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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. @@arvelez Has a spray of you
  2. Well i'd continue it but SOMEONE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ already ruined it. +1, active, mature, knows the rules, fun to play with. Still bad tho A:9 M:7
  3. Oh. I searched your previous names, You're Dr.Peeper, I remember you then. I haven't seen you on AS much recently but you were active and knew the rules previously, let me see more of you now and i'll edit my -1 above
  4. @@easy DeathGod is competing for whitetext goodbye thread master.
  5. xGShadowSpy

    Jubens 4 L

    We can only settle for leader. Next Promo/Demo- Promotions: Jubens from Non-Member to Leader Demotions: Silence From Jew Leader to Jew
  6. Mythic from Mod to Mass Smiter Theres your rank^ Should be in next promo demo.
  7. +1, active, mature, played xG for awhile, fun to have around. He does smell really bad though, almost -1d for it.:stinkyfeet::poop: A:9 M:8 Smelly: 100/10
  8. xG or not, dont worry i'll still spam you on steam.
  9. -1 for now, you've only connected to JailBreak 5 times and if you play any other CSS servers there aren't enough CSS members who play that for you to get +1s from Xeno Gamers - Player Information EDIT: You are also definitely not 15 soncidering your voice and the fact you said "GO GO POWER RANGERSSS!"
  10. Was your name always -Rainbow?
  11. Well its only been 1 month since CSS, last time u played was 11-17. Last time on C9 was 20 days ago, I saw it earlier when I was on. You werent gome too long, stuff seems to be slowly picking up, we got 36 people on JB without organizing it, lasted an hour before it dropped to 16. Average number of ppl is like 20
  12. Woah, diabeetus is demoted for being gone less than 1 month, but not the other 9 staff that are inactive for even longer? Makes no sense at all. Congrats though Lee
  13. He played CS:S, and if he was coming from the LoL div he wouldn't have made this since he wouldn't be gone.
  14. Its ShadowSpy here, I remember ya.
  15. Apparently they aren't doing the whole Co Leader thing, it's apparently going to be a council, and even if they did do the co leader thing, there's no guarantee it would be him(knowing who you are talking about).