W2i4 Depends on what I'm getting pumped up for, but it's usually anything from the artists above
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqEeP1acj4Y Best part is at 1:05, watch the full thing for full enjoyment.
  8. xGShadowSpy


    The leading cause of death in Canada is drowning in a pool of Maple Syrup. 2nd leading cause of death: Hockey-related injuries
  9. You will get them within 0 to 0 business days
  10. My opinion on recent events? xG turned into one big toilet. One person took a shit in that toilet, and they didn't flush. Not too bad at that point. But then, another person goes and takes a shit. And another. And another. Many many more shits were taken. All the meanwhile, they hired a team of plumbers, but when they tried to help it, the shit started spraying all over the place, and people still kept taking shits. We need to work on a plan to find which shits to take out, and which ones to keep in and flush. The problem is, when you take the shit out, you put it on the floor, but there's who people don't want to step on the shit, so they threaten to leave the room. With the shit you flush down, there's people that say that the shit hasn't done anything, so there's no reason that shit should be flushed if the other shit was taken out. Sorry for all the censorship from this, but you get the idea.
  11. I still don't see much of a difference, but ok
  12. I read a few of these posts, and they made me want to throw myself off a cliff, so I'm skipping the rest and posting. Just because ONE person that you don't like gets unbanned, you're going to completely leave? Are you 3 years old? This is what that would show about you if you leave: 1. You aren't mature enough to settle your differences, just talk to the person. If they still don't change? JUST AVOID THEM. He joins the server? Leave. Joins your TS channel? Leave, or blacklist him. Ignore him on forums, block on steam. You don't even need to be around or converse with him. 2. If you will leave because 1 person you don't like is unbanned, you don't care for xG. Pretty much all of the friends I had when I first joined xG are gone, though I have a few newer ones, it still sucks. I still didn't leave. Anyway, I +1 his unban because the only reason a lot of these people are -1ing is because he's "hewt their feewins". Maybe keep a short ban on him, just not perm. ALSO I saw in a post that like"3 dls would leave" ohohoh, like 3 higher ups don't like him? I wonder why he's on tier 1 on the list...
  13. He posted the thread, but he didn't assist in any of the posting on it(unless he has one of the fake accounts, but there's no proof on that)
  14. -1, there's really not much to go off of
  15. Well it wasn't ONLY directed at him, I just partially used what he said as an example. Others are doing it too, just not as bad
  16. I don't think this thread was made for insulting each other, it was made to criticize people, in a helpful manner like "Hey, work on this.... Try acting like this...", not "UR SUCH A FAG LEWL I H8 U I HOPE U DIE HEHEHEHHUH UHHUEHHEHE"
  17. I don't have the means of making them, but someone should definitely make a donkey rating for jackass Or one of those waste cans for toxic
  18. Just thought of this: ToxGic. Just felt like doing that. Also, @Yu_Narukami you know who ELSE is toxic?
  19. From every post I've read so far, this is what I've deduced from how the process went: 1. They asked people privately, whether it be through steam or teamspeak, to give them names. 2. After receiving the names, the 12 higher ups involved checked through the list to see who would stay in the list 3. After checking the list, they decided what tier the remaining members would fall into. So basically, if you put my name there, they would see if I belonged there. If I did, they would decide which tier I fall in, and act accordingly. So only a small group of higher ups have voted on which tier the member should go in, not us. Not to mention a lot of people(more than 3) have said they disagree with the placement of certain people.
  20. So...wait, you're mad at him for following the rules too well? Because that's what it looks like. There was something like what you did in the past, people changed their names and all started doing the same stuff(micspamming), because a higher ups allowed it(there's a video on xG YouTube of what happened, not sure if it includes the end. It was called MEM). What happened at the end? A Co-Leader at the time(Serbian) got on and started banning people for it. Which is a lot more serious than him muting the 2 people. Just because you said they could break the rules, doesn't mean they can. If you said they could all start mass free killing(if it was JB), that doesn't mean you can. Staff can enforce the rules strict if they want, since it is still written there, the rules doesn't say "No micspamming, unless a DM says so." Also, you said he should handle his own problems, instead of reporting it to kbrazz, isn't that why we have report abuses? Mods have no power over a DM, so what else can he do?
  21. I like your idea of only allowing other division members to vouch, but they may still be friends if they know each other outside of the division, either through TS or Forums, and looking into could take a lot of work. I see the reason they only PM'd people about it, they wanted to keep it anonymous, so no shitstorm was started, the problem with that is that it leaves no room for discussion between members(or those involved with punishment). As for the Favoritism, each person asked(the 200+ people or w.e it was) may have a bias towards someone so they intentionally didn't bring their name up, or made what someone did seem worse. 1+2:, of everyone PM'd(the 200+), im sure very few, if any, had provided any evidence so that's likely all they had to go off of, which is stupid. 3. Also let's not forget how many chances neteX got and how many times he was unpermabanned 4. Although I think some genuinely try to troll, it isn't as bad as some make it out to be in the case of a lot of those in trouble with the toxic list 5. Not very surprising, of the 12 higher ups involved I'm sure at least one had some sort of bias, even if small, though im sure it wasn't to the extent of "hey everyone else I'm putting him here since I don't like him".
  22. Well if threads like that end up with harassment and hate, punish them, isn't that the point of this thread, to punish people when things like that happen, and warn them beforehand? And since you messaged a lot of people to get the names, what did you do to decide who gets what tier? Was it the same where you messaged everyone on the punishment too, or only left punishment to higher ups? Some of those tier people should definitely be in different positions from what I have seen from them. Besides, protests are better because it leaves room for discussion. Many things have been solved in ban requests etc. by someone else posting and clearing something up, who otherwise may not have been able to do so