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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. My point is, if he didn't say where the warday was, it wasn't a warday, and as long as out of cell rebel was called, its not a freeday, its like saying were gonna have a restricted freeday, but you didn't say where, if out of cell rebel was called, its not a invalid freeday or restricted freeday
  2. I didn't say thats what he swapped u for business, I said that is what swapteam is meant fo
  3. Swapteam isn't really meant for swapping rule breakers, that is for when the CTs with mic to T ratio isn't right, also nothing in those screenshots show much, the one says you are polish, thats not disrespect since it says nothing bad about polish people, and the other just shows him swapping you , all it deserves is a warning for now. +1 for warning since he didn't respond to you on purpose Also, since he didn't give a place the warday was at yet, as long as out of cell rebel was called, they were valid kills
  4. I remember you, but unless you had another name, I don't think I saw you on recently
  5. +1, active, mature, his name is frank A:9 M:8
  6. Lol, did both you "twins" discuss leaving?
  7. Assumjng it's disrespect then, +1, nothing really major
  8. -1, I don't even need to play tf2 to know this guy has no clue what he's doing
  9. * WINNER WINNER !* THIS THREAD HAS OFFICIALLY GOTTEN OVER 150 REPLIES! AND OVER 1000 VIEWS!!!!!! 1! 1! 1! 1! Lol but seriously, verdict pls @@serbiansnaga or even @@Rhododendron
  10. @@Black_Rock go to page 7 and read the evidence(2 posts with the overall evidence and important points) I put when I tagged serb
  11. Have you read the xG rules? You're not suppose to be constantly saying racial terms. I still don't think it's that big of a deal to say "nigger" though. I playfully say nigga all the time, I don't mean anything wrong by it. I do however understand that a staff member saying racial slurs in game makes the clan look bad. But so does a admin freeslaying/randomly muting other staff members. Nigga isn't racist. Saying nigger in such a way Chrono did was used in a way that could be considered racist toward someone. We say nigger on Teamspeak in my channel in a way that isn't used in a racist toward someone tone. Me saying "niggers" when I join my channel isn't directed at anyone. He didn't say it in an offensive way, and darkwolf, earlier in the thread you said that you didn't care, no other staff complained from what seen, so he was fine, since it wasn't excessive either.
  12. Turd 90% of the time we are saying "nigger" is in out TS room, where it is allowed. His point is, why is it "wrong"(which can be wrong at times, but not in this case) in-game but not "wrong" in TS
  13. xGShadowSpy

    Pray for Gawd

    Duckii Jr: Gawd has been playing this whole time lol its fake
  14. xGShadowSpy

    Pray for Gawd

    If this is serious, (which idk if it is, so ill still reply in a serious matter ) Then I hope he ends up alright
  15. Forgot to include these, also, @@serbiansnaga on the Video, look at @@DarkWolf6052 from 4:17 to 4:02 (15 seconds, he only moved 11 or 12, so him calling him out on the camping was valid
  16. @@serbiansnaga Im quoting all the posts with proof/important and valid reasons for this thread, other than the back and for bickering between everyone. G to the G @@DarkWolf6052 , Chrono says nigger in admin chat and You gag him, someone else does it and nothing happens (and you weren't afk, prob trying to get evidence of me doing shit, since someone on TS said that you were going "To record every time I was in-game to get evidence on me", you aren't the only one with friends ^.^) There are TOO many variables in that situation to matter. - Was darkwolf there? Look at the bottom of the screenshot, it shows him as T lr'ing - Was it said twards someone? He wasn't saying it to anyone, he said "next person who freekills me is getting perm CT banned" - What was the mood of the setting? Calm, he had just said that after typing "im tired of getting freekilled", this was all in admin chat btw - What was Deathgods intentions of saying it in that way? He pretty much was just saying hes mad about getting freekilled Bold is from me @@Matsi I already know that you guys figured it out, and that the part of his name is still partially shown (I also know that darkwolf was so immature that he decided to blacklisted duckii jr after he found out THANK YOU @@Warriorsfury for talking to darkwolf about unblacklisting him.) @@DarkWolf6052 Better? [MEDIA=imgur]T4busS7[/MEDIA] [MEDIA=imgur]agXJ3lP[/MEDIA] Better?
  17. Thank you for saying sorry about the disrespect, it takes maturity, but unless its some major emergency-room worthy stomach pains (in which case im sorry), then just go lay down and sleep, makes me feel better. @@Matsi I already know that you guys figured it out, and that the part of his name is still partially shown (I also know that darkwolf was so immature that he decided to blacklisted duckii jr after he found out THANK YOU @@Warriorsfury for talking to darkwolf about unblacklisting him.) @@DarkWolf6052 Better? [MEDIA=imgur]T4busS7[/MEDIA] [MEDIA=imgur]agXJ3lP[/MEDIA] Better?
  18. Oh, I almost forgot to post this. Its just to give legitimate proof of what disrespect darkwolf said on TS about me hiding chrono and diabeetus http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=162425637
  19. that's basically what some of us are stating. Well everyone is taking sides so hard to tell... Still want a demotion, my thread was enough to be a wakeup call to him
  20. Alright because it is relevant to the argument of bias. The point is that I say "nigger" in admin chat, and get gagged, he says it in admin chat and does not. it is completely relevant, I don't see how you see it not as that. There are TOO many variables in that situation to matter. - Was darkwolf there? Look at the bottom of the screenshot, it shows him as T lr'ing - Was it said twards someone? He wasn't saying it to anyone, he said "next person who freekills me is getting perm CT banned" - What was the mood of the setting? Calm, he had just said that after typing "im tired of getting freekilled", this was all in admin chat btw - What was Deathgods intentions of saying it in that way? He pretty much was just saying hes mad about getting freekilled Bold is from me
  21. I understand everyone is so caught up in darkwolfs abuse thread #2, but a verdict on this would be nice @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo