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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. In my opinion, rather than instantly remove membership, make a member protest on all of them so the community decides. @Community Leaders I'm not sure about in the servers or teamspeak, but I haven't seen anything bad from vector on the forums in a while
  2. R.I.P there goes another older member.
  3. Some people keep saying "Why not go to another server", why? So he ends up representing xG as a hacker or causing some fight with another clan? -1 to this since he didn't use it in a harmful way, and it was meant as educational. Not everybody knows what a certain hack looks like.
  4. xGShadowSpy

    Psa: Rules

    Teacher: "You see kids, this is what a school shooting looks like" *pew pew* Teacher: "Wait, where'd they go?"
  5. @Forest heheh, buttimiv. My dream pistol: Tec-9. No skin
  6. xGShadowSpy


    So now that this is just an "we assume it's..." and "it could have been..." thread, it should just be closed. This is all assumption, and as far as I can see there's no solid proof that it was her since you were both on at the same time. @DarkWolf6052 Oof
  7. Well only basing it on xG members, our gmod RP was always popular for like half of a month, 1 month if lucky, then nobody would play anymore because they got bored. Then new stuff would get added, popular, then gone like the last time. BUT if it's a popular thing right now with the other servers, it could be a good idea.
  8. Best moment in Punchline: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CsPCDQSrB4
  9. xGShadowSpy

    Gaem O' Tronez

    I think they will do a whole season on Forest fires and Co Leaders They are also introducing a character named "Cool Guy"
  10. I haven't started all of them yet(the ones released already), but so far "is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon", Owari no Seraph, or Plastic Memories were my favorites. Gunslinger Stratos and the Heroic Legend of Arslan one were ok too. May have missed others I liked, but that's because I don't recognize all their English names Edit: I've been using this for releases, though I'm not sure if it is accurate or not. Spring 2015 Anime - Television | LiveChart
  11. Nice job, especially during some of the higher paced parts of the song. Unravel is definitely one of my favorite anime songs, even more so since I've had to sit though( aka skip it most of the time) 153 episodes of the Dragon Ball intro. I was gonna start DBZ today but I found a new Mortal Kombat App and got preoccupied.
  12. Someone made a post/thread on this once, I remember people yelled about Gkoo kicking him from the server.
  13. I sleep with socks on. (ONLY my socks)
  14. xGShadowSpy


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvkHIZg_954 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pXfHLUlZf4
  15. Seems you're from 2011, not sure what division you're from, but chances are you don't know anyone who's left. Maybe a few people. Welcome back though. EDIT: @Kypari told me about you being from css(so am I). CSS servers are gone, other than minigames, and even that's not really populated. But if you play tf2, gmod, or minecraft, they are still out there(Tf2 has jailbreak if that's what you played on css). EDIT2: checked your old posts, I remember you, Aegean jr
  16. People act like hate and prejudice are a new thing to xG, but they're not. It's been here for years(not saying that's a good thing), it's just that people don't realize it until it happens to them or those around them
  17. I thought this got brought up once and it didn't have to get paid for. If it doesn't need to get paid for we should keep it, no harm being done
  18. The first pc game I ever got was Left 4 Dead 1. Then as I got into pc games more, I got a bundle with gmod, css, and tf2 in it. I only got the bundle for gmod but my uncle( only like 4 years older than me) said to get the bundle so I was like w.e. I administrated on a Dark RP server for like a year and a half, then they made people have to pay monthly to keep admin, then the clan died. I wanted to try css and the first server I found was xG. Now I've been here for 5 years.
  19. Apparently someone who doesn't like Black Canadians.
  20. Since I can't edit my post, +1. Why? Because, all in all, he's a pretty cool guy A:Cool M:Cool Overall opinion: has a mic. Owns a computer On a serious matter, Forest haas always been one of the "problem solvers" of xG, he would always be the one(as well as others) to offer a resolution if there's an argument, flame war etc. He's active on the forums, and he also has prior experience.
  21. [quote="Forest, post: 229559, member: 2300" Most Members will know that I've been a Co-Leeder before, This thread is a lie, you can apply for something you already are, Mr. Coleader Sir Also you spelled asphyxiating almost right besides 1 letter, and you spelled "like" as "lyke" (Some grammar nazi you are)
  22. +1, everyone knows the only thing worse than being black or Canadian is being a black Canadian.
  23. I made a suggestion about having to get special conditions(instead of none) if you're 14 like a few more vouches and higher up vouch, not sure where it stands but you can push for it if you want